Newbie - FAQ

feedback on posting
mikeeltorro 33 Reviews 9541 reads

How do I find out if / why a review that I posted was rejected?

frankie2003a7647 reads

Just click on the black button at the top of the board that
is labelled Status.  Mine says "Status: VIP Member".  From
there, there's are a few buttons, one of which is your reviews.

There is no waiting for the status.  It should be listed at
every stage of the review process.  It may take time for a
review's _status_ to change (e.g. from pending to approved).

dude out

Looks like it was approved.  Theres a link to it on your post.

Once you have logged on, click on the status box. A scren will come up that has a button that is listed as "List my reviews". The status of all of your reviews and the reason why one is rejected will be displayed.

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