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Be cautious.. but also be mindful, some like me are not employed but are perfectly safeconfused_smile
Zaraki 13 Reviews 1406 reads

I do not think you should refuse clients immediately because they don't have employment information. I think you should just ask them if they have any other kind of screening option. As a client though that's what I would say. It really is up to you but, as you asked here is my opinion on this.

For me I am not employed, so it could be hard for me to meet ladies with only employment verification. For my first provider ever I had to go through with an agency, and it was easy. But for my second one I was already contacting her before my first provider.

I talked with the second provider I met for like 1 month through emails before she decided to meet me. When I met with my second provider I asked what made her meet up with me even though I had no employment verification. She said, that I seemed cool, and she just knew by chatting with me on the phone, and email that I was not crazy or something. I felt that I am pretty lucky to even have had that chance, hopefully its more common than I thought.

Too bad that she is retiring, and now I am back where I started.. no references because the second provider erased everything about her provider life. And the first provider's site is down too, not to mention she was a K-Girl, which I don't think they give references.

Ya that's my story about screening without employment info.

I have found my self in the precarious situation of refusing to clients who will not let me verify their employment.I just would like to hear someone else's opinion on this.

I started out using employment verification.  It was not always well received.  There are so many reasons that fellows dont' want you to call them at work.  

I did find alternatives to employment verification, but they do cost a few dollars per search.  Still, your screening procedure is what you feel comfortable.  It's up to you to change or to refuse those who decline to provide employment details.

What other methods are available besides Date check ans P411 as a provider with no reviews I have been declined from both as they say I cannot be verified.
Whisc of course creates a very difficult situation.

by another "entertainer" who is already verified

by date-check staff

and by date check members above a certain level....

I signed a confidentiality statement with my employer, and the policy of my employer is to neither confirm nor deny any association.  

Some persons are self employed contractors, consultants etc.

Some folks with money to spend are unemployed, or do not need to work.

Depending on where you live, requiring employment info could remove quite a few people with largely recession proof incomes from your clientele.

While using employment screening is reasonable, requiring it when other means of screening are available might not be the best decision.

Neither of my ATF's will see a new customer if they can not verify his employment. Period.

Bootzie581685 reads

Mira:  There are so many gents that would gladly give you enough info to verify legitimacy.  Don't and I say DO NOT compremise getting enough info to feel safe.  Make no mistake there are crazies out there as well as LE...

My personal thoughts on this is: "No" you have the right to request the information, just as much as the potential client has the right to refuse your request for their employment verification.

I wouldn't give you my work info but I wouldn't be upset with you if you refused me for not doing so. That's the beauty of being independent - you get to make the rules.

You use whatever screening methods you want.  It is not your fault if the guys can't follow your requirements.  If they really want to see you, they will find a way to satisfy your screening needs.

Don't compromise yourself for them.  The burden is on them, not you.


If employment information is what you require for screening, then that's what they should provide. There are, however, other alternatives. You might contact a few ladies and get some input as to what other methods work well. Retired gents and government employees, for example, can't provide employment information.

I do not think you should refuse clients immediately because they don't have employment information. I think you should just ask them if they have any other kind of screening option. As a client though that's what I would say. It really is up to you but, as you asked here is my opinion on this.

For me I am not employed, so it could be hard for me to meet ladies with only employment verification. For my first provider ever I had to go through with an agency, and it was easy. But for my second one I was already contacting her before my first provider.

I talked with the second provider I met for like 1 month through emails before she decided to meet me. When I met with my second provider I asked what made her meet up with me even though I had no employment verification. She said, that I seemed cool, and she just knew by chatting with me on the phone, and email that I was not crazy or something. I felt that I am pretty lucky to even have had that chance, hopefully its more common than I thought.

Too bad that she is retiring, and now I am back where I started.. no references because the second provider erased everything about her provider life. And the first provider's site is down too, not to mention she was a K-Girl, which I don't think they give references.

Ya that's my story about screening without employment info.

As a newbie myself, I found provider references to be a great way to verify a date. I've been lucky that the providers are well-established and have been very kind and helpful to me. I do offer gentlemen various methods of verification. I have a career outside of providing so I understand their situation about using employment for verification.

shudaknownbetter1549 reads

so if employment was the only acceptable verification, I could not hobby.  The ladies I have seen have found alternate means of verification.  
In my opinion, you should have alternative means that make you feel comfortable.

For obvious reasons there are those who can't provide employment verification and those who have valid reason why they can't I seek an alternate means but if one has no references or have not written reviews I think it would be foolish on my part to take the chance.

recent confirmable references from well reviewed providers I dont see how you can go wrong...

So that being said...
Hon screen as YOU see fit. There are plenty of clients out there who have what you require to be screened.
It is your business and your safety. Above all else, screen to what makes YOU feel safe. If they can not meet what you require they will have to move on...
Someone, on the other side stating oh gees "this" should be enough. Bullshit. They only say that from the other side of the verification process.
Ask any Lady who screens she'd say screen as you see fit and Only to what makes you comfortable.
It's only "good enough" if it meets Your degree of screening standards. If they don't like

Always Always Always go with your Gutt instinct!
You are the only one who can do whats best for you.

good luck.

It is your business, you have to handle this in a way that allows you to be comfortable.  If you can not  screen to your comfort, pass on the client.  you will both be happier.

You DON'T see him!!  If he TRULY TRULY  wants time with you, he will furnish what you need..a good Provider send them the message of "TRUST" that the personal info he gives you will go to the grave with you!  But if he will not give you what you need?  don't see him and NEVER EVER compromise your screening for anyone, no matter how good the money sounds or how much you might's not worth your safety!

"a good Provider will send them the message of "TRUST" that their personal info he gives you will go to the grave with you!"

and that "TRUST" has done in many a good man!!!

can you say Spitzer

its your body - you are not required to make it available to anyone you do not want to

I don't think this is a big deal. It's your body and your business. Sure there are some people that can't be verified through their employer. I would be one of them. I wouldn't give out my reemployment info.  I'm just as trusting as you are.  It just means you can do business with people like me. It's less money , but you will be safe and comfortable. If you want our business either put yourself in an uncomfortable situation which you don't seem to want to do, verify a different way, or just be content with the fact that you won't be seeing the clients that don't meet your standards.  I don't think it's worth it personally, but do what makes you happy.

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