Newbie - FAQ

How do you screen a provider????
sunbuns 2567 reads

I'm curious on what steps anyone takes to avoid any problem.

I start off by checking the phone number, ad, photos all over the web, TER included. I tend to stay away from newbies w/ little or no history.

I check the location especially in Hollywood where I don't go any further east past Vine. does give me red flags when the page lists other ads by the user & it shows different girls & cell numbers.


the best way to avoid any of the problems that can come up in this hobby is to learn all you can from TER.  A newbie should do a complete analysis of the newbie manual, read the list of definitions, acronyms, abbreviations, symbols, and terms.  After that, if you have further questions, come to this board and ask those questions.  There are a lot of great guys and gals that can help.  Then use the search engine here at TER to find a well established, well reviewed provider that fits your personal tastes.

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