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At least she didn't show you pictures...red_smile
CR987 26 Reviews 4245 reads

I met a girl once that pulled out her cell phone and started showing me pictures of her boyfriend and all their friends. NOT COOL. She did end up showing me naked pictures of her and another hot naked chick having a little fun, but still. Overall it wasn't a great experience.

room2move3186 reads

i mean, i'll try to be nice, and talk her through stuff--but maybe is it an underhanded way of her telling you that she's not that interested in you?

or is it appropriate to interrupt and change the topic and get back to getting busy?

Timbow1511 reads

Yep that tip will be better for him then one he would leave for her :)

OK, it depends on the circumstances to some degree.  I've been with a lot of gals who will talk about their X's or their kids when we are making small talk but it's a bit weird to be chatting about an SO with a guy that you are fucking.  If you have been seeing her for a while and she feels comfortable around you I guess you have to expect this to some degree.

You should not assume that she is at all interested in you in any regard other than as a nice guy/paying customer.

room2move1606 reads

yeah, so like after we're all done, and make small talk.

i don't have any inclinations that the "relationship" would go any further than the client/provider level. i just don't know--because it can be a kind of uncomfortable turn-off--that maybe it's some tradition or secret code to tell you that she doesn't want to see you again.

but i guess if it's just a client/provider relationship, all they want is the money, so it doesn't matter, right?

If the provider doesn't want to see you again, she won't have a "code". She will just not book another appointment with you again. So if you get another appointment with her then you know she wants to see you.


If she doesn't want to see you again she simply won't.  She doesn't need to drop hints.

Johnny Apple-seed2593 reads

Maybe, there's a code, who knows.... maybe it's their way of keeping clients from falling in love with them.  But, what if they tell you they're thinking of breaking up with their boyfirends, etc?  Should that be interpreted as something?  Probably not...we're just clients...not a suitor.

Sometimes, it could also be that they feel comfortable with you and are just chatting...people reveal stuff about themselves more than they mean to....  This girl that I see a lot practically reveals a lot about her personal life...  I did have the thought that you did about what does it mean if they bring up the fact that they have someone in real life....but most likely they're hot girls and in real life they are going to have someone...their lives do not revolve around this...they use this to pay the bills...  We're curious about what the girl is in real life and then when they open up about themselves a little......  anyways, if they keep booking you then, I wouldn't take it the wrong way.

For example, did you start talking about your girl friend, SO or other personal topic?

If so, maybe she felt the need to follow you there.

On the other hand, many people are narcistic and believe that anyone will always be interested in their life story.  I have found a few such providers and I am often turned off by that unless I find them truly facinating; which a few were.

Room, everyone seemed to read into this action a negative connotation.  When I first read it I got a different take on it.

Perhaps she felt comfortable enough with you that she wanted to share part of her personal life with you.

Since you and she were the only two there, only you two can really know what was meant.

-- Modified on 2/9/2008 7:22:35 AM

everyone made some great points. I have some regulars that when we're making 'small talk' we talk about our lives. However it's mutual & we've gotten to know eachother well. I wouldn't bring up my s/o unsolicited.

This time is suppose to be about the client. He doesn't want to hear about another man. He wants to be 'the man' for that time frame.

Politely tell her you'd rather talk about the two of you & the fun you'll have. Hopefuly she'll take the hint. If not, stuff a ball gag in her mouth if you want to keep seeing her.

Otherwise, it may be time to find another provider.

I met a girl once that pulled out her cell phone and started showing me pictures of her boyfriend and all their friends. NOT COOL. She did end up showing me naked pictures of her and another hot naked chick having a little fun, but still. Overall it wasn't a great experience.

The same can be said about your kids. Please, do not show me bunches of photos of your kids while I'm sitting naked on their daddies' lap! It makes me *very* uncomfortable.

You may not think that I'd have to explain that, but... yeah.

I'd much rather see some naked photos of your wife, actually! I'll follow that up with a pic of me in my pink skirted schoolgirl outfit.

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