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Green Dot money packs no longer an option
jeffdogger 9 Reviews 275 reads

It ceased to exist a few months ago as a way to transfer cash discretely.

I also would be unlikely to see a lady that requested a deposit unless I was very sure it would turn out well.

Ok i want to accept credit cards thru pay-pal!  I know how to do that.

Now is it odd to require a deposit by credit card for each booking to filter out the no shows/cancels?  
Only reason why I am considering it is, us as hobbyist take a lot of time to post and advertise and screen. Not to mention I am doing out calls so if i drive an hour away and it has wasted a lot of time i could have booked with some one serious.

If so how much is acceptable?

Hi Sarah! I don't know about THIS line is service but in others a 50% deposit isn't unheard of.  Not to mention this deposit is applied to the final cost.  good luck

There is a history of PayPal freezing accounts AND ASSETS in accounts that they think are suspicious or are being used for unapproved activities. Do not rush into using PayPal without more homework.

A lot of guys will not use CCs for this activity.  Period.  "Cash is King."  

One option is the "Green Dot" CC or other cash cards that people can buy at the corner drug store or Walmart or 7-11.  Even then, a lot of guys don't like them.  If they want to give you the card itself as a "gift", you'll have to confirm that it actually has the agreed upon amount on it.  I think you can do that on-line or with a phone call, but that makes things awkward.  We can go to the bathroom while she "checks the envelope" but who wants to stand there while she calls up Green Dot to check the balance?

Given those two negatives, here's #3.  Most guys will not ante up a deposit, especially someone new and unknown with no reputation.

I am in a pretty good area (Northeast) with lots of options so I can easily skip over those who require a deposit or ask for CC or give me other headaches.  If your area (CA?  Where in CA?) is fallow, you'll have more clout and less competition

ith, or travel with, on a regular basis.  My Paypal e-mail address is not the same as my oenophileKelly address.

   I also accept credit cards, and gift cards for deposits, and "payments".    If I do accept a gift card, it must be in its original sealed envelope, and the gentleman must provide the receipt.

   Gentlemen love the convenience of credit cards, as many do not want to carry large sums of cash around, and I like having the funds deposited directly into my bank account.  

Hugs and Kisses,

It ceased to exist a few months ago as a way to transfer cash discretely.

I also would be unlikely to see a lady that requested a deposit unless I was very sure it would turn out well.

I have never been asked for a deposit, and would hesitate to give one unless I had seen her previously and felt a measure of trust.  I understand why, in some circumstances, a provider would ask for a deposit, for financial security.  However, my experience with high cost dates where a deposit might be required is pretty limited.

Not much else I can offer in this case.


First and foremost, I don't recommend paypal.  I'd suggest taking deposits via GiftRocket.  You won't have credit card info, or your client's info for that matter.  It's anonymous.

As for taking a deposit, I'd think about your policy as to when deposits apply and when they don't.  I require them for any booking over 3 hours (50%). I also offer a discount for prebooking  sessions with deposits as well.

With deposit policies come cancellation policies.  Think about those as well. :)

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