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He might have gotten it from me....
mrfisher 108 Reviews 449 reads

as I have occasionally made such comments.  Gals I overhear talking often do remark on how it turns them on to see a guy dress up nicely.  Sure, they'll see a slob, but why diminish the potential?  Especially watch the shoes.  Make sure they are good quality and made from something that had parents (Seinfeld reference, btw) Do you think that providers who spend half their waking hours thinking about shoes are not going to notice yours?

But maybe this is a New England thing, and the left coast marches to the beat of a different drummer.

I do agree about the hosting.  A bathrobe would be apropos

percy19691715 reads

I understand that when doing an incall a guy should dress nice: slacks, dress shirt and maybe a sports coat. But what is appropriate when you are hosting and the lady is coming to your hotel room? Does it make a difference if you have seen her once or twice before?

...depends on where you live - in L.A, I go to five star hotels in jeans, sneakers and a polo shirt and no one bats an eye.  I've never met a provider who turned me away because I wasn't dressed "properly."  The other day, I went to a provider's place at 11:00 pm.  I have seen her many times and given the hour, I showed up in sweatpants and a sweatshirt (it was cold).  She was more interested in my trouser mouse than the trousers I was wearing.

When hosting, I try to wear even less so as to get the action going as soon as possible.  A bathrobe with nothing underneath works best as illustrated here

as I have occasionally made such comments.  Gals I overhear talking often do remark on how it turns them on to see a guy dress up nicely.  Sure, they'll see a slob, but why diminish the potential?  Especially watch the shoes.  Make sure they are good quality and made from something that had parents (Seinfeld reference, btw) Do you think that providers who spend half their waking hours thinking about shoes are not going to notice yours?

But maybe this is a New England thing, and the left coast marches to the beat of a different drummer.

I do agree about the hosting.  A bathrobe would be apropos

...they will do what Fish? Tank the session? These girls are professionals. They get paid to overlook a man 6'5" and 350 pounds. Or one that is hideously ugly.

But these same girls are going to have an issue with my sandals? Really?

I don't think its a Left Coast thing at all. It may be an age thing. Maybe the older girls care more concerned with dress but I don't have experience with them.

Many of the young girls don't get all dressed to the nines. Many wear tights, some jeans or casual pants, denim skirts. etc. And sure, some will wear a cocktail dress. They just seem less uptight about what they are wearing then the older set, imo.

But society in general has gotten more casual over the last decade or two so why wouldn't that affect p4p as well?

No one is advocating black tie and tails, but I suppose the real answer to this question is to wear what ever makes you feel best, and hope that the gal isn't too turned off by it.

Dressing up a bit makes me feel special, and perhaps that feeling rubs off on others, thus providing a small measure of increased enjoyment

Just as I tell guys here and elsewhere to hobby as they see fit.

The diff being is that there is this notion coming through from some here that unless others dress a certain way, they will, or could, enjoy the hobby less bc the girls will treat them differently in session for not getting dressed "appropriately."  

That's not my experience at all, and I just disagree with that part of it Fish

GaGambler304 reads

being clean, presentable, on time, with money, etc etc etc, yeah, I get all those things, but I dress according to whatever I was doing right before or what I plan on doing right after the session. I don't plan on having my clothes on for more than a minute or two after getting there, so I don't put a lot of thought into it.

For the record, I don't put a lot of thought into what the lady is wearing either, as long as she has made an effort to "be cute or sexy" that can mean lingerie or even sweats if she is young and cute and doesn't look like she slept in them.

Yes, once upon a time I was part of the "dress for success" crowd, but nowadays it's mainly the wannabes that dress up, anyone who has actually made it dresses however the fuck he wants to.

This past Saturday for example, but that is with a girl I have sessioned with 4-5 times already in a very short time period. Sorry for the visual. And before breakfast too. Lol

Incall I am forced (literally forced, lol) to agree with BPS and JLS. You are the client, it's your dime, your rodeo, so you make that call.

In summer, I show up in nice shorts, a decent shirt and sandals and I haven't been kicked out yet. Usually, like this time of year, I will wear nice jeans, dress shirt, nice shoes but it varies widely with whom I am going to meet and what we have planned.

Most of my dates in my home city are nooners. I'm coming from work and returning to work after I cum. I'm a professional and were a suit everyday. I get a lot of compliments from the ladies on my style and I enjoy that aspect of our interaction. When I'm travelling, the only opportunity I have for hosting, I still dress to impress. I feel comfortable, her first impression is "great, he cares about making a good impression," putting her at ease, and I still get to enjoy her hands undoing buttons and zippers, to get into my pants.

GaGambler338 reads

Fortunately since my profession is not law, my appearances in front of a judge are infrequent to say the least.

A lot of professionals no longer wear suits, people in banking, insurance and finance seem to be about the only hold outs from the age were formal dress was required.

your clothes will be coming off soon after i get through the doorway, unless they are off already ;)

have always believed that it absolutely makes a difference what you wear to a session. When you walk into a provider's hotel room (or she into yours), especially the first time you will meet one another, the lady is immediately judging you. She is making a determination of what kind of client you will be. The client who is dressed nicely (i.e. think a button down shirt, or nice sweater, slacks, shoes...tie, suit and tux are optional :)) will be regarded in a higher vain than the client who is dressed in torn jeans, dirty sweatpants, a tank top, flip flops and a backwards baseball cap. Now, can the "clean cut" man turn out to be a worthless client? Of course. Can the "torn jeans" man turn out to be a true gentleman and terrific client? Absolutely. But why start off with a negative impression in the ladies mind? She will never outwardly admit her feelings, but they are there. We ALL do it everyday in our lives. Until we learn more about the person, its human nature to immediately judge books by their covers.    

Conversely, we as hobbyists make the same snap judgments (again fairly or unfairly) about the providers as soon as we walk in to their place. Is the apartment or hotel room a mess? Are there leftover food containers scattered about? Is the bathroom void of fresh towels? Are there signs of a previous client? Did the provider take the time to look nice or does she look like she just woke up?Again, the provider whose apartment is a mess could end up being your ATF, and the impeccably clean provider could end up being a waste of money. But again, you have already made a judgment about the lady and those who created a negative first impression will have to work that much harder during the session to turn your impression around.  

So while most people will tell you that it really doesn't matter what you wear (the old adage being just show up on time with donation in hand), I disagree. I think it absolutely matters how you present yourself by what you wear, how you speak, and most importantly how you act

The gals I play with want me clean and could care less what I am wearing. They realize I am the client, not the other way around.

I dress nicely to woo a CIVIE woman, not a p4p one.

We are judged by our verification, how we treat the gals, if the envelope has the correct amount, etc.

Never had a woman judge me yet on what pieces of fabric I covered myself with and if I did, I wasn't aware of it.

I don't try and "impress" working gals. It is their job to impress me.

But of course, you dress in a manner that makes you feel good and the way you want but I just feel you are completely wrong about what most p4p gals REAL concerns are.  

Again, having excellent hygiene is VERY important to them. The style of my clothes and fashion choices?  

Meh, not so much at all.

GaGambler319 reads

If I show up at a hookers door, or a restaurant or even at my bank, dressed casually, but dressed tastefully, I am going to get a better first reaction than someone in more formal wear, but with no style or taste.

Let's suppose I show up in shorts, but I am freshly showered, wearing thousand dollar crocodile moccasins, a thirty thousand dollar watch and a $150 golf shirt. How do you think I am going to be received compared to the guy who shows up wearing a suit and tie, but the shoes are obviously $80 and brown in color with a $250 pin striped JC Penney suit and a clip on tie? Who do you think is going to make the better impression.

For the record this happened to me not long ago when some so called  money raiser met me for lunch in an upscale Dallas restaurant, it was clear that although he was dressed in suit and tie and I was dressed in shorts who the guy in charge was. Waiters are just like hookers in that respect, it's their job to size people up in a matter of seconds as their livelihood depends on it. Suffice it to say, the waiter immediately sized me up as the man in charge despite the fact I was dressed in shorts.

The rules have changed over the years. I suspect as Jack said, this tends to be a generational thing. Formal attire is no longer a sign of wealth, often it's a sign of the exact opposite, especially when the guy wearing a suit plainly has no sense of style.

Casual and formal no longer equate to well dressed vs poorly dressed.

GaGambler388 reads

Like you, I wander in and out of five star hotels all the time dressed quite casually. The days of thinking the guy in the suit has more substance than the guy in jeans ended years ago.  

Women are the first to get attuned to these kind of cultural shifts and hookers learn these things even faster than most other women, just like waiters, bartenders and other people who make their living by doing so.

percy1969306 reads

I appreciate all of the feedback but I tend to agree with ShakingtheSheets & Mr. Fisher. As an older hobbyist (medicare eligible) I do think that being tastefully dressed, especially for the first date, is more appropriate. I understand that it may not make much difference in how a provider treats me. I guess it just makes me feel more comfortable. So I will continue to wear a button down shirt, dress slacks and a sport coat when I am visiting her room. However, I may start wearing a robe when she is visiting me. Of course, that assumes it is not one of the casinos in Vegas where we have to meet downstairs due to security. Again, thanks to everyone who replied.

Don't wear a dress. She'll think you're kinky.

living in Florida, I dress weather appropriate, shorts and t-shirt or golf shirt for warm weather, and jeans with long sleeve flannel shirt w/t-shirt underneath for our 'cold' weather.  My clothes are clean, as is my body, and that's what they will get.  If the girls don't like that, well, they are not paying me to dress up, I'm paying them to play with me.  Besides, the clothes are coming off off soon anyway.  

If I was hosting an outcall, I'd do the same as above.


Posted By: percy1969
I understand that when doing an incall a guy should dress nice: slacks, dress shirt and maybe a sports coat. But what is appropriate when you are hosting and the lady is coming to your hotel room? Does it make a difference if you have seen her once or twice before?

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