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Actually, 7 is NOT the maximum score for an FBSM provider...
NoYellowEnvelope 241 reads

... depending on what services she offers, but that is a common misconception. I know lots of FBSM providers who offer kissing with tongue. That brings the possible max score to 8. Many of them also offer BBBJs.  That brings the max score to a 9. And there's quite a few who're really bi (and before some folks start hitting the keys... many of those really are really bi, in my experience).  There's the possible 10.  There's other ways to get the score up, but I think they're pretty unlikely with FBSM providers--although I know a few who offer "two guys" (and actually do it!).

I have a question about the rating system. From what I've gathered I see at least four different scales:

1). How TER classified the ratings, which is followed only loosely by clients and providers alike.
2). How providers view the ratings, in which I'm not very interested, though I wouldn't want to hurt anyone's feelings.
3). How clients as raters view them, which differs from 4 in mysterious ways.
4). And finally, how clients read them in choosing a provider, which is what interests me.

Providers seem to take offense starting at 7, though in looks a 7 by definition is attractive and in performance it's a "hot time." Attractive is not "hot," but it is attractive. Clients' experiences are subjective, of course, but the text of the reviews ought to be comparable to the numbers. But the reviews are all over the place. Some 6s sound like heaven and some 9s come off as routine. I can't find rhyme or reason, except to say below 6 usually means bad news.  

But that's not really what I want to know, which is what are the rules for perspective 4? Clients as readers and clients as reviewers are of separate minds. Do I try and put myself in the mind of the reviewer, or do I just ignore the numbers and analyze their story? As a reviewer, do you try to fit your numbers to the TER standards, to what the providers expect, to maximize usefulness to fellow clients, or to your private sense of justice?

For example, if you are looking for a great FBSM gal, you have to understand that TER will only let her get a maximum of 7, but she could be a 10 in terms of her massage skills.

To find out, you have to read the reviews

NoYellowEnvelope242 reads

... depending on what services she offers, but that is a common misconception. I know lots of FBSM providers who offer kissing with tongue. That brings the possible max score to 8. Many of them also offer BBBJs.  That brings the max score to a 9. And there's quite a few who're really bi (and before some folks start hitting the keys... many of those really are really bi, in my experience).  There's the possible 10.  There's other ways to get the score up, but I think they're pretty unlikely with FBSM providers--although I know a few who offer "two guys" (and actually do it!).

Posted By: darmody
I have a question about the rating system. From what I've gathered I see at least four different scales:  
 1). How TER classified the ratings, which is followed only loosely by clients and providers alike.  
 2). How providers view the ratings, in which I'm not very interested, though I wouldn't want to hurt anyone's feelings.  
 3). How clients as raters view them, which differs from 4 in mysterious ways.  
 4). And finally, how clients read them in choosing a provider, which is what interests me.  
 Providers seem to take offense starting at 7, though in looks a 7 by definition is attractive and in performance it's a "hot time." Attractive is not "hot," but it is attractive. Clients' experiences are subjective, of course, but the text of the reviews ought to be comparable to the numbers. But the reviews are all over the place. Some 6s sound like heaven and some 9s come off as routine. I can't find rhyme or reason, except to say below 6 usually means bad news.  
 But that's not really what I want to know, which is what are the rules for perspective 4? Clients as readers and clients as reviewers are of separate minds. Do I try and put myself in the mind of the reviewer, or do I just ignore the numbers and analyze their story? As a reviewer, do you try to fit your numbers to the TER standards, to what the providers expect, to maximize usefulness to fellow clients, or to your private sense of justice?

Hieronymus236 reads

Fancy: Why can't you put an EOM or even an E at the end of your no content posts. You waste a lot of our valuable time when you don't do this. I'm just going to skip opening your posts until you can extend us this well-established courtesy. It means that I might miss some of your more insightful and valuable comments. But I'll take that chance.  H

Posted By: Hieronymus
Fancy: Why can't you put an EOM or even an E at the end of your no content posts. You waste a lot of our valuable time when you don't do this. I'm just going to skip opening your posts until you can extend us this well-established courtesy. It means that I might miss some of your more insightful and valuable comments. But I'll take that chance.  H
Don't worry about my participation on boards.Everybody has an opinions on boards.

Hieronymus190 reads

What kind of response is that? And please use proper grammar as well. I'm guessing that English may not be your primary language but you can do better. Until you can exhibit proper etiquette and improve the content of your posts I'm going to place you on "ignore".  I know that this hurts you but just try to improve the quality and temperament of your Board posts. H

Posted By: Fancy8888
Posted By: Hieronymus
Fancy: Why can't you put an EOM or even an E at the end of your no content posts. You waste a lot of our valuable time when you don't do this. I'm just going to skip opening your posts until you can extend us this well-established courtesy. It means that I might miss some of your more insightful and valuable comments. But I'll take that chance.  H
Don't worry about my participation on boards.Everybody has an opinions on boards.

Senator.Blutarsky266 reads

...and it's not the absolute score. I treat the numerical score as a rough guide, since every guys scale is different on what he finds attractive, hot, etc. The performance scale is a little more objective, but not much.  

I pay much more attention the the written details. I am looking for the reviewer to confirm that the pictures are accurate and current. At this point I am already interested based on these pictures so I'm not hung up on the score. I just want to know if I can trust the photos.  

I also pay attention to how the gal conducts herself BCD. In this, I've found some key "tells" that let me know that the lady I'm considering and myself are simpatico.  

I've also found that there are certain reviewers who do an excellent job and who I trust based on shared interests and experiences.  

Solo mis dos centavos.

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