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Any way to ask a stripper if she'd provide w/o getting slapped to death?
PlayingDoctor 8863 reads

I have a favorite stripper at my local club, I blow so much money on her when I see her that I walk out thinking I could have gotten a full-contact date for that amount.

Is there any way (prefer a professional's opinion here) I can suggest a paid full service date to her without her reaching for the pepper spray? I get the impression that nude dancers look down on providers.

Used to spend way too much time at strip clubs :)

Dancers get asked all the time if they will escort. If she is a favorite, doubtful she will take offense. It is a matter of asking appropriately. Just ask her if she is available for private dances outside of the club. If she says yes, then clarify withe her exactly what will be involved. Be very tactful, but do clarify. If you are looking for Full Service and/or otehr services, be very clear. Also be ready for some ridiculous rate. Dancers seem to think that they deserve the same rate as high end independents or even pornstars.

I have tried seeing dancers outside of the club and have always been disappointed. I hope it goes better for you. Do us a favor and let us know.

DingleBerry8784 reads

she walked away to the DJ and whispered in his ear. Ten seconds later the DJ says over the PA system " hey the guy over there in the blue jacket (he's pointing at me) wants Bambi to blow him in the parking lot. At least he could have offered to get a hotel room!"  I was about 24 at the time and turned bright red and slumped down in my seat. Everyone howled at my expense and I quickly paid my tab and crawled out.  VERY EMBARASSING, but I laugh about it now.

I learned the hard way that dating strippers was a waste of time and money. My two stories:

1) Met a goddess of a woman, about 5'8" tall, D+ cup breasts with a super-tight fitness competitors body. She even knew friends of mine from a previous job as a flight attendant. We seemed to hit it off. Well, after visiting her for a few weeks at the club, she agreed to go out with me. Funny thing was, I soon realized that each date was running me about $250-$300... easy. In fact, if I didn't slow things down a bit, substantially more. Then, at the end of the date (after she'd been telling me how horny she was all night long), she'd suddenly need to get home or back to her car- always for some stupid reason. I must have spent a grand on her on just 4 dates, and this was back in the early 90's. Well finally, she caught on to the fact I wasn't going to ask her out again and asked me if she could come over and just "cook dinner for me." I agreed- who much could that cost me? Well, she comes over, meets me at the door and immediately say's "I wore my sex dress for you... it comes off easily at the end of the night" hmmm... things really are getting better. Then, she tells me how she'll still be glad to cook dinner, BUT... her favorite comedian IN THE WORLD is in town and blah, blah, blah. Since she's told me what to expect, I figure it's worth it for the sex. We go out- $100 at the comedy club. Then dinner afterwards at a swanky restaurant.. another $150.. then home... where she all the sudden gets a "terrible headache" and has to go home... right away. I think I still have darts in her picture somewhere.

2) I meet another stripper- but this one seems different- really intelligent. She's into studying religion, has big plans for her life, but more inportantly, she's REALLY into ME! How often does that happen??? In fact, she actually asks ME to go out with HER. She calls me up the next day and invites me over to her apartment- and then immediately starts complaining how she had a bad night last night and just needs some grocery money. "Just $40 or so, to get me by." I offer to help and she badly fakes a "really? you'd do that for me???" She goes on to insinuate that I'll have a "really good time" if I come over, and I'm thinking $40 aint bad for a night with a mega hot dancer with the ass from heaven (it was incredible guys- one of the best I've EVER seen). I get there and she's got a stack of bills on the table to reach the ceiling on her kitchen table. She's LOADED with cash- more money than I have, and I'm not hurting. She then tells me that the religion she studies is... scientology... and she wants me to come along with her to a meeting. I guess that was the "fun time" I was supposed to have. Then, she asks me if I want to know a secret. Uh-oh. She then proceeds to tells me how she and her father have been re-incarnated several times as lovers and one time he even burnt her eyes out in the 1600's for being a witch.

Now, I'm a firm believer that you should think first before inserting your penis into anything. It's a good rule that has saved me at least two kids by women who were looking for a free-ride. So, needless to say, I get the hell out of there and decide that no piece of ass is worth dealing with this shit. For weeks afterwards, she called the living hell out of my phone until I asked her if Scientology had taught her how to beg for money, too. Fortunately, that finally ended it.

In short, a very rare and decent dancer once told me to never, EVER, date a dancer- reason being, they view men as commodities and make the WORST wives and girlfriends in the world. They also make for some of the biggest rip-off artist escorts as well.

Anyway, just my experience. BTW, I'm not an ugly guy- I always dated in the 7-10's range, so I wasn't some fat, bald guy trying to date out of my league. Hope it keeps someone else from dropping a few stupid G's like I did. Live and learn.

skisandboots11939 reads

Thanks for sharing your wisdom; I couldn't agree more.  A friend of mine once asked a stripper (he said he knew her) if she & some of her friends would like to swing by after work to a party we were having for one of our buds who was getting married in a couple of weeks.  We told them what we were serving, and that we had access to a private, heated swimming pool & that we were all planning to do some skinny dipping (also, they knew there were going to be other girlfriends/wives there, so they weren't going to get gang-raped or anything like that).  Well, two of them show up with "boyfriends"; they all drink as much liquor as possible, eat our food like they've not been fed in weeks, turn the nose up when someone tries to talk to them, clinging only to their "dates".  When everyone goes skinny dipping (again this was mixed company), guess who decides to not join in?  That's right, the strippers.  They didn't see any dollar bills in it, so time to take off.  Oh sure, they could've cited a number of reasons for wanting to leave (excluding being "shy" or threatened).  What bothered us was their attitudes the whole time.  Always about the money.  I have no doubts that the only reason they showed up was to ingest some free booze & food.  After getting into the hobby, I have no interest whatsoever in ever seeing another stripper.

At least they like sex and are good at it. Better yet, he should hook up with a hot, proven provider from his region, even if he has to travel some. My experience with dancers is like yours, once I learned my lesson, I would not spend one second with a dancer when I want sex.

I have had only one real experience in this area but unlike the others shown so far it turned out OK.  Just sort of hit it off with this one stripper from a local club, I mentioned a hobby (not this one) I was into and she said we should get together sometime.  I gave her my number and got a call a week or two later, where she said that she was hard up for $$$ but really did not want to go into the club that day and asked if I might be interested some private dancing.  I went to her house and found out just how good her private showings were.  This continued for about 6 months before she moved on, but I really regretted the money I had spent in that club before I met her.

Why not ask a provider to do a strip show for you.  This way you get the strip tease you want and your guarenteed the bonus at the end.  There are many providers as smoking as strippers.  I spent $$$ for a VIP room what a waste I can get a great provder for that

onethera6495 reads

I met a stripper in a club almost 10 years ago.  She is a beautiful girl with a killer, natural DD body. I asked her politely whether she would see me on the side, and she agreed.   We agreed on a price, and she met me at a local hotel several times.

As time went on, I fell in love with her, and I made her my mistress.  I think that she loves me as well. Although she never asked me to leave my wife (I am now married for more than 40 years), I suspect that that is what she wanted.   I supported her for years, and we broke up several times.  But I always pushed to come back, because I loved both her and the sex.

Now she has kicked me out, because our relationship has gone nowhere.   She was 25 when I met her, and is now 35.   For some reason I have always felt guilty about my relationship with her insofar as it affected her, not my wife.  

What I have learned is that this hobby, with no strings attached, is a hell of a lot better than falling in love with a mistress.  But I can't blame the strip club, can I?

onethera7680 reads

I met a stripper in a club almost 10 years ago.  She is a beautiful girl with a killer, natural DD body. I asked her politely whether she would see me on the side, and she agreed.   We agreed on a price, and she met me at a local hotel several times.

As time went on, I fell in love with her, and I made her my mistress.  I think that she loves me as well. Although she never asked me to leave my wife (I am now married for more than 40 years), I suspect that that is what she wanted.   I supported her for years, and we broke up several times.  But I always pushed to come back, because I loved both her and the sex.

Now she has kicked me out, because our relationship has gone nowhere.   She was 25 when I met her, and is now 35.   For some reason I have always felt guilty about my relationship with her insofar as it affected her, not my wife.  

What I have learned is that this hobby, with no strings attached, is a hell of a lot better than falling in love with a mistress.  But I can't blame the strip club, can I?

Provided she'd make a great provider. Although, I didn't aske if she would.

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