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Agree with xyz
swimtrekr 58 Reviews 421 reads

keep it as discrete as possible, TER PM would prob be the best way to ask about FC.  I'd say something like, 'Would love to try an FC with you, is that OK?  PM me to let me know.'  If you have seen her before, that should be ok.


A lady I'll be seeing next week has female condom - yes listed on her profile. Since not every lady is aware of, or even creates, her profile, is it kosher to use the TER PM system to inquire? Do providers mind explicit kinds of discussions via PM? Such a minefield!

I've seen her before and didn't think to ask, and asking via regular email is probably a no-no. I don't want to wait until I'm in  the room, because that might be too late. ask. I do recommend you use TER PM for this kind of communication. I use e-mail for appointment request. Anything of a specific nature I prefer PM.

keep it as discrete as possible, TER PM would prob be the best way to ask about FC.  I'd say something like, 'Would love to try an FC with you, is that OK?  PM me to let me know.'  If you have seen her before, that should be ok.


Why is ur handle in an orange-ish color?

but seriously. TER made him a poo-bah of this board, and that's why his handle is that color, or so it is said

Moderators had power to edit and remove posts and moderate posters. Moderators and official TER staff had their names in red. ("TERAdmin," "DiscussionBoardAdmin," SportsAdmin," "Staff," "TERSupport," etc.) when ZtER did away with volunteer moderators they made Swimtrekr the "host" of the newbie board, so as host his name is still in red. However the title is meaningless. He has no power to moderate or anything, he is not paid, and he is not an official TER staff member. All he gets is his name in red! :) As host, he is supposed to "direct" the board I guess, but directing without any powers is kind of odd.

After admin did away with all the member moderators, they asked me to stay on as host of the newbie board.  They also had a few members host some other boards.  As far as I know, none of us were given any direction as to what our duties were, we just had to wing it.  After a month, I was the only one kept.  When I post on any other forum, my handle is the same color as everyone else.  It's only different on this board.


PS, you're not the only one who has asked this, and probably won't be the last

Be sure it is in a sealed package.

They are hard if not impossible to find at drugstores, but Planned Parenthood has them for free or you can order on line

This would be my suggestion as well.  I don't like any explicit or insinuating messages anywhere, whether email, pm, p411, etc...  Even with previous friends.  I will not reply to messages that may be incriminating.  Although, I may be overly cautious. But, better safe than sorry in my opinion.  I learn personal preferences while spending time in person and then make sure I am properly prepared for any future visits.  Although, as a professional, I'm very well prepared anyways :)

On the site, type Fc2 in the search box.

SterlingArch356 reads

If one uses P411 could they put this preference in their profile and request the provider read their p411 profile when setting up an appointment?  I am new to p411 so I am not sure if that is an avenue to discuss more explicit things for the provider to know or not.

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