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Did you ask them for it or was it offered? eom
Bostonguy57 48 Reviews 1171 reads


If you have been seeing a sole provider serveral times  is it out of the question to suggest a repeat customer discount?  I understand this is their livelihood but isn't this also good promotion for their buiness?   Would it be that bad to show the customer a little appreciation.  If we have been willing to Tip our provider is it too much to get a discount once and a while.

Would you suggest to your doctor or attorney you get a repeat customer discount?

Please, don't ask.

DoctorFollowmeOBGYN1411 reads

That is an excellent analogy. BTW you are due for your exam.

thank you

PS my cousin FollowmeEsq. agrees, and he wants me to tell you he got your case dismissed.

and show my apprecation to the esq?

-- Modified on 7/10/2007 4:59:34 AM

DoctorFollowmeOBGYN2047 reads

My practice (yep I still gotta practice it)is in JOISEY so any time you are up this way let me know.Also DrFollowmeDDS has an office here too so you can have your oral needs takne care of at the same time.

Thank You

Yes, It get a discount from my densist and personal trainer.

gave me a discount because I see him THREE times a week and I paid for 6 months in advance !
and I didn't ask for a discount , he offered it.
I also referred plenty of business to him.......NEVER expecting anything in return. I recommended him because he is a very good trainer

My dentist never offered me a discount , but why should he ?? He is one of the best !!

Gosh I barely got a coupon for a dollar off at the Supermarket and I shop there almost everyday!!!

are you getting my drift here ???

If you are seeing her repeatedly then it's because she's providing a very good service.  Don't insult her by asking for a discount when you are presumably having a great time with her.

You'll look cheap and she may well be offended.

You can ask, I wouldn't recommend it...Dude, she's having sex with you, not changing your oil....

It is not uncommon when you are with a provider you have seen regularly for a number of years, and especially where you really "click" with each other, to be invited to spend some "off the clock" time like at a concert, museum, or dinner, etc.

Time in the bedroom is however, strictly "on the clock", unless you have decided to move things onto a non-professional basis.  Even then, if you are a good tipper and very good to her, don't be surprised if she lets the session run a little long in appreciation of your treating her well and making the experience joyfull for her also.  Such things should be reinforced with an extra tip or a gift from time to time.

Mr.Fisher, although I have never met you ( or did I and I didn't know it was you ) ........... you are my dream client ;-)
You get it !! Thank you . xoxo CindySpice

If, out of the goodness of her heart, she decides to cut you a break, that's something else entirely.  She may offer an extended session, or some "off the clock" time, or something else.  I've also heard of cases where, if there is a very positive relationship, she might offer you a "prepay in bulk" discount.

It's entirely up to her to bring up the subject, however.  As it stands, she has let you know what the rate for her time is, and you've accepted it.

I would never ask for a discount.  And I don't think any respectable hobbyist would either.  That is never a good idea.  

If she offers, for example to grandfather you in at her previous rate after raising her online rate, that's different.  But it is not your, our, place to ask for a discount.

Would you ask for a discount at Home Depot, just because you had been there a few times in the last year?   Come on, get real, man!


I had a gentlemen recently who sees me quite often ask if I would reduce my rates because he sees me so much. I told him no. The reason being that if I reduced my rates I'm sure there would be a lot of other men who would want to see me too. Why should I offer a discount on myself to anyone? He can either afford to pay for the time or he can't. Incidentally he just got rid of his personal trainer and weekly trips to get a massage. I asked him why and he said he'd rather keep seeing me than keep seeing them.



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