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Any new guy in LA looking for a Mentor?
rockhard 140 Reviews 4898 reads

I posted a while back that I'd be open to help a new guy and be a mentor.

I'm not going to be a pimp or a mini TER and point you in the right direction.

Look up the word in the dictionary if you don't know what a mentor is and does.

I've got years of experience and won't mind finding a guy that's anxious and cool that would like some help from me. I'm no expert but I have had lots of experience and can probably help the right guy...

The Pig4450 reads

I know what a mentor is/does but...are you gonna point it at her happy spot and guide it in for me?

What exactly are you offering?

harryj2886 reads

I am guessing the student gets to pay, watch the mentor put on a demo, and then the student takes seconds. Pretty good deal for someone willing to "teach".

skisandboots2805 reads

...I hope someone takes you up on this real soon.  I'd hate for you to have to post this ad for a third time.     LOL

very funny responses.

I can't believe how many guys were just looking for a pimp. Point me in the direction of a good MP, find me a girl and I'll pay you money...all this isn't what a mentor does.

The doors have closed.
There's an underground network, looking for some good guys to recruit to open the doors to a whole new playing field.
Only one lucky guy was brought in.

why pay $300-$500 when you can get the same quality for a lot less................

I too was just like you guys, on the outside looking in. Then one guy took me aside and the rest is history.

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