Newbie - FAQ

1hr? 2hrs?
yearningburning 11295 reads

Just a quick question:
I often see providers advertising rates for 2hrs. Briefly, how can one tactfully inquire if 1 hr is available? If so, is there an implied hourly rate or again is it possible to tactfully inquire? Any answer would be appreciated! thanks.

Your best bet would be to just ask them if they offer a one hour date.  I know of one lady who at first would only do two hours dates, but as the market dicted she started doing one hour dates.

On the phone setting up the date is different.  I would suggest maybe a couple phone calls to develop some good feelings and then ask.  I've had various talks about donations with the ladies I see.  Granted they all know me, but I've always seen before the date as different.  Just don't mentions specific acts unless you've deveoped a relationship.

I'll never discuss money. I am always amazed when I get a call about that. I usually ask if they like their donuts with chocolate sprinkles.
Oooo that pisses them off.

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