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Is that a skunk I smell?? What do you think?sad_smile
ThisBigGuyNeedsSomeLoving 4336 reads

I want your opinion on this:

I was searching the reviews for my state looking for my next "project".  I had set my sights on a blonde 22 year old in the eastern part of the state.  She has 2 pages of reviews dating back to early 2005.  Upon reading them, I discovered a patern.  The reviewers either thought she was bad/ok or GREAT.  I was going to PM some of the reviewers and noticed a strange coincidence.

1. Those that were bad/ok had many reviews reanging from 3 to 10

2. For the most part, all the GREATS had 2 (yes 2) reviews to thier credit.  And upon further review, most of the reviewers had ladies from the SAME website.
3.  Most of the reviewers with 2 (yes 2) were done after a bad/ok.

Now my research is not perfect and my conclusions may be wrong.  That is why I didn't post who she was.  But, AM I just being too suspisious of this?  I mean can this be possible.  I mean from a statistical view to have all this together is highly unlikely.

I am thinking that I should look for another lady, what do you think?

atl_mgr3976 reads

Please PM me the link to her provider profile.

atl_mgr, moderator

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