Newbie - FAQ

Is it just me...
jazz32 24 Reviews 5091 reads

or do we have a particularly intelligent crop of newbies.

They seem to be:

1) asking good questions.
2) following the advice to get a TER VIP membership.
3) following the advice given.
and 4) enjoying a first experience!!!

They are even going the extra mile by posting reasonable reviews!!!

Maybe the hobby is getting too easy.  There even seems to be a wife out there willing benefit from this collective knowlege.

I've always heard Good Leaders Lead by Exmaple.

I for one appreciate very much all the advice I received proir to my first plunge into the hobby. I actually got insights and advice from some providers.  I guess when we work together, everybody wins  :D

secretmarie3404 reads

"Even a wife?" I'm betting there are a lot more women lurking around this site than you guys think. Maybe we're a little timid but there's no question that the collective knowledge is impressive. And, to my thinking, if you want the best information, go to the most knowledgeable source. But really, I'm surprised more women aren't asking questions. I think if we did, we'd get along a whole lot better, don't you?

I didn't mean to sound so dismissive saying "even a wife."  You are one of the great newbies I was talking about!!!  You've found the right place to seek information, ask good questions, and seem to be willing to follow sound advice.  So, how is the search going?

I'm sure that there are many civie female lurkers on TER, and wish they would post and review more.  I'd love to read the female opinion of some of my favorite providers!!!

-- Modified on 5/6/2006 1:02:18 AM

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