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Lady asks for my flight info?
jjgold 2294 reads

I am flying somewhere and found a lady I am very interested in meeting. However this would be my 1st time so I dont have any references from past experiences from other providers in the past. She said she will see me if I sign up for RS2k or sending her my flight info?? Is it safe to send my flight info? What should I do? Thanks in advance....

smartassplayin1355 reads

If this is a well reviewded lady and your worries of her being LE are low giving flight info can be a easy way for her to verify your not LE since yo dont have any references or belong to a verification service.  I assume all youre giving her is your name, city of origin, arrival time, airlines, etc. Your probably pretty safe unless she wants to bomb your plane.

jjgold947 reads

haha yeah she has very good reviews.... I do not think she is LE. But I am a newbie and know absolutely nothing about this stuff. Just wanted to make sure this wasnt something out of the ordinary...Thanks

It's not like she can call an airline up and confirm that you are a passenger on the flight, can she?

Maybe she has an in in the TSA?

Whatever the reason, I don't see how her knowing this can compromise you, so if it makes her happy, go along with it.

jjgold1651 reads

Yea I was thinking the same thing Mr. Fisher.... Which is why I was a little confused.

It helps in letting the lady KNOW he is who he says he is.. As well, It also lets the lady know he is coming in from out of town - or out of the country... this IS One of our screening policies so girls can ensure it isnt a local douchbag trying to bust her -

Please leave the screening up to us.. thank you -
I will spank you later.

HelpfulHobbyist661 reads

you to back that up with some flight info.  Whatever you do, make sure to keep the boarding pass because as sure as God made a BBBJ feel so good, she will ask to see it as part of the verification.

Good luck

It's been a while since I've seen this, but I recall seeing some gals sites ask the guy to be prepared to show boarding pass to verify he is from out of town.  I think some gals don't want to see locals, and it also is some form of LE check.

Sometimes I provide flight info if I'm setting up an appointment for same night as I arrive, so gal can make sure I'm not going to be several hours late... do to factors beyond my control... of course.

she might ask to see your return ticket as well.  It's not a common request but I do know very well established women who do this.

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