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blowjobs with no condoms
Jpete55 10323 reads

i am new to the hobby and i am surprised there are girls that acutally preform blowjobs without condoms,isn't anyone worried about stds

some are some aren't. Just do what you are comfortable with. It's your decision too. If you prefer covered just ask. Most ladies will not mind accomadating you, hell most have flavored ones just for that. Now if it's the other way, you may have problems getting an uncovered from a lady who only does covered.
Do your homework and be upfont but tactfull on what you are looking for.

Or many providers will get spooked, conclude you're LE (law enforcement) conducting a sting, and bail out on you.  Best policy is not to explicitly discuss any sex acts or money with her until you've both 'gotten comfortable' (naked, that is) together for the first time.  After that, things generally get more relaxed.  :)


"be upfont but tactfull"..
There are ways of saying things with out being crude, crass, or too blunt. But you should never go into an appointment with any questions.
If you are asking questions about "sex acts or money" after "you've both 'gotten comfortable' (naked, that is) together for the first time" it is too late, and you might learn that you have just wasted your time & money. Do your homework and know everything beforehand.

The risk for those who do it is not great enough for them to worry about.  For hard facts you should click over to the National Discussion Board, go to the lower left corner and do a search on the topic.  Lots of comments on the subject from both horny shulbs such as ourselves and providers as well as links to the hard facts and figures about oral STD's and how to help avoid them and how to get checked for them and on and on.
 The short answer is it's a relatively low risk event for the lady and even lower for the guy.

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