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For Me: Older Men Onlyteeth_smile
MochaNautteBBW See my TER Reviews 1005 reads

I won't see clients under the age of 30.

I've seen younger gents and none of them knew how to properly please a woman.

A couple tried to get more time for less money and one guyto pay me with a credit card (when my ad said cash only

I'm 24 years old and have been dating older men since I was 17.

I find older men (especially those over 50) irresistable, sexy and sophisticated.

All of my current clientele are over 35...and that's the way I like it.

I stumbled upon TER about a month ago, and have been trying to figure out if being a hobbyist is in the cards for me. I seem to fit all the criteria except one. I'm 23 years old. I've heard on the boards that anybody under 30 is going to have a pretty hard time. I'm guess that under 25 is pretty much impossible. Am I right and just wait until I'm 30 or hopefully wrong?

Thanks everybody for your help.

You're only partially right.  I'm roughly in your age group too, so I'm speaking from experience.  It's not impossible, but you *will* have quite a bit of difficulty.  You might encounter more flaking out, NCNS's, and even flat-out rudeness than a stereotypical 35+ hobbyist, as many people believe that 20-something guys shouldn't hobby.  When a provider does that, just forget about her and move on; there's a lot of trial-and-error involved for newbie hobbyists, regardless of their age.  In that sense, your situation won't too different.

With that said, your age shouldn't make you stop yourself from hobbying.  Many providers don't care, as long as you're clean, treat her with respect, and have the donation.  (From the way you described, it sounds like you got those things taken care of.)  Look for a provider roughly your age; you'll have lower odds of her rejecting you.  Just don't turn to Craigslist out of frustration.  Also, look at it this way: sometimes, a younger guy will be an interesting change of pace for a provider, since she mostly sees older men.

-- Modified on 11/26/2007 7:52:02 PM

Only place that I could see someone was with an agency. So if you really want to start, that's the route to go.

HOWEVER, if you can stay away from this hobby, then I wholeheartedly recommend you do!  

Dude, you're freaking young. This hobby will give you a warped sense of male/female relationships if you're not careful.

Is there anything physically wrong with you?  Is your self-esteem low?  Not sure why you would want to get into this.  

I wish somebody would've warned me before I started.

Is it really so bad to be a hobbiest? I know alot of women out there are difficult... but I love what I do and I enjoy my regulars the most. Im not the most beautiful woman in the world... but Im attractive. Im not the smartest... but I have a comfortable life.   I appreiciate Daniels reply and it made me look at the hobby a bit differently.

I wonder..... do many of the guys regret getting n2 this?

tokai1393 reads

Packman is 23, and still developing M-F relationship skills. If he starts hobbying, that will certainly stunt his ability to relate to a potential SO. It is similar to sex in a relationship significantly slowing down the development of the non-sex part of a relationship.

Hobbying may also create an unrealistic expectations of a future SO. For instance, many women do not like to give oral sex.

I have no idea what it does to the ladies that are 20, or younger, when they start escorting.

Being older (experienced) makes it easier to keep reality and fantasy separate. If you are too young, it is hard to know the difference.

I got started right out of college at around age 23 and I believe it helped me gain confidence with women.  I civie dated a half a dozen women for another six years and eventually got married to one of them, had two kids and got divorced all while hobbying on and off.  I don't think it skewed my relationships at all.

Now that I am divorced, I am hobbying more frequently and enjoying myself immensely.

As for getting to see providers when you are under thirty, that is a bit tough.

My best advice to you on that is to write an ernest letter to the provider explaning that while you may be young, you are mature, have read up on different facets of the business and believe that you will be a good client.

Many still won't go for you but some will.  After that it will get easier.

Im one that sees men over 30.. im 40
My son is almost your age ..  To weird for me LOL

The majority of ladies that state over 30, are over 30 themselves. There are many girls younger, your age or under 30, that really do not have that requirement...

lol, I have yet to turn 25 and I see men older than my dad! Weird, perhaps, but I got over it quickly as it only occasionally crossed my mind to begin with.

I've been playing with the idea of the over 30 clause for a while now... I've found the majority of men under 30 aren't much better than boys, and have yet to learn how to treat a woman (in or out of bed). Still, I don't want to make it a hard fast rule because occasionally I'm *quite* pleasantly surprised by a younger man :)

So, I now I only see men under 30 who have at least two references, or maybe one awesomely glowing recommendation from one of the few providers I know well.

more of the girls "providers" are starting to require that the guys they meet be at least 30 yrs. od.  When considering someone, take a look at her website and ad, usually she will list it there.

Just my $.50.


Another piece of advice is to go with agencies, not independents, when you first start out hobbying at your age.  Agency girls usually don't have much choice in who they see.  While it's viewed as a bad thing, you can use that to your advantage, since some independents won't see young guys.  (Agencies, on the other hand, typically don't reject clients based on age.)  While you run into a slight chance of getting mechanical service, you can at least get your foot in the door, and start building up reviews.  And if the service is bad, write the review accordingly.

Here are my suggestions when contacting a provider.

1. Make sure you spell correctly and use punctuation.

2. If she has a form listed on her site, fill it out or email the entirety of the informations she has requested.

3. If it's your first time be sure to include your work information or join a verification service.

4. Remember that this is a JOB to her. Although you may feel as if this is one of the best experiences of your life since you ARE so young, to her you ARE going to be just another appointment.

I have very very few clients who are under 30. I have a handful (less than 6) who are 25-30. They are ALL mature and have been very very respectful of my time. I do not mind seeing someone who is young but the MINUTE a younger man says:

"We should hang out off the clock."
"Don't you think you can give me a discount because I'm a lot younger than the guys you regularly see."
"Can I call you sometime to talk?"

There are various scenarios but I have generally found that the younger the client the more bullshit they try to get away with. It's ALWAYS the younger men (under 35) who tell me my rates are too high or that I should give them a discount because their wife just had a baby.

This is not to say that I do not have some great younger clients but over all I have to say that you really need to be MATURE with the women you choose to see because the SECOND you start acting like a love sick school boy or feel she should be grateful to be able to f*** you then you will be history.

Just my opinion.


(rubbing hands together fiendishly) Mmmmmmm, step into my web said the spider to the fly......

I won't see clients under the age of 30.

I've seen younger gents and none of them knew how to properly please a woman.

A couple tried to get more time for less money and one guyto pay me with a credit card (when my ad said cash only

I'm 24 years old and have been dating older men since I was 17.

I find older men (especially those over 50) irresistable, sexy and sophisticated.

All of my current clientele are over 35...and that's the way I like it.

viagrarules911 reads

Do not worry about the age issue. Most providers are pleased to be with a younger, appreciative guy. I started when I was 18 and never had a problem. That being said, you have to show respect and maturity. Most providers are afraid that younger guys will try to rip them off, be too aggressive, etc, so just put money in a sealed envelope, speak nicely, offer champagne or wine, towels, etc in a clean, safe environment. Read the TER board for acceptable protocol. It's pretty straightforward. Pretend you are trying to romance your future wife. Seriously.

Start off by sending a professional e-mail with confidence. Do not mention the age unless asked. Not to entourage dishonesty, but just lie if you are that concerned. Remember, female providers are just trying to protect themselves so if you act older, they are not going to "card you" like you are a kid ordering a pitcher of Miller Lite.

First thing is the envelope, I have read on many of the sites that the great ladies who provide for us prefer the donation in an unsealed envelope, not a sealed one (at least that is how I remember reading them).

The other is telling a lie. Personally I think that to start that trend is a slippery slope that will pick up speed eventually. Just be truthful, respectful, and mature.

You will find ladies who will be glad of your presence as long you let them feel safe, secure, and desired.


I'm currently in the same boat as you.  I've been reading through numerous of provider's site and none of them mentions any age limit.  It is just automatically assumed that you have to be over 30?

As long as you are of legal age and conduct yourself with the same professionalism and sincerity as the seasoned hobbyists, you should not have a problem finding someone to see you. Some ladies to have minimum age requirements in the 30's and beyond, so make sure you do your homework and read her website fully before making contact.

The main reason that women don't like to see gentlemen as young as you is that many of them flake out on appointments last minute or ask stupid questions that jeopardise both of our safety/freedom. Make sure you familiarize yourself with "hobby etiquette" and have a clear understanding of the rate and service before you arrive and showing up on time never hurts either.

If you are in Chicago, I would definitely be someone you could see.

Good Luck!

-- Modified on 11/28/2007 9:34:11 AM

I agree with missmaxine about not making any hard and fast rules...or is that fast and hard?!  I dunno.  Either way, as long as a hobbyist is polite and respectful, has followed your guidlelines and minds his p's and q's, I see no problems with the age.  There are men who are supposedly more 'mature' out there that have the mentality of 16 year olds.  It's a crapshoot for everyone.  

Before meeting, I really like to get a communication relationship going with a gent, usually via emails and pm's, and I can get a good sense of what he's about and if we're going to work together.  If you're a mature 23 year old, then be sure to reflect that in your correspondence.  But also know that each lady may have her own set of rules.

Good luck!


Some wont some will so what next!!! LOL I for one will. I dont mind younger gentleman long as there are over 18 and can make decisions for themselves. Long as we click and you like to have fun it is great!! More younger men are hobbying now than ever because you have trust fund babies, girls their age are not sexually mature now, they want to try something out but afraid to ask their partner, and not ready to commit yet! Clean neat discrete and gentlman from 18 to 97 (yes I did pull an anna nicole once!!!) It was 97 yo birth day and I came out of a fake cake and did dress like ginger from gilligans island his favorite star. No he could not get it up but enjoyed the company! I dont like bad hygiene or mean degrading people. If you are in Carolinas sweetie I would love to be your panther so to speak.

Hello all. I am 18, and I am interested in being a hobbyist. I haven't gone about calling or emailing any providers yet until I get some more information.

Some things I have to say about my self is that I am  inexperienced and that is why I want to try this out. If i were to contact a provider, should I talk about being 18 and inexperienced or will that make her hang up on me? I do not want to lie, but if I tell the truth then I perhaps wont get any chances at all. So what do you guys think I should do?

How can I prove that I will not cheat/steal or do what is against the provider's rules?

I am planning to buy some roses for the first provider that I chose. Is this is a good idea?

I am interested into older ladies, or ladies with a voluptuous body.
What is the best way to get started for an 18 year old?

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