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swimtrekr 58 Reviews 597 reads

As a previous poster said, YMMV often plays a big part, partnered up with chemistry.  There are many things, some of which have already been mentioned, which make up the reasons for each encounter's level of excitement or lack thereof.  If a provider has at least 10 reviews, I would say, that are all similar in rating, that's usually a good sign.  But, remember, nothing in the hobby is a sure thing.  It could have been something on her side, or maybe it was something about you.  There is just no way to know for sure.

Best thing to do is not let it bug you or overthink it too much.  That will only grate on you unnecessarily.  Just relax, move on, and enjoy the next one.


Last month I saw a provider that had about ten positive, scorching reviews. She had an amazing body but was weak in the performance. I walked out thinking all of these reviews are bogus, people submitting reviews just to get a free month of vip. How many reviews should a provider have before you can deem the reliable? Just because someone is whitelist for 2 providers but have submitted 30 reviews in a year doesn't really prove their reliability.

There are a lot of thing to consider here. Just like so many things in life your
not always going to get a providers best performance due to a number of circumstances.
  Perhaps the chemistry between you just didnt click. She also could have had a busy day and
just didnt have the energy to make it happen. What helps me and this will come with time is
to find a few reviewers you seem to be on the same wave length as I am when it comes to my expectations. Even then there is going to be differences of opinion.

  I'm sure there are some reviewers that do it for the free time and tend to embellish it. After
a while you will start to see a pattern of who you can rely on for an accurate review and the ones you cant.

 Just one more thing ,I hope you are going to submit a review. Your opinion is very important and necessary.

to re-think their experience.  A lot depends on expectations.  
That said, it has been my personal experience, in the more affordable price points (where the budget minded must be)...  the hotter the girl, the more she can attract enough clients for her business model with only lackluster efforts.  
What you expect or desire may be different than me!  What you need to look for is are her pictures real & currant?  Is she running a scam or ripoff?  Does she deliever services as promised?  Real the reviews to see if she delivers the services YOU want?  After that, it's an individual matter.  Chemistry is never guarenteed.  

I don't click with every one I see.  I just want to know these things before I walk in the door.

Zsa_Zsa_TaTas528 reads

the more attractive a person is, the less effort they feel they have to apply.  They may begin to feel as if just showing up and looking good is more than enough.  Certainly this doesn't apply to everyone.

As a previous poster said, YMMV often plays a big part, partnered up with chemistry.  There are many things, some of which have already been mentioned, which make up the reasons for each encounter's level of excitement or lack thereof.  If a provider has at least 10 reviews, I would say, that are all similar in rating, that's usually a good sign.  But, remember, nothing in the hobby is a sure thing.  It could have been something on her side, or maybe it was something about you.  There is just no way to know for sure.

Best thing to do is not let it bug you or overthink it too much.  That will only grate on you unnecessarily.  Just relax, move on, and enjoy the next one.


serpius606 reads

Hey RedDog,

Unfortunately, that is an ongoing issue here at TER and other review websites.

For reasons that are too long to list in here, hobbyists feel compelled to give inflated reviews of the providers that have met. Is there a "hidden" reason for those inflated reviews? Probably.

The sad thing is that it throws us HONEST hobbyists off and we don't know exactly who we are dealing with in regards a proivder who has "glowing" reviews.

You may have gotten one that has some inflated reviews, but not all of them are like that.

Just take it as a lesson and mark that provider off your "good list".

Hopefully, the next provider will knock your socks off in the performance area.


Posted By: bigreddog70
Last month I saw a provider that had about ten positive, scorching reviews. She had an amazing body but was weak in the performance. I walked out thinking all of these reviews are bogus, people submitting reviews just to get a free month of vip. How many reviews should a provider have before you can deem the reliable? Just because someone is whitelist for 2 providers but have submitted 30 reviews in a year doesn't really prove their reliability.

Look at the history of each guy who reviews her...what does he consider great in performance or looks compared to the next guy. Some men are so old and ugly a hand job rates a 9, because they are just not able to get anything. Some guys rate compared to Hollywood porn stars, and some rate compared to acronyms. It is always YMMV, so even if she has nothing but 10s, that does not mean your session will also be a 10. There are too many variables to consider when trying to pick this apart. A guy with hairy balls and a stinky azz, is not going to get the same performance as one who is squeaky clean and attractive..just keeping it real.

It is like any review, whether it is a movie, a restaurant, or anything else - the review is worthless until you know the reviewer. How well does his taste match yours, how detailed and honest are his reviews. Of course, the scores themselves are meaningless, almost completely arbitrary since each of us makes up his own scale - the gold is in the text.

Unlikely that all 10 reviews were bogus, however. Lots of things influence reviews. The most obvious one is that the lady was having a bad day for one reason or another, but I have noted lots of other factors, including...

Some reviewers always give high scores. I will let others work out why.

Reviewers from smaller towns give higher scores than those from big cities. I call this the "we all belong to the same club" syndrome. If you have fewer providers to choose from, you are more apt to suck up to the good ones you have.

Some ladies manage their reviews pretty carefully, and will encourage guys who will give good reviews and ask others not to review them. Personally, I do not think this is a bad thing, but many do.

Some reviewers use their reviews to get special favors, I do have a problem with this.

And I am sure there are a lot more reasons.


thanks for the honesty.

Posted By: London Rayne
Look at the history of each guy who reviews her...what does he consider great in performance or looks compared to the next guy. Some men are so old and ugly a hand job rates a 9, because they are just not able to get anything. Some guys rate compared to Hollywood porn stars, and some rate compared to acronyms. It is always YMMV, so even if she has nothing but 10s, that does not mean your session will also be a 10. There are too many variables to consider when trying to pick this apart. A guy with hairy balls and a stinky azz, is not going to get the same performance as one who is squeaky clean and attractive..just keeping it real.

Damn, London Rayne always keeps it real lol I like that about you woman. If I didn't know better i would think your from NY the toughest, realest concrete jungle in the country.

Thanks for all the responses and insight.  I never considered all of the different possibilities for inflated ratings. Great tip to read some of the reviewers other reviews as well to get a feel for what they base their ratings on.

After my visit someone else posted a review that closely resembled my experience so I do have some faith that all the reviews are not bogus.

...I have had no issues with reviews making things sound better than I found them to be upon a visit with the lady. Yes, no doubt some are bogus, some are just the way "he" likes things as opposed to the way you like things, but overall I have found the reviews to be right on.

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