Newbie - FAQ

Calling A Provider.
ROGM 657 reads

Posted By: WhiteCloak
Hi all!  
 Long time lurker, finally went VIP last month.  
 I have called  (and left VM), or texted about 8 or 9 providers, all recently reviewed, but not a one has responded!!  
 My usual greeting is something along the lines of "hi saw you on ter, would like to meet"  
 Clearly I'm doing something wrong.
To me you're not doing anything wrong. Not sure why not even one provider hasn't responded to you.

Hi all!

Long time lurker, finally went VIP last month.  

I have called  (and left VM), or texted about 8 or 9 providers, all recently reviewed, but not a one has responded!!

My usual greeting is something along the lines of "hi saw you on ter, would like to meet"

Clearly I'm doing something wrong.

ROGM658 reads

Posted By: WhiteCloak
Hi all!  
 Long time lurker, finally went VIP last month.  
 I have called  (and left VM), or texted about 8 or 9 providers, all recently reviewed, but not a one has responded!!  
 My usual greeting is something along the lines of "hi saw you on ter, would like to meet"  
 Clearly I'm doing something wrong.
To me you're not doing anything wrong. Not sure why not even one provider hasn't responded to you.

...constructive advice while you were scratching your head trying to figure out what the OP did wrong.  You did not have one bit of advice for him.

Please refrain from giving further "advice" to Newbies.  I'm sure it's only a matter of time until you advise them that BBFS is perfectly alright. as well as for how long.

Since you're a newbie, you may not have any references; that's another strike against you.  You may want to consider joining a verification site like P411.

Also, your first contact should be by email.  That way you can go into more detail.  She can get a feel for you and see if you're serious or just a time-waster.

be sure that you read their website thoroughly especially regarding how to contact the provider, and follow that advice to the Tee.

It also helps greatly if you list a specific day, time, and length of visit, and also if their is a choice of incall versus outcall, be specific as to which you seek.

It is always hard starting off as a newbie, but everyone was a newbie at one time.  It helps if you look for gals who claim to be newbie friendly too

Pta69466 reads

And answer all the questions on the provider's web site for screening.  If she asks for your occupation, relationship status, education level, wardrobe requests, "tell me something about yourself," then answer all her questions.  It shows respect for her.

Use bullet points in your email, so that it doesn't become one long, run-on sentence.  She doesn't want to read a novel.  Give your screening info in ONE and only one email.  

It's all about presenting yourself as a respectful gentlemen instead of "hey, are you available."  That will wind up in the delete folder, for sure.  Just sayin

Hey all, thanks for the excellent advice!

Right now since I'm not verified,  I've been skipping over providers who require p411. Maybe if i join up and just contact ladies who use a verification service I'll  have better luck

While I am surprised that not a single person has gotten back to you, you have to realize that some ladies get lots of texts and calls and yours (especially with a -sorry to be blunt- rather generic comment) might get lost in the shuffle.  Maybe you happened to pick some of the busier ladies.

A verification service will help, but following the advice the other fellows gave you will probably get you in the door.  Even on p411, many providers want clients with OKs, not newbies.  However, many providers who don't advertise as being newbie friendly will take newbies with the right info.  

I try to be nice & usually respond to requests like yours indicting that I need more info, but it makes a great initial impression if I know someone has read my website and indicates in their email something that makes me know they want to see me.  For example, if someone emails me this:  

"I read your website, and I like xyz & abc just like you do. I really want to meet you because I think we'll have great chemistry!"

it's hard not to be intrigued about meeting them!  Imagine how you would like to be approached:)  

Posted By: WhiteCloak
Hey all, thanks for the excellent advice!  
 Right now since I'm not verified,  I've been skipping over providers who require p411. Maybe if i join up and just contact ladies who use a verification service I'll  have better luck?  

Thanks for taking the time to help out!

I reached out again today with a more specific, and less generic, message...
Got lucky right away!

Set for i have a new set of problems...I'm super nervous
Haha, like first time i ever had sex nervous :)
Guess it'll be an experience!

have to leave a voice mail message, you need to be specific as to when she can call you back. Providers don't like to just call at random because they knwo many guys of SO's and don't want to stir the pot.

TwoMints446 reads

I can almost guarantee that it's your approach that is getting you ignored.

If you must call, as others recommended, I would use email first, you are probably giving off a time waster vibe or you are giving them a good reason not to call you back.

Email them.  "hey baby, I'd love to meet you.) (insert date and time)  Don't say you are new, a virgin, don't have references etc.. Get them to respond first, then between the two of you, figure out how they can screen you to their satisfaction.  

You may also want to use the PM system on TER as a starting point.  You'll come off as more legit contacting ladies through this site. At least they know you probably aren't a time waster and have some screening.

Posted By: WhiteCloak
Hi all!  
 Long time lurker, finally went VIP last month.  
 I have called  (and left VM), or texted about 8 or 9 providers, all recently reviewed, but not a one has responded!!  
 My usual greeting is something along the lines of "hi saw you on ter, would like to meet"  
 Clearly I'm doing something wrong.

I had not thought of PMing through ter, thank you,  great tip!

Posted By: TwoMints
I can almost guarantee that it's your approach that is getting you ignored.  
 If you must call, as others recommended, I would use email first, you are probably giving off a time waster vibe or you are giving them a good reason not to call you back.  
 Email them.  "hey baby, I'd love to meet you.) (insert date and time)  Don't say you are new, a virgin, don't have references etc.. Get them to respond first, then between the two of you, figure out how they can screen you to their satisfaction.    
 You may also want to use the PM system on TER as a starting point.  You'll come off as more legit contacting ladies through this site. At least they know you probably aren't a time waster and have some screening.  
Posted By: WhiteCloak
Hi all!  
  Long time lurker, finally went VIP last month.    
  I have called  (and left VM), or texted about 8 or 9 providers, all recently reviewed, but not a one has responded!!  
  My usual greeting is something along the lines of "hi saw you on ter, would like to meet"  
  Clearly I'm doing something wrong.

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