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bad night
newbie32 8 Reviews 14383 reads

I'm very new to all this; just had my 2nd date.

The provider was very attractive and had terrific reviews. However, I think a bit of the nerves got to me and I struggled to respond in full. I didn't know if it was newbie nerves, tired and dehydrated from 2.5 hours of exercise (1.5 of which was immediately before appointment), or combination of both.

Anyone else recall having appointments where things don't work as well as hoped (especially in the newbie stage of this hobby)?


Man I know the feeling, I just had my first encounter tonight, after just starting the hobby this past weekend.  I was a total wreck, kept seeing my mug shot in my head wondering if I would smile or not.

She did an excellent job of settling me down, small talk and nice rub down.  But still, I have this fine looking lady nude, and I'm limp as a cooked noodle.  I guess I need more  

She was a pro about it and gave me a BBBJTC while I got to play with it was not all bad, but what a price for a BJ!!!!!!  But, hey that is life, and I feel much better now.

Do I get a KOTC from thirsty for having my first encounter?

Maybe it's too early in the morning or just too f*****g cold here (-3) but I'm drawing a blank ???


BigPoppaPumplv10558 reads

You want cold it's -37 this AM where I live!

We're supposed to get down to -11 in Boston today (about -40 with the wind chill).

The good news...the temp will climb back up to 30 degrees in time for the Patriots to beat the Colts (31-21) Sunday.

You heard it here first! "Offense sells tickets. Defense wins Championships!"


-- Modified on 1/16/2004 7:40:12 AM

BigPoppaPumplv10678 reads

You are most likely colder then I am.  With the wind and the damp from the water that has got to be just miserable.  It's a legit -37 with out the wind in Fairbanks this AM.  My car won't start cause the headbolt heater got tripped and I just figured it out this AM.  Waiting for a friend to come and take me to work.  Hope the car starts when I get home from work.  I've picked the Pats for the Super Bowl W so good luck to you and the team.

might do it this August. Please tell me the temp will be above freezing by then. ;)


BigPoppaPumplv12205 reads

August will be nice espically where you would be at. Jade and Kit took a cruise to South East two summers ago and had a blast.  It's like the Seattle  westren Washington area.  Real pretty.

It's bad here in LA today.  It must 72 today.  BRRRRRRRRRRRRr
Enjoy your fine cities!

I am not always at my best when meeting new people. A couple of times I have been unable to keep it hard, just from internal stress. A good lady will be disappointed and try VERY hard to make sure it is not her fault :) Shit happens. Laugh it off, tumble the lady back into bed,lick her until she climbs the walls and you have to peel her off the ceiling. You will still have a good time and I doubt you will have a problem the next time.

queltel11311 reads

Michael, your comment in TER Chatroom last night that the French are crazy because "they fight with their feet and fuck with their faces" truly cracked me up.  I laughed out loud about it as I was walking home from the library, where I can have an e-mail account for free.  Hope to see you in TER CHAT again soon.  All best,  queltel

I appreciate the reply!

But get this, despite my difficulty she informed of her plans to visit my city again (she tours), and suggested calling her when I visit her city later this spring (she typically keeps things separate between working in other cities and her private life).

I assume that implies becoming a regular?

prov22311910 reads

Hi- I'm a provider and most new guys are extremely nervous and it is not that uncommon for someone to be unable to perform if that's what you mean.  You can still have fun:)  The provider is more worried about you enjoying it and feeling like you had a good time with her. She has enough experience to know that men cannot turn it on and off like a switch and understands how nerve wracking it must be to be on your end.  She's used to it..your probably not.

I think my situation was caused by a combination of nerves and a side effect to medication.  It was very embarrasing, but the provider was very kind and did all she could do to change the situation.  Nothing helped and I felt like a total fool.  Looking back I just chalk it up to a life experience.

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