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I have utilized a few "reviewer specials"...
Ishootcraps 27 Reviews 302 reads

They usually request "with recent reviews" .  I review every girl I see unless I'm asked not to. They're fun, I enjoy writing them.

Once again I had another date with a man who won't review me even though he said he was completely blown away by me. I just need two more to get into the providers area- I really don't care to collect a ton. But for heavens sake, what is it with reviews?? Why do some men refuse, even tho it would be for a good cause? This last one said much the same as the others- they don't like to bare it all with alphabet soup. I tried explaining that they could write it like an erotic love story, but no bites. :(

I am very thrilled I do have one very sweet review from a wonderful man. (And I bet my last date read it, too.) But I just need those two more.

Any suggestions? How can I convince someone that TER doesn't bite?

I would certainly volunteer my um, "services".  It MAY be that Tampa isn't a big TER town.  I know where I am, other boards rule the roost provider and hobbyist wise.  

That said, the two most obvious candidates are whitelisters and guys with more than 10-20 reviewsw - these are the guys who've made TER their home.

Certainly your first review and menu of services are very much the kind TER'rs like and enjoy.

Maybe an ad with a special price for TER white list ?  I've seen this done on many ads, as well as web sites.

You asked for advice, and since I checked out your website, the 2 hr minimum could be an issue.So I'm going to suggest that you rethink your hour minimum,at least until you get more established. Run a 1 hour rate for hobbyists who have ter white list references and or written 10 reviews, see if this helps. Good luck.

Many of us have 2 hour min. at home, and we place the hourly rate only on the ads when we tour. Fact is, certain areas won't even look at a girl who charges by the hour...found that out most recently. Never thought 4 an hour was too cheap, but to some it certainly was.

You will open up a lot more opportunities if you offer a 1 hr or 90 minute date.  Many guys are reluctant to go for a longer, and more expensive, first date with a provider.  Problem being, what if he finds out early that the two of you don't click?  Not good.  On follow-up dates, guys might be more open to a longer date.

I know the hobbyist that reviewed you and he was very complimentary about you, in private as well as in the review.  As to why the ones you have seen won't write reviews, I don't know why.  You can tell them to read some of my recent reviews, as I do not use graphic/explicit language, but get the story told.  You might also find out when scheduling dates if they client is a TER member, not everyone is.  There are other review sites, TER is, I believe, just the biggest.

Good luck, hope this helps.

Lets face it, some people just can't be bothered, or they have a hang up about it.

The best way to meet the clients who do write reviews is to contribute regularly on TER's boards, especially your local board.

I meet the majority of gals I see this way, and I think these clients are the ones most likely to write reveiws.

Here's wishing you success in this.

Post in your regional boards and place an ad every week in your regional ad boards.

Participate in the photo threads - the Over 60 has a photo day on Thursdays and your regional board should have a photo day also (might be they all have Thurs as a photo day but I dont know).

If you get your name out here, it will help you to get more calls from TER guys.

also even after you hit 3 reviews, if you aren't active enough on the boards, TER wont let you on the provider boards - it took me til I had 9 to be there and that was after I found out that board activity has alot to do with who's granted access or not.

They usually request "with recent reviews" .  I review every girl I see unless I'm asked not to. They're fun, I enjoy writing them.

MSHSEX283 reads

Since you're desperate to get reviews from your clients, try offering them a substantial discount for their NEXT visit IF they actually write you a review.

Don't bother offering the discount upfront for the first visit. There is NO guarantee that you will get a review from them.

Posted By: SoftlySarah
Once again I had another date with a man who won't review me even though he said he was completely blown away by me. I just need two more to get into the providers area- I really don't care to collect a ton. But for heavens sake, what is it with reviews?? Why do some men refuse, even tho it would be for a good cause? This last one said much the same as the others- they don't like to bare it all with alphabet soup. I tried explaining that they could write it like an erotic love story, but no bites. :(

I am very thrilled I do have one very sweet review from a wonderful man. (And I bet my last date read it, too.) But I just need those two more.

Any suggestions? How can I convince someone that TER doesn't bite?

Or even worse- a bad review.

You know, that's actually a good idea. Thanks, MSHSEX. :)

But if they don't already have any reviews, does it still count? Does someone have to be a participating member to review someone, or can they just come on and review me without posing on boards?

They do not have to have any posting history or any review history.  If they do not have any board presence, admin may hold off on posting the review for a time, esp if you don't have many, you just never know.


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