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I don't pay to fuck regular girls
emsjhs2009 349 reads

I swing for the fence each time.  looking for woman that I could not possibly score with in the civvie world

So I'm still quite new here, with only four dates under my belt.
Not really getting "wowed", all were just OK experiences.  
I'm not blaming anyone but myself. I think I went about this really REALLY wrong.

All 4 of these ladies, while well reviewed, and attractive in different ways, were not girls I couldn't have gotten in the civvie world. What I'm saying is that I've had girlfriends hotter/sexier/kinkier etc.

Not a stealth brag topic. I chose these girls, so I knew what I was getting. But I'm feeling, well, the encounters weren't remarkable. I have been lucky to have had enough partners before now where sex for the sake of sex is not appealing.

Now to my real question. Are you fellas similar?
Do you mostly see providers who are realistically someone you could NOT obtain through "conventional" means?  

Do you just try whoever is convenient and available and that's enough?

Is it intimidating to see a provider who is a solid 9 or 10 when there's no way you could have landed that in real life?
Or is it mind blowing awesome?

I'd hate to think the only way I can really have a great time is to drop $1800 for a couple of hours....didn't think I needed that

if it is along the lines of:  Would the gals I see ever date me for me myself instead of the envelope, I think the answer is no in some cases and maybe in others.  But I'll never know for sure, will I?

And no, I'm not intimidated in the least no matter who the gal is

No. Apologies. Not what i was asking. Haha. No interest in dating a provider.

But you did answer part of my question, so thank you!

Senator.Blutarsky619 reads

A. I'm not a "hobbyist"... I'm a red blood american male who enjoys P4P.

B. I don't "date"... I have absolutely no interest in any long term commitments.  

Now for your questions...

Are you fellas similar?  ...Probably not ...we are all different from the get go and our journeys through life have all shaped us differently.

Do you mostly see providers who are realistically someone you could NOT obtain through "conventional" means?  ...Not necessarily ...I see ladies who I am attracted to and think we'll have fun together. Some resemble "civvies" who, if I was so inclined, I could probably woo and bed, and some are definitely, as you mention, out of my league.  
Do you just try whoever is convenient and available and that's enough? ...No ...I have to find them attractive in some way. I may be a man slut, but I do have some standards.
Is it intimidating to see a provider who is a solid 9 or 10 when there's no way you could have landed that in real life? ...Not in the least.  
Or is it mind blowing awesome? ...Sometimes yes, and sometimes no ...Okay, times it is mind blowing by far out weigh the times it wasn't.

Solo mis dos centavos...

GaGambler572 reads

and IMO the hotter the better. I will leave it to others to judge whether these women are "out of my league" I chose to think that no woman is out of my league, but I am grounded in reality and I know that my chances of scoring with a hottie more than 30 years my junior are rather slim at my "advanced age"

Truth be told any woman that is "age appropriate" or the type of woman that society would think is a "suitable" woman for me won't have a snowballs chance with me. I am a shallow pig and I like, I REALLY like having sex with hot women. not to mention I grew out of being intimidated decades ago.

One last thing, You can find women at $500 hour or less every bit as hot as the porn stars asking twice or three times as much. There is absolutely no reason to spend that kind of money to get a hot woman.

Good to know. But I'm also finding that girls in the $300 range can be very hit or miss. The higher end providers all are 8's 9's and 10's on the review scale, and while they charge more, it also seems to come with a higher level of service, so to speak.

GaGambler430 reads

Some guys are harsh graders and other give out tens to any woman with a  pulse.

and once you reach a certain minimum price point, I have found almost no correlation between a woman's rates and her service level.

You are still very new at this and it what you say may be true in your limited experience, but come back after a few hundred (or few thousand) more experiences and I bet you will be agreeing with me then.

What some would consider a 9 others would consider a 3. Perception is your reality. I'm sure that if you look hard enough you will find several ladies that will make you feel right.  


Yes of course. I just never considered myself too picky with women. Willing and present used to be enough for me. Not any more.

And yes, your approach/mindset towards this is wrong. Forget about what others are doing. The aim here is to indulge your sexual imagination. View this arena as an opportunity to sample all the variations of providers and sexual activities that you are curious about or desirous of without any of the baggage that comes with pursuing such adventures through traditional means.

Yes, the encounters can be hit or miss (sometimes you have to have the experience/meet the person to know for sure what works for you) for any number of reasons. Yes, the journey will cost you MONEY. Since you're looking for more than an easy nut, if you don't have the money or patience for a little experimentation and exploration then THIS IS NOT FOR YOU.    

I don't know who you've seen, but I bet it's mostly your mindset that has left you unsatisfied. You're probably entering each encounter sweating about getting your "money's worth" with exaggerated expectations about having a mind-blowing experience. In this instance, even a true 10/10 will leave you disappointed in some way. If you can't lower your expectations and enjoy each encounter on its own terms, then step away and accept that you gave it the ol' college try but this wasn't your thing

That's actually really good and insightful, and yes, my expectations are wildly overblown, and I get disappointed.

Both of your reviews mention your "newbie nerves" and in one of them you say "we simply did not click".  This is fantasy fulfillment to whatever degree you wish, but it's also about finding that connection (click as you say) that makes for great encounters.  Go for the provider who excites you visually, whose reviews make you wish you were there with her, and whose price of admission you're comfortable with.  You'll get better with making the right choices in providers for yourself the more you get your feet wet.  Some hobbyists hit a home run first time at bat and some need to settle in to the thrill of the big game before their batting average reaches all star status.  The more times you step up to the plate, the less intimidated you'll feel.  Hope you meet your first "wow" sooner rather than later.

Will have 3rd review up by Monday, with the final later in the week.
Yeah, I'm definitely off to a rocky start. May take a break for a while, or not.
I say one thing and do another sometimes.

I never think about that.  I just wait until I find a lady with pics that make me interested.

 btw, My "dream" date (who I have yet to see) charges less than $$$$$.  

The problem as I see it with them is it may be harder to actually get a date with them due to high demand or stricter requirements. Yes some do a have prima donna complex as well but you might find that out in her reviews.

Honestly. This Hobby is more work than just dating in the real world. And hell, results are just as mixed. No thing as a sure thing I'm learning.

that is why I cant believe so many seem to think these ladies actually enjoy your company. Not really realistic to think they would. it's a job for them first and foremost.  

So just like in civvie dating most of them will not be anything special but a few will which is when it becomes worth it.

Just keep trying.It took me 3 years to find the best one of the bunch.she has since retired but she was awesome.

Posted By: WhiteCloak
Honestly. This Hobby is more work than just dating in the real world. And hell, results are just as mixed. No thing as a sure thing I'm learning.

I swing for the fence each time.  looking for woman that I could not possibly score with in the civvie world

hy would you pay for a cow when you can get the milk for free?

Dude ... if you're going to do this thing, then do it up right. Find the most smoking hot chick you can find and have a great time with it. Is it mind-blowingly awesome to have sex with a smoking hot girl who might not give you the time of day without your paying her? Well ... YES. HAVING SEX WITH HOT CHICKS IS REAL AWESOME.

If you have to ask these questions, then I seriously think you need to turn in your man card

Hahaha! Well said.

See the thing is, I thought if started out with 9's and 10's then that's all I would want and it would "spoil" me for other girls...
But started out with 6's and 7's has been rather unsatisfying. I can do that just fine on my WOW factor.
Guess I will just man up and go for the super hotties!

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