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Could use a few pointers.....red_smile
loramaze See my TER Reviews 4882 reads

hi, i'm very new to this internet way of doing things.  used to find all my clients when i worked as a stripper in the clubs here in vegas and several other places.  then finally decided to try this way of doing things after watching the success of several girls i knew had by doing it over the net.  the only "good" place I know of to advertise is eros.  Are there any others I should consider advertising on besides this???

must admit had an amazing first weekend date on fri nite and sat. with a gentleman who i met  from my ad on eros.  he was a total sweetheart, and a blast.  it didn't feel like i was working and must admit he was very generous.  had a few other dates scheduled that canceled at the last minute, and several other inquiries that spooked me one way or another by the contents of their message(s) to me.  
one gentleman wanted to meet but refused to give any contact info or provide references and without security I just didn't feel safe accepting his date request w/o it.  so i declined due to safety issues.

the next date scheduled isn't until this weds. with a local gentleman who i'm very much looking forward to meeting.  everything else is very ify.  is there anyway to increase the prospects??? i've heard a lot about reviews and how important it is to have positive ones.  I'm terrified of receiving a negative one.  

The first gentleman I saw who's coming back over cinco de mayo weekend has promised to write a review on me, but hasn't done so yet.  the only thing is that i'm a little nervous about it because he's never written a review on TER and i have no other reviews on here yet.  so it may look fake.

any suggestions on any of my questions anyone???

Hey sweetie, thats a very sexy photo. You look like a nice thin natasha henstridge (from the little you leave out there). Would love a visit here in nyc.

you should check out the forums on the right way to do business here. I'm sure it will give you a lot of good pointers. Also if you are looking for other sites to post in you might want to try cityvibe or utopiaguide. Just read/follow their rules. Good luck on your new venture

pussyliker2489 reads

Cityvibe is a good site to advertise on also.No offense but considering you're new to the internet way of advertising and since you have no reviews yet,you may want to chop down your prices a bit until you get a steady base clientele along with several good reviews.Considering your looks,you shouldn't have any problems keeping your dance card filled but I'd say right now your price is the reason for the long down time between clients.As far as receiving a negative review,that unfortunately goes with the territory but if you take good care of your clients,you won't have that problem and even one negative review will be negated by all of the good reviews.As far as your first guy's review,it sounds like he had a good time so why should you be worried? Trust me,any good review will only help you whether it's by a first time reviewer or not although,if it's by a first time reviewer,some guys may look at it skeptically.Like I said though,treat your clients well and you'll have nothing to worry about and the reviews will start coming in.

hey thanks pussyliker for the feedback.  On the rate thing you maybe right.  that's just what i've always gone out for when i worked out of the strip clubs and various vip hosts.  I'm not about number crunching or quantity.  I like to take the time to get acquainted with my guys.  I'd rather quality than quantity. because the more number unfortunately the higher the risk factor are in alot ways.. cause there are 3 requirements that I have... w/ all my guys....

1. that they be kind
2. some whom i can laugh so I'm starring at the clock begging for time to be up.
3. that i'm safe

so i'd rather have higher rates and less clients than have low rates and number crunch.  have one date after the next...

it would be hard for me not to get mechanical if i became a high volume provider.  which is not what I want at all.  i like to personalize each date so that I know the guy is going to enjoy spending what he spent... it seems like when i make that my priority instead of oh I'm getting x $ for this, everything falls in place a lot more beautifully...

retraction on #2, so I'm NOT starring at the clock... opps!!!

Nikki Avalon, the most highly rated provider in Las Vegas, is $800 for 2 hours.  This girl is hot, but as a "beginner", she's priced for perfection.  One slip-up, and she could be in trouble.  Better to go to 600-700 range, and build a following.  There's my .02

Sorry, meant this to be a response to the post below it...oops

-- Modified on 4/30/2006 12:37:19 PM

Unlike the first reply, I advise you to keep your rates where they are. $900 for a 2 hour visit with a lady of your looks is not a bad deal.
You can place ads on Cityvide and SoCal, and should take both routes while keeping your EROS ads up.
Focus on providing top quality, energetic service to the men that answer your ads. You should talk to your friends that have had success advertising on the net to find out what worked for them, they probaly have some good pointers.
Verify all of your potential clients before going into a room with them. Let men that do not want to supply information on themselves to take a walk. Your safety and security is more important that booking a date with a man that may be dangerous or a cop out to arrest you.
You should consider touring to some larger cities such as LA, New York City and smaller active ones such as Boston and DC. Miami is not a good choice for touring because it is loaded with women of your looks class, so competition will be stiff for you as a stranger to the city.
Maintain your looks, provide top quality service and treat returning men like kings, you will get many positive reviews and keep the hours that you want to work fully booked.
Do not be terrified of a bad review, especially if you gave the gentleman your all, those happen to the best ladies. Discerning hobbyists know how to factor out a review that is out of place, if all other reviews are high rating ones, the bad one will be ignored. You are going to meet a boorish man or two in this business and they will try to take revenge on you for not giving in to strange or dangerous requests from them. The jerks try to take revenge by writing bad reviews.
Work smart and focus on saving and investing the subsantial earnings that should be coming your way soon.

-- Modified on 4/30/2006 4:31:08 AM

. . .the above post, BUT, you need to objectively assess your looks, age, reliability and personality and then compare yourself to providers in your area and then price accordingly.

I use only Eros, TER and Bigdoggie, but I'm in Tampa/Orlando.  See where the most popular providers in your area advertise and follow suit.

As long as you're genuine, sensual and attractive, don't worry about negative reviews.

I think that you'd do just fine in Miami by the way.

Good luck   :)

Usual initial questions are "how do I post a picture of myself on TER?"

Your pricing structure is one that without reviews I would summarily pass on (my own personal rule). Even with a favorable review history I'm often reticent to fork over a pricey 2/hour minimum not knowing if we'll even click (YMMV).

  You are wise too screen and I would advise you to stick to your guns even if it costs you business or you haven't had a client in weeks.

  If you hold up your end, and give service that backs up the elegantly aggrandizing text in your advertisement; reviews will come forthwith. The temperament behind their veracity lies in the service you afford.

Natalie783319 reads

Hey! I'm a newbie in Minneapolis! I just started in February and only have a very small regular clientele. I would love to expand if you are interested!

Hey Natalie, who the hell is that in the picture?, it sure as hell isn't you. I'd still like to meet her...whoever she may be.

Natalie782558 reads

Yes, the redhead in the skirt in the bottom pic is in fact me. The lady in the top picture is Mystic.

Hi Lora.  Most veteran hobbyists would pass on you because of the $$$ without reviews to back it up.  Yes, you are very attractive and someone I think I would enjoy meeting.  However, without existing reviews I can't tell if you provide GFE service for the GFE $$$.  From the Eros ad you can't tell if you offer incall or only do outcall.  Once you get a few reviews, I might be interested since I travel to Vegas periodically.  Be safe and good luck.

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