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Good providers know that they have to stay safe....
mrfisher 108 Reviews 5269 reads

This is their livlihood, afterall.

My own experience is that providers are much safer than civies.

I have had various forms of unprotected oral sex with well over 150 providers over the last thirty something year, and I have never had one STD as a result.

On the other hand, I got two STD's and a case of crab lice from just ten civies I had dated when younger.

I think that tells you something.

chico162931 reads

i am new to all this but isn't bbbj and DFK such unsafe?

how do I know these girls do not have anything?

They can be, yes. If you do a search on this board for "std" you will find many postings on this topic.

It all boils down to one thing, do what you feel comfortable doing and don't do what you don't feel comfortable doing.

As for how do you know if a provider has an STD? Unless you see a very recent test result and she hasn't had a client since taking the test, you can't know. The same with her, she can't know you don't have anything. You and her can protect yourselves as much as possible and proceed, or you can just forget seeing a provider. I don't think you will have any better advantage of no STD with a civvie girl.


This is their livlihood, afterall.

My own experience is that providers are much safer than civies.

I have had various forms of unprotected oral sex with well over 150 providers over the last thirty something year, and I have never had one STD as a result.

On the other hand, I got two STD's and a case of crab lice from just ten civies I had dated when younger.

I think that tells you something.

Bodercollie1605 reads

This is the third or forth time in the last month or so you have cited your personal experience on TER to suggest that provider are much more safer than civvies.

What does your experience tell us?

1.You have indicated in the past that your civvies encounters may have been unprotected whereas your provider encounters were covered.  If so what does this tell us about what you really think about the relative safety of Providers versus civvies?  Are you not comparing apple and oranges when you compare consequences of unprotected civvies sex with protected provider sex?

2.You indicate that as a younger, presumably decades ago you gotten crab lice, urinary tract infection (NSU), and gonorrhea. You can not be certain that Gonorrhea, NSU, and crab lice were from contact with Civvies and not the Providers you may have also been seeing at the same time. Moreover, Crab lice and especially urinary tract infections can come about from non sexual contact.  With respect to Gonorrhea you can not compare your more recent risk with providers with your risk decades ago when you apparently contracted this STD from a civvie.  The reason is that yearly Gonorrheal infection rates have decrease from 450/100,000 persons in the 1970’s to about 125/100,000 persons today.


Obviously with respect to Gonorrhea, civies are ~70% safer today than when maybe you contacted Gonorrhea as a younger. Your experience can be interpreted as just corroborating that having protected sex is safer than have unprotected sex and that the Gonorrhea risk was higher in past than is now, and not necessary that Provider are safer than Civvies.  

We are all playing Russian roulette with respect to STD.  A provider or hobbyist who is very safety conscious is just increasing the number of chambers in his/her gun.   With respect to the safety gain it depends on whether the increase in trigger pulls is less than or more than the increase in the number of chambers.  It is intuitively clear that even the safety conscious Provider has a greater number of trigger pulls than the average civvies.

Finally this type of discussion seems to wrongly place the burdensome of our safety on the Provider or Civvies.  WE need to take responsibility for our own action and if we get an STD from having sex with a Provider or in a non-monogamous Civvie relationship it is our fault and not the ladies. This is especially so if we elect to have unprotected sex as you may have had.

modify for grammar only.

-- Modified on 2/13/2008 11:55:55 AM

It goes both ways you know. It's all about what you and the providor are comfortable with. You have to have an acceptable level of risk...or get out of the hobby.

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