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How many?
mattradd 40 Reviews 1697 reads

Is there a way to ask her how many people she sees per day without being too personal or offensive?

sotexn3192 reads

When scheduling a Provider, how can you tell them NOT to make my stop after several before?  I work 12 hours a day and am ready around 8pm.  By that time, I'm worried about how clean she is.

When you say you're worried about how clean she is, do you mean hygienicaly or something else. If it's hygiene most all providers bathe after each client. See a low volume provider that maybe only sees one client a day, which would mean you would be the first client. Or request a first appt. Not likely you will be first at 8pm though. If it's something else you are referring to,well, I don't know what to say to that.

sleepydasher1921 reads

You book at 8:00 pm after work and you take your chances unless you know you are dealing with a low volume provider who states she only sees one a day.

While I agree with your wish, I don't buy your premise.  I too like to be first- but only because I don't want her tired and not horny (if she is one of the delightful ones who enjoys the sex too).  I have four ladies I repeat with that only see one a day, so I know I am always the "first".  Two that I repeat with that see multiple per day, and if I book late, I take my chances.  My alternative is to clear my schedule and book first which I sometimes do!

I don't accept that she won't be clean- all mine were perfectly showered and fresh even when I knew I was the last of the day in the case of one touring lady who let me know in advance I was last.  And she turned out to be one of my very best experiences!

-- Modified on 12/27/2007 4:29:38 PM

Is there a way to ask her how many people she sees per day without being too personal or offensive?

And there is no reason why it should matter. As an example, My ATF works for an agency. I book her last appointment of the day when I visit. I'm not a moron, I know damn well that if she has a good day she has seen probably three or four guys before I get there. Do I care? No, Do I even think about? Only when I am responding to threads like this one. I book with her once or twice a month and have for over a year now. She is always freshly showered when I get there and the sex is incredible bordering on down-right cosmic! The first thing she does is ask (lol, demands!) me to DATY just to get her FIRST O under her belt before she attacks me...  
Last month I booked a two hour appointment with an indie in Florida. She drove two hours to see me, her only appointment of the day.  She was a nice enough girl but she needed a shower, wouldn't allow DATY and gave just about the most lackluster BJ I've had in years. Like I said, she was a nice girl but her performance personified that of a "tired" provider even though I was her only appointment that day.

My point here is that you guys worry WAY TOO MUCH
about the numbers. You are not booking time with robo-pussy. This is a living breathing feeling woman and you are asking her to perform intimate acts with you. Do you honestly think that insulting her at the git-go is the right approach?

Yeah, agreed with BG here. A true proffesional will not take appoitnments she can't handle.


Mine was a simple question arising from the information Goldenbear shared about what he knows. I'm not certain if he asked or it was volunteered. But, there seems to be allot of heat directed at my question. I'm just trying to get information, not heat. Afterall, I live in Southern Cal. It's a bit nippy, but not much need for heat.

sleepydasher1080 reads

I agree with the other responses about the really good providers- you won't know if you are after many, and as I said in my reply, any provider I've seen was clean and fresh always.

In response to your question Matt, I've never asked a provider directly how many she sees a day or whether I was first, middle, or last- and wouldn't-- none of my business.

But that being said, I enjoy being first with providers who enjoy sex themselves with their hobbyists.  Obviously with a new provider, you won't necessarily know whether she enjoys it, may not with one you've seen many times, but often you do know.  Based on that, I often just ask at booking what time she starts or just plain ask if I can be her first of the day.  I have never had anyone take offense at that.

I couldn't imagine myself asking the question regarding how many men a provider saw a day, though I do tend to seek out women who, on their website, seem to indicate a desire for a lower volumn of regulars. I feel I've had very good experiences with them in opposed to the ones's with a higher volumn. There's is something rather un-nerving about running into the guy before you and after you. And, I have read of complaints of hobbiests feeling like the provider they saw at the end of the day was pretty beat. My question had nothing to do with cleanliness, as the original poster, though if one has such a concern, where else would he express it, than here?

Thanks again for sharing your experiences with me. I'm pretty new to all of this and find your posts very helpful.

GaGambler1641 reads

especially at 8PM, If you want to increase your odds, you might try booking with gals that work late nights, 8PM would basically be morning for them.

You do know that it's all in your head anyhow, a woman who has good hygiene will be clean whether you are number one, or number four for the day. A woman who doesn't...well I'm sure you can follow my logic here.

You can not tell a provider anything of the sort. You pays your money and you takes your chances. If you do your research and pay for quality ladies they will bath before each appointment and, if they are any good at all, you will not know if you are the first or the fifth guy she has seen that day.

my ATF is with an agency and I know what time she starts in the morning so I just make sure to book on a day I can make her first time slot. Its not a cleanliness issue---just that I know she won't yet be tired out. By the end of the day, after seeing a few people, I would imagine it could get exhausting trying to stay on your 'A' game all the time. I appreciate its hard work, and just figure to get more consistency when seeing her right off the bat.

That, and it gets my own day off to a great start!

Telling a provider to stop seeing guys before you is downright ridiculous.

Good providers shower before seeing their next client.

I think you need to reconsider what you just told us. No provider is going to go for that.

Circumstances often bring me to providers late in the day when I know that they have seen several clients ahead of me.

I have never noticed any negative effects from this, so the worry is mostly moot.

JudgeDredd1382 reads

I'm sure the provider will accommodate your mysophobia as long as you pay her for the time she would otherwise be turning a profit

asking the provider to join you in the shower before the session begins. When I do an outcall, I always ask if they would like to join me.
Most will, and the few that don't always say, something like " I just showered".
I would not worry about her earlier sessions, just your own.

-- Modified on 12/28/2007 6:53:48 AM

I happen to also make the best attempt, particular with my ATF, to be the first, maybe only appointment, of the day.   It's not due to cleanliness issues or anything like that, though.  I just want to get her refreshed and rejuvenated, not tired or exhausted.   Everyone's human and I'm sure after a long day providers get tired too.   I don't ask them to change their schedules or anything, I just know what their schedules are and try to set appointments accordingly (it's easier to be the only appointment when you book multiple hours)...

If you are worried about hygiene then you are seeing the wrong lady.

After a 12 hour work day I am a hell of alot more concerned about how clean YOU are. Rest assured, any well reviewed lady will be freshly washed and smelling sweet when she greets you, regardless of whehter it is 8 am or 8 pm. If you aren't the "first" of the day, you will never know it.

Buddy, this is the real world, not your fantasy. A provider isn't a sugar baby, and she sure isn't there for your beck and call. If you want her to sit around all day waiting for you to get off work, then book her for the day.

to expect to be the first appointment in a provider's day at 8:00 p.m.  While it is true that there are many low volume providers, like myself, I can honestly say that I generally do not start my day at 8:00 p.m.  I only see a couple of clients a day, maximum, but chances are I will have seen someone before you.  Whether thats at noon that day, or possible a few hours before our appointment.  If you are able to find someone who only sees one client per day and is willing to start at 8:00, thats great.  But you'll be limited to one or two providers who will accomodate you.

That said, you indicate you are worried about "how clean she is?"  First of all, covers are used for appointments.  This pretty much ensures that she is clean internally even directly after an appointment.  That said, I will also add that providers bathe/shower frequently and I don't know of any who don't bathe/shower between appointments.  Lets face it, if things get heated, both parties get hot and sweaty and who wants to walk around after sweating without first having showered. Also in the heat of the moment alot of kissing and licking goes on, and while its sexy at the time, no one wants to walk around with slobber on them afterwards.

More often than not, its the client who got off at 8:00 p.m., and comes directly from work.  He hasn't showered since 6:30 that morning.  Hopefully, he will be equally courteous and ask to use the provider's shower so that he is fresh for the appointment.

If you want to be the first appointment of the day with a provider, you are better off to schedule the appointment earlier in the day or on a weekend when you don't have to be at the office at 8:00 a.m.  Otherwise you are probably not going to get what you are looking for.

If you are worried that a provider will be tired after seeing 5 or 6 clients before you, look for a low volume provider and that won't happen.

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