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I think this is one of things like watching the making of a good sausage...regular_smile
jazz32 24 Reviews 1773 reads

you love the result, but really don't want to be there to see it, or know all of the details.

-- Modified on 1/6/2008 10:16:58 AM

Wet behind the ears3075 reads

Why do the ladies after satisfying us so so much hike into the bathroom? It seems for ever. I don't think it   takes that long to use the loo! Maybe a lady will respond!

We are just tidying ourselves up. It takes a minute.

Dang! How am I suppose to get it up again after you tell me this? It's like finding out Santa Claus isn't real.

you love the result, but really don't want to be there to see it, or know all of the details.

-- Modified on 1/6/2008 10:16:58 AM

Why do women spend so much time in the bathroom anyway? I KNOW, I KNOW. That was a very narrow-minded thing to say, so in all fairness I'll admit that (during sessions) I spend more time in the bathroom than the girls do. In fact, the last two girls I've seen have spent zero time in the bathroom. One time, I did all the cleaning up, cleaning both her and myself (evidently, I made quite the mess).

Seriously, do you really need to know what a lady is doing in the bathroom?

She went to the bathroom, then called me in there.  She was sitting on the toilet peeing and said she got lonely, so she blew me while she finished.
I don't care how many other times she's done it, it was hot, funny, and great!

Fisher thats fuckin hot. add that to my list of shit I haven't done.


Given that this is a bathroom post, do you wanna rephrase that?

After a good orgasm there's nothing better than a little nap.

Me too. But I wouldn't mind a little cuddling afterwards. Who cares if we're a bit gooey and sticky.

I have almost nodded off a few times as my ATF was in the bathroom cleaning up but I am awakened by the warm sensation of her cleaning me up with a warm cloth and then slipping under the covers with me to cuddle..

The gooey and sticky part is a no go for ladies that are doing in calls.  Think about this, do you want to be rolling around in the covers with the last guy's splooge all over the place? I'm guessing the answer is no...

I just choose to believe that if I'm not invited in, she's in the process of taking good care of herself, which probably means indirectly, taking good care of me. My ATF often sits on the pot to take a wiz, in the midst of us getting in the shower together. Maybe I'm just weird, but makes it feel even more like a GFE.

sleepydasher1315 reads

lol my bladder seems to go into overdrive during visits- probably nerves!

Gotta take a couple breaks during to deal with it, and when the silly thing wouldn't get started once due to a raging erection, the provider asked me when I came out what took so long!

so it works both ways sometimes!

Funny response.

For some reason, this spurred the following twisted scene in my head (based on old TV commercial):

Gentleman on bed:  "What are you doing in there baby?"

Provider in bathroom:  "Just tidying up!"

Provider into phone talking to wife:  "... Then we flipped into MISH and I eventually finished him BBBJ CIM."

Wife on other end of the phone line:  "Funny, he never has a second cup at home."

Don't ask me what the world in general looks like from inside my head.  It can be scary!


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