Newbie - FAQ

is it ok to ask this question
eseven 2715 reads

Is it normal to ask to take a shower after? Or is that something that should or should not be asked?

And whats the deal with getting verified? Are they going to call my place of work?

And most providers have no problem with you taking a shower after, just make sure you're still on your dime.  Give yourself enough time before the hour (or whatever) is up.  Keep in mind, if you are trying to hide this thing, most hotel soap is stronger than perfume, so be careful.

I'd say a good number of providers will call your work, but please also keep in mind that they want to see you, so they won't fuck you over with work (they'll just fuck your brains out later :-) ) They usually just ask for you to make sure you work there and not at the local Police Station.

Good Luck

unless you have significantly overstayed and have thrown their schedule off.  Unfortunately, this sometimes happens and then the provider needs her time to get ready for any other appointments she may have.

As for getting verified, this is discussed on almost every page of this forum.  If you are reluctant to undergo prescreening, it is suggested that you joing a prescreening service; Datecheck, Preferred 411 or Room Service 2000 in the midwest.  But, its simple, providers need to feel secure when they meet you.  Yes, they may contact your employer, but if they do so.. it will be discreetly.  They are not looking to put you in an awkward situation, just to make themselves feel more comfortable about meeting you.

Perhaps you should spend some time reading some of the posts from the last few days on this forum, also looking at the instruction manual at the top of every page on this forum, and you will find the information is all there... for the looking.

SINfully sinthia

eseven1890 reads

Thanks everyone for all your help and great ideas...Every day I keep reading up in the newbie and learn something new. I think soon I'm going to go for it. Want to make sure everything goes smoothly the first time...

Yes, it's okay to ask to shower afterward...many ladies will offer this without your needing to ask, and I have never been declined when I have asked.  As for being verified, some ladies will want to verify your employment on order to ensure that you are not LE.  For a newbie, this can be scary, but in my experience, this is not a painful process.  I would have trepidations if they wanted to contact my company's HR department to verify employment, but if they just want to be connected to you through your company's phone system, no biggie.  They will generally have a good cover story when calling, and you may not realize until afterwards what that call was about.  Best of luck to you, dude...

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