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Good bye and good riddance...eom
mfisher 8948 reads


Aug511038 reads

I don't know how appropriate it was to do this, but I just came upon this post and I just had to bring it to everyone's attention (especially the newbies).  Obviously it has been overlooked because otherwise it would have received MUCH more attention than it has already gotten (it's THAT insightful).  Frankly, I've been rethinking my own hobbying for quite a long time now and this guy just put (almost) everything I've ever thought into words.  I don't see the 'humor' in this post as the guy who originally copied it claims he did.  Please read on:

"I copied this message from someone who probably was burned by a provider(s). I guess if they did their homework or used TER, some pf the problems could have been avoided. I thought it was a funny post, and wanted to share it. Happy holidays.

From a message posted on Craiglists:

You can skip this intro if you want and go straight to the GLOSSARY.

Well, hopefully this is the last time I ever even click on the "erotic" part of Craigslist. I think I'm going to see a sexual addiction therapist. I always thought sex addiction was bullshit, but you know guys, when that feeling comes over you it's like being a junkie, and you can make some bad decisions. You gotta have it. I've wasted money, I've snuck around, I've lied, I've said "this is the last time," I've done things that could give me HIV, I've gone to places where I could get killed, I've been in situations where I could be arrested, I've ruined relationships ... and for what? Some truly ugly, nasty, old, fat women. Are they occasionaly "up to snuff?" Yes, Occassionaly. But more often than not, it's an outright dissappointment, and never satisfies any long term needs. And I, like some of you, am an attractive, bright, college educated, likable person. Why am I doing this?

Here's a GLOSSARY for you to understand what the girls are really like:
(I apologize to the ladies, but I'm just reporting my experience)

Voluptious= fat
not skinny = fat
busty = fat
cute= ugly
mixed race= black (nothing wrong with that, just telling it like it is.)
american indian-spanish-cuban = black
best head = put baby lotion on a hoover and attach it to your penis
20's = 30's
30's = 40's
39 = 50
cozy apt = skanky rathole
non-pro = pro
money for the holidays=pro
it's my fantasy=pro
just doing this for a short time=pro
can't pay my bills= can't pay my drug dealer (pro)
for a short time only=pro
pro=look out!
one hour=1/2 hour
PURE BLISS=empty, depressed, disgusted, suicidal and out $200.

Time and again, I've been downright disgusted by what I've encountered. even the photos can be VERY VERY misleading. (I've also been disgusted with myself.)

Never do outcall, then you're stuck with them. You don't want them screaming and ringing the neighbor's bell. At least with incall you can bail if you want to, and trust me, if you feel like bailing, DO IT. Go home and masturbate, and you'll know you made the right decision.

As far as the ladies go, I feel true sympathy that you have to do this for a living or to support a drug habit, etc. In the bigger picture, I don't think what you do is WRONG, but I do think misleading people, lying, pulling the old "bait and switch" is wrong.

GUYS, I know some of you are in the throes of lust, but take my advice: wack off. With the money you save, get a nice haircut, buy some good shoes, and try to get INTO A RELATIONSHIP. Yes, it's work, yes it's pressure, but at least there you will find TRUE SATISFACTION. Imagine being able to look into the eyes of the person you've just had sex with and not be disgusted with them or yourself. If you can't stop, get help. You can see a "normal" therapist, which is often covered by insurance. Nobody has to know the real reason you are going (or even that you're going) How do I know? I've done it, it helped, and unfortunately, it's time for me to go back.

that's all I have to say.


as per the thread on the General Discussion Board, Aug5 did not really mean to state he was leaving the hobby nor  agrees with this statement---I found it awful (all providers are drug addicted and fat!)---not in my experience but maybe I am lucky.  A wish for 2004---let's not see this reposted again!

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