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I look at non web base hole tells real cheep one chepper than a motel 6. eom
MDSTUDS2003 8746 reads


voyageur6557 reads

Don't be such a bunch of elitist snobs ! It's obvious the guy doesn't speak the english language well. At least he's trying and contributing. I wonder how your grammar and spelling would be in his native country ? Very interesting comment from a guy who is a Bush fan. Now there's a fellow who can't form a complete sentence...

SmellySmegma8631 reads

this poor of a command of the English language????

SweetTina8274 reads

Many providers, including myself do not provide to clients at very cheap hotels. In my area LE likes to set up in Motel 6 and very cheap places so we avoid. You might want to do that too unless the provider knows you well and agrees to meet you there.

what he is trying to say is that he is looking for an inexpensive hotel (hole) that costs less (cheeper) then a Motel 6.  If you read his reviews it's obvious English is not his first language. I'm not sure what he means by "non web base".

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