Newbie - FAQ

As always, Swim; great advice!
BeautywithBrains See my TER Reviews 409 reads

am one of the few who now asks that no new reviews be posted. I am, however, always happy to provide okays to P411 gentlemen whom I have visited with, and will continue to WhiteList TER gentlemen whom I have shared an evening/time with.

  I have many options for verifying a gentleman's identity, and I assure you, I would never call without permission, or send "literature" to someones place of employment, or home.  I can find all I need to know via the internet.

Hugs and Kisses,

I've been looking around and have a few questions.  Never done this before.  How can you usually tell if a provider is still active?  I've looked at some profiles that haven't been updated for some time (is that an indication or are you usually fine)?

Anybody use their normal phone?  I don't currently have a SO so I don't really have anything to hide.  Do all providers accept P411?  I've seen some providers stating that they require references (again is P411 usually sufficient in this case?)  What does P411 usually entail?  I just don't want it invading my work life or anything of that form or anything mailed to my house.

Any other general advice would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks.

TwoMints452 reads

Mostly I just look at new reviews and ads.  Sometimes I'll do a search but I usually not that specific.  After a period of time, you'll have pages of ladies you'd see in your favorites. You can pick from that list or continue updating it by checking the new reviews.  Sometimes ladies don't get reviews for months, it could mean she's UTR or just not getting reviewed. (seeing regulars or guys that don't do reviews) I seriously hesitate to see ladies without recent reviews. (2 months) On P411, every time a lady logs on, it moves them to the top of the list. I don't look at ladies that haven't logged in the last two or three weeks. They are either gaming the system by not reading the guys profile, (they don't need to log in your snapshot profile is emailed to them) which I do find really lazy. Or they are inactive for some reason. I'm not a big TOFFT guy so I'll just pass most of the time.

Get a prepaid phone anyway. Or use a burner app on your real phone. You don't want to be tracked so easily. Get a fake email as well.

P411, is widely accepted but not all ladies use it or take it. Its a great starting point. Most guys hate RS2K but it does open some doors.  

Gina(?) on P411 and her people are very discreet. No one will know anything. They aren't mailing you anything

Resent reviews are also an indicator that she's working but lack of ads or new reviews doesn't mean she's not. She have may have enough business with her regulars so she doesn't need to look for new guys.

It's generally recomended that you use a burner phone or app.

All providers who are on P411 use it but not all are on it. Generally speaking when you have a few P411 OKs it's all you need to see most of the ladies on the site. However they are free to require any additional information they need to feel comfortable seeing you and it's your option to provide that info if you feel comfortable doing so or you can select another lady to see.
To become a member of P411 you need to be screened by them the same way you would be by a provider. Some benefits of that service are giving your information to only one entity, based in Canada and not governed by US law, vs giving it to everyone you want to see. The ladies on P411 are also verified by them and usually safe to see but you should still do your research on her to be sure she's what uou're looking for.
They may need to check your emplyment but are known to be a discreet and trust worthy company. Joining was one of the best decisions I have made here, getting a few OKs os like getting the key to the candy shop.

Read the self help center, it will answer some of your questions.  If it's been over a year since her last review, and you can't find any ads, she is probably no longer active.  Some gals do start asking clients not to write reviews, so my previous stmt is not a guarantee.

I use my normal phone, as I am like you and have no SO, so do not have the need to hide from anyone.  No, not all providers accept P411, esp if they are not members of the site.  Sometimes P411 OK's will be enough, sometimes a provider will still want references from other providers.  On P411, look for newbie friendly providers, as well as other places.  P411 is a verification site, meaning that the site and/or one or more of its members has said that you are safe to see.  They are very discrete in their verification process as they know you could possibly have much to lose.  Nothing from them will be mailed to your home.  If they contact your work, they use an innocuous excuse like reminding you of a doctor's appt or some other innocent story.

Hope this helps.

am one of the few who now asks that no new reviews be posted. I am, however, always happy to provide okays to P411 gentlemen whom I have visited with, and will continue to WhiteList TER gentlemen whom I have shared an evening/time with.

  I have many options for verifying a gentleman's identity, and I assure you, I would never call without permission, or send "literature" to someones place of employment, or home.  I can find all I need to know via the internet.

Hugs and Kisses,

Whether you have an SO or not, I would recommend using a hobby phone unless you want to share the details of your real life identity. If I google my regular phone number, I find all kinds of personal information. On the other hand, if I google my hobby number, nothing.

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