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If it is all about companionship for you ...
dreamweaver7 1929 reads

then you have to realize that at the end of the day it is the lady that matters and not her employment arrangement, i.e. indy vs. agency.  Here is an absolute 100% truthful fact:

There are wonderful indy providers, there are poor indy providers, there are wonderful agency providers and there are poor agency providers.

We can argue about where the better odds are of finding a good experience but that perspective, no matter what one's opinion, is not really helpful in the long run.  

This is:  Read reviews.  Period.

And not just scores but details.  Read about other hobbyists' experiences with a particular  lady in terms of companionship and non-rush sessions.   If you find a consistent and solid history of well reviewed, on-time, no rush sessions then you can count on the same service yourself.  At that point whether or not she is indy or agency will likely be secondary to what you seek the most.  Such a history will be indicative of a lady who establishes her calendar and appointmnets in such a manner as to give every client the best service that she can.  

Now with the above being said, and I'm not talking out of both sides of my mouth, I think the odds are more favorable with an indy in the big picture. This is likely because they are more in control of who they are seeing, when they are seeing them, for how long and how many in a day. Thus the opportunity to manage back-to-back scheduling and tiredness is in her own hands.  But again I'll repeat that there are both good and bad service providers on each side of the indy/agency biz model.  

I still new to the hobby and was thinking about calling a service today.  I'm a little nervous, is it worth it?  From my experiences the indy's kinda rush through things and they aren't as attractive as in the pics.  I actually like to talk and its not all about sex for me, it's about the companionship.  What do you think?

I would without hesitation go with an independent, well reviewed lady over an agency any day of the week. First, my experiences have found that most independent ladies look like their photos; far more so than agency ladies. (agencies have been known to apply the old bait and switch...advertise one lady and send someone else) Looks aside, I have found indy's to be much more attentive with a far better attitude than agency ladies. Dont forget, an agency girl is only seeing a small part of the money. She will definitely try and upsell which can make the experience uncomfortable. If you do your homework and study the reviews I guarantee you will find a lovely independent lady, who looks like her photos, wants to cultivate a relationship with you on some level (i.e. spending alot of time talking with you beforehand in a non rushed atmosphere) and who ultimately will deliver a great sexual encounter.

Moreover, if you are nervous about calling a service, for sure, go with an independent provider. They will have much more patience and understanding than the phone lady at an agency.

... and you're more likely to get that from an indy than from an agency.  There are exceptions of course, so do your homework.  Good luck!

dreamweaver71930 reads

then you have to realize that at the end of the day it is the lady that matters and not her employment arrangement, i.e. indy vs. agency.  Here is an absolute 100% truthful fact:

There are wonderful indy providers, there are poor indy providers, there are wonderful agency providers and there are poor agency providers.

We can argue about where the better odds are of finding a good experience but that perspective, no matter what one's opinion, is not really helpful in the long run.  

This is:  Read reviews.  Period.

And not just scores but details.  Read about other hobbyists' experiences with a particular  lady in terms of companionship and non-rush sessions.   If you find a consistent and solid history of well reviewed, on-time, no rush sessions then you can count on the same service yourself.  At that point whether or not she is indy or agency will likely be secondary to what you seek the most.  Such a history will be indicative of a lady who establishes her calendar and appointmnets in such a manner as to give every client the best service that she can.  

Now with the above being said, and I'm not talking out of both sides of my mouth, I think the odds are more favorable with an indy in the big picture. This is likely because they are more in control of who they are seeing, when they are seeing them, for how long and how many in a day. Thus the opportunity to manage back-to-back scheduling and tiredness is in her own hands.  But again I'll repeat that there are both good and bad service providers on each side of the indy/agency biz model.  

Indie or independent is irrelevant if it isn't a lady that you hit it off with. The chemistry that exists between two people has nothing to do with a lady's affiliation. I have two ultimate fantasy providers in my life right now. One is independent and one is an agency gal. I wouldn't change a thing about my time spent with either one of them. ...If they both worked in the same city I'd be broke!

Not so fast. A good service will screen the providers for drugs, disease and reliability. Plus, I've found that seeing several providers within an agency provides some commonality. You can talk about the other providers, and if they are bi, the conversation can get very erotic. Also, some agencies offer repeat customer incentives.


No comparison -- indies are not as rushed, much more like a GFE, they are "more real" than the agency girls, not as time constrained and much easier to set up - you talk directly to them not a middleman.  Also the indy gets ALL the money rather than having to fork over a third or more.  Having done both I will stick to the indy's.

and you use an agency, the phone book, a bar girl, or anything other than a well reviewed indie, there's a 99% chance you'll be ripped off. Or at the very least, have a rushed session riddled with upsells, and other assorted mood destroyers. Indies are the only way to go!   Read the reviews, pick one that does stuff you like, and have fun!!

I have had the best expereinces in this hobby with well reviewed independents.  This their business and those who are successfull at the business are the ones who learn how to give the client what they want and deliver on a consistent basis.

I have found Indys to be much more responsive to my wants and desires than any agency ever has been.

As far as looks, I have found that the more unbelieveably beautiful the picture is, the more likely that it is fake.  

Good Luck and Good Hobbying!

I've been leaning more towards Indys as of late, a good session not being so clock-conscious. The flip side is that there's limited accountability - especially in the case of some Indys who have an apparent fan base so they can and do treat people with total disregard and not really care.

-- Modified on 5/9/2007 7:31:37 PM

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