Newbie - FAQ

CL is Craig's List
TERs Instruction Manual 1807 reads

The want ads of the internet, and a free place for providers to advertise.

BTW - I just added CL to the definitions list.

If you keep to the ones well reviewed on this site....what are the chances of being caught by LE? What constitutes well reviewed? 10? 20? 25+? Thanks...and are there a lot of "fake" reviews on this site?

and last...are providers on craiglist generally shadier? or it doesn't matter if theyre well reviewed

No one knows what the odds are.  If you don't want to take the chance, then DON'T!!!!!

Yes, there are probably a bunch of fake reviews here
but.....sometimes you just gotta jump!



Rapacious Recidivist2875 reads

From what I have observed the percentage of "fake" reviews is low and the few that do crop up can be attributed to self promotion or "shilling" and NOT LE decoy plants.
Bogus reviews (especially SELF-reviews) usually stick out like a sore thumb, and often also do ones written by boyfriends, friends, pimps whatever. Without giving the secrets away I'll simply say 'Think Journalism' when reading.
If the volume of reviews you seek is to quell fears of LE decoy plants; RELAX. Other mechanisms are at play and have already thwarted that.

 TER reviewed providers will occasionally advertise on CL for several reasons. Those providers and their service would logically reflect the accountability they have worked for here.

-- Modified on 7/8/2007 8:17:39 PM

I don't know where you live, but in Reno, I've never heard of LE busting a reviewed provider.  They bust CL every couple of months though, and they bust the streetwalkers every few weeks. Guys included.

  In my experience (not vast, but enough to know), there are very few fake reviews of Reno providers.  Well reviewed to me could be as few as 2 or 3 reviews, if they were written by experienced reviewers.  Guys that have more than 10 reviews. Don't put alot of weight on reviewers that only have 1 or 2 reviews, alot of them are shills for rip-off providers. Some of them are ok, they just don't write alot of reviews. You can't tell the difference, so assume worst-case.

  CL here in Reno will yield a few pretty good providers, but about 90% of it is gargage. It's not a place for a newbie, and even an experienced hobbyist will have bad luck occasionally.

The want ads of the internet, and a free place for providers to advertise.

BTW - I just added CL to the definitions list. are most listings on CL legit? or the ones with their own sites are more trustworthy? Thanks

If you see a gal on there and she does not have reviews on TER or another legitimate site, then I would shy away unless you have a high risk tolerance.  If she doesn't have any site or her own, that's another reason to stay away.

It's a known fact that LE uses CL to set up busts, so why take the chance?

badkarma11537 reads

In the town I live in there have been news articles about people hooking up with providers on CL and when they showed up at the agreed location, they were mugged by an attacker. Be careful.

It's not the number of reviews.  It's the person who is doing the review.  Twenty reviews could be all fake for people that have only posted once.  This is a problem.  If the reviewed girl has reviews from established reviewers then you can look at his other reviews and privately contact him vis the mail option on TER.  I would not be afraid to see a girl with less than 5 reviews if she appeals to me and she has been reviewed by let's say established reviewers.

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