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Girls, i need advice
chica3d 2532 reads

i am new and i am thinking about touring soon, however, having no reviews do you think its a good idea? I mean, how did you do in the beginning when you had no reviews? I have to start at some point, dont you think? give some advice please, thank you all and have a great weekend :)

considered making contact with established providers in the cities to which you want to tour.  I have noticed at times that some established local providers will double up with new ladies (or former agency providers who are branching out) that they have become comfortable with.  After a couple of sessions with their local regulars who will review, the new lady starts seeing clients on her own under the local "sponsorship" of the established provider.

If anything, even if you do not do doubles, a local provider in the city may be able to give great pointers on how to attract business.

Also, you may try to plan the tour around some regional Meet and Greets where you can introduce yourself to very active local hobbyists at the Meet and Greet (it's usually easier to be vetted for a M&G as a new lady than hobbyist).  Once you make some connections and see some local hobbyists in your first touring city, the word will spread.

If you are good at what you do, the word will spread quickly enough from one city to the other as you tour.  If you are not, then that word will spread as well.  TER is definitely coast to coast, and if you use it for what it's worth by providing an inspiring service, you should be able to do OK.

If you just start hitting city by city without at least trying to network first, it will take much longer to build a rep good enough to pull more business as you tour.

Good luck

I'm no lady, but if you're thinking about touring without reviews, I would participate for a few weeks on the local TER board of the city you plan to visit. It helps guys see that you're real and you can hint at what level of service you provide, etc.

As I'm sure you know, there are plenty of places to advertise such as EROS and there are always some guys who'll see an ad and take a chance if your look strike their fancy and your donation is reasonable.

Its kind of unexplainable but your doing fine... Wait around and keep participating. The less I tried the easier I think it was for me. I was just like you at the beginning. Looking for answers to everything. Curious and so on... But personally, I wouldnt travel without any reviews. Keep posting every 7 days in your home city. You'll get noticed and called and tried... Then when you least expect it... One of these good guys will give you a ring and review your performance. (Not saying that those that dont call are bad guys)...

Until then its just sacrifice and put in good work for later...  

Good Luck,
Ashley Stone

You should definately get a website or an ad site with your photos and stats and provide a link to it whenever you post.  (Be sure it displays the TER logo on the first or second page.)

Without it, many otherwise interested clients will not make contact with you.

chica3d1233 reads

Thank you for your advise. I already got a site and post an ad on TER

New girls are always fresh and eager to learn :)
What's not to love?

I would suggest taking a few pictures and setting up a simple website. A website is SO important because keeping up with ALL of the places us girls end up posting our ads can be a hassle sometimes. It's easier to handle all of the inquiries if you have a "home base" set up. Gentlemen can check you out without taking up your time and then they can email you once they are ready to go.

I built my own website (I'm a bit more tech savvy than your average courtesan) and have been offering to do the same for other girls out there. If you would like me to build you one let me know via email :)

I am sorry, but what I have heard is everybody loves Lorelai!!!!!!

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