Newbie - FAQ

Based on your only other post being on the Dallas Board....
inicky46 61 Reviews 130 reads

You need to go to the Dallas Ad Board. Go to the "Ad Boards" button at the top of the page and hover your cursor over it. You'll get a drop-down menu of local ad boards. At the bottom of the left- most column you'll find "Dallas Ads." Click on that and follow the instructions.
PS: You mistakenly posted an ad on the Dallas Regional Board. No ads are permitted there, only on the Dallas Ad Board.

I'm new here and looking for some help with posting....NO PIMPS PLEASE...I CAN PROMOTE MY OWN SHIT THANKS

limit one every 7 days, and those can include a pic.  

In addition, you can post every day on the photo board, but just pics, not availability.  

There are a lot of ins and outs, so I suggest reading all the rules of TER which you will find linked to this page.  


You need to go to the Dallas Ad Board. Go to the "Ad Boards" button at the top of the page and hover your cursor over it. You'll get a drop-down menu of local ad boards. At the bottom of the left- most column you'll find "Dallas Ads." Click on that and follow the instructions.
PS: You mistakenly posted an ad on the Dallas Regional Board. No ads are permitted there, only on the Dallas Ad Board.

on Dallas Ad Board and place an ad. To add a picture, you will need to join a hosting site. Personally, I have found Image Coast the easiest to use.

You can also post your picture daily on the Photo Only Board which is under the "TER General Boards" tab at the top of the page.

Preferred 411 is very popular in Dallas so I would also try to join that site. I visit Dallas about 3 times a year, so I know just a little bit about it.

Good luck, GT

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