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sgandolfs 63 Reviews 1846 reads

they are one helluva lot of fun - at least in Chicago.  Last one I attended, one of our local ladies was Santa, handing out spankings... a real treat.

Was going to go to one, then it did not look like was going to make it, now it looks like I can.  Is it worth the time and effort?  Or is it more of a fun thing to do but not that useful in the selection process?

Reviews are so subjective, and people put on airs when they post on boards.
Attending a M&G is a way to weed thru all the BS and find out for yourself.

At the first my first M&G, I had tons of people -women and men - say they really had misconceptions about me. Nothing bad, just different.

That was a little over a year and half ago.  Saw one lady there whom I had recently seen in a duo, and she was telling other guys about the visit.  Really nice for the ego!!!

Met another lady I had been flirting with for weeks.  She enjoyed my company enough to trust me with holding her purse, and cellphone, while she played pool and mingled.  Needless to say, she maid frequent stops at my side.  The meeting with her five days later was FANTASTIC!!!

It’s a great time to have the opportunity to meet on a casual basis, share a few thoughts and ideas and not have the added pressure of “time” and disrobing *LOL*

I’ve always enjoyed mingling and meeting screen names with actual faces and personalities. M&G’s are always a great way to connect with those that we share giggles, thoughts and reviews with.

I think the biggest plus, for hobbyists, is what has already been mentioned…. You get up close and a personal impression of providers without an obligation  

(* I’m looking forward to exchanging a hug or two from a few hobbyists that I have seen on a couple of the boards…… or teased LOL*) Kisses ~T

Mr Misanthropist1787 reads

but like any social with a roster of usual suspects they can turn into a viper pit of political intrigue.

largoguy791732 reads

are there m&g's in tampa fl a lot?

they are one helluva lot of fun - at least in Chicago.  Last one I attended, one of our local ladies was Santa, handing out spankings... a real treat.

While M&G has become a regular event in many cities, I’d caution gentlemen new to the hobby to deliberate careful and consider all ramifications that could arise from being at such a gathering.

Both meeting in public, as well as private has some risk associated when other individuals are present. (*Please don’t misunderstand my post I am not in any way suggesting any specific M&G could be a risk factor to everyone....… I am merely stating a general warning to carefully consider your personal situation before being at such a gathering*)

Many career paths have ethic clauses as well as other safe guards which can pose a serious personal problem to anyone who hasn't considered the ramifications. One evening of fun would not be an adequate exchange for 15+ years of public work or losing a security clearance, possibly being dis-barred or some other detrimental action as a result of the attention to the hobby and your involvement in it.

M&G and social gatherings are not recommended to everyone.

My suggestion to any hobbyist that has a family or career to protect needs to constantly be on guard and very careful about who he exposes to his hobby. Likewise, his public presence at any gathering needs to be a behavior that is made after serious consideration.

Just my thoughts but all hobbyists shouldn't bolt to a M&G just because they have a chance to be in the same room as a few hot women without having to pay for the pleasure. Enjoying the hobby as a break from your routine and your normal lifestyle is one thing, totally jeopardizing all of this is something that needs to be done with caution. Always think very carefully before exposing yourself, as reckless behavior can sometimes have very complicated ramifications.

Stay safe & enjoy the hobby....… Kisses ~Tori just scared the bejeezawitz out of me.  That's a good thing too, I guess.  Being a little scared makes you a little more cautious and careful.

Seriously, terrific advice.  Thank you.

Sympathetic1274 reads

I think the 2nd post by Tori of ATL is important for you to consider.  Also, I recently went to a M&G and was a little disappointed; meeting other hobyists and providers allowed me to put some faces to names, which was fun. But, I didn't meet a single provider who I wanted to see.  From my one M&G experience, and those provides posting on this thread, I would say the providers who are interested in the M&G circuit are usually older ones (35+), looking to build or at least maintain their business.

I'm not looking to either build nor maintain my business because I no longer accept new clients.

There are also some exceptions to your statement... I know many "new to the hobby" providers who make it a point to be touring a city when a M&G is scheduled. (*as with the impending M&G in ATL*) so to make a general statement that it is mostly providers over 35 (*or to use your words "OLDER ONES"  LOL*) isn't accurate at all.... sorry you had such a limited experience.     Kisses ~T

The one I went to was sponsored by the top PHX agencies, and all of their talent, including visitors, were out in full force.  Indies were welcome, at at fee ie they share the cost.

The oarty I went to had lovely ladies of ages 21 to 45, of all body types.

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