Newbie - FAQ

Absolutely +1000.
TaylorSteele 246 reads

While there may be no manual as to how to go about this world as an independent, I found it's not all that hard. The steps are there, you just have to know how and what you want to do first and follow through what works for you. There is no way I would EVER put my livelihood of this world in the hands of another. No way Jose LOL...but that's just me. I'm too much of a control freak as it is.  

(Sorry this is for Chloe ;) Good luck to you and try it at least. Takes a few photos, a selection on where you want to advertise, some decent text and you can start in this world as an indy. You've already got the jist of it and are not going in blind. You got this. Again, best of luck to you.  

Posted By: J0e_Fella
Can't imagine to put a livelihood on someone's else, not to mention the cut you have to give up to an agency.  
 Best of luck to you.
-- Modified on 3/16/2015 9:35:35 AM

I have a.... Different newbie question from a providers stand point. For 3 months I've been working under an alias for an agency. Becoming independent was a trying task and I didn't have the patience to figure it out. Very recently, my agency received several bad reviews as an agency, not necessarily the girls. Now it seems like business that was slow has come to a screeching halt. Is that my cue to give being independent one more go? Should I go to another agency? A little lost on what my next steps would be. I liked the clientele of the agency and the owner was efficient and honest. That's hard to find in this line of work...

Kind of curious why they started getting bad reviews, esp when you say the clientele was good and the owner was efficient and honest. In any case if it's hurting your business it definitely sounds like time to move on. Whether going to another agency or becoming an independent is the answer, only you can decide. Perhaps the best bet for you is becoming an independent with an assistant to handle screening and booking.

I lost my last job and started a business about 5 years ago. Best decision I ever made. Its hard starting out, getting known, getting reviews, getting customers calling, but I love the fact I created my own job. Is it hard to be the boss, the accountant, the worker, the advertiser, the social networking person, the website person etc. Yes. But I actually like being the decision maker. Doing things my way. If you have the drive and are willing to put in the work until the business is bringing in money steadily with your advertising strategy, or networking strategy, you will start making money and getting repeat customers.

One thing I learned in business, is that you have to do whats right every time. If you have the passion to not cut corners and provide the same quality service to everyone, every time, they will recommend you to their friends and then the business slowly, will grow exponentially.

Can't imagine to put a livelihood on someone's else, not to mention the cut you have to give up to an agency.

Best of luck to you.

While there may be no manual as to how to go about this world as an independent, I found it's not all that hard. The steps are there, you just have to know how and what you want to do first and follow through what works for you. There is no way I would EVER put my livelihood of this world in the hands of another. No way Jose LOL...but that's just me. I'm too much of a control freak as it is.  

(Sorry this is for Chloe ;) Good luck to you and try it at least. Takes a few photos, a selection on where you want to advertise, some decent text and you can start in this world as an indy. You've already got the jist of it and are not going in blind. You got this. Again, best of luck to you.  


Posted By: J0e_Fella
Can't imagine to put a livelihood on someone's else, not to mention the cut you have to give up to an agency.  
 Best of luck to you.
-- Modified on 3/16/2015 9:35:35 AM

As already said, whether or not you try going indy again, or another agency, you have to decide which is best for you.  From strictly a money aspect, you will get to keep all your donations and not having to split them with agency.  If you're not able to handle the business end of providing, the suggestion of finding an independent booking agent might be the way to go.  You might have to share your income, but probably not as much as you would with an agency.

You could also contact some of your previous clients and let them know your change in status.  If they enjoyed you, it's quite possible they will be interested in returning for another visit with you.


isn't getting you any appointments, you need to get started with a website, marketing yourself, etc.

Good luck to you.

...Depends a lot on you. If you feel you can operate safely and successfully as an indepenent I think that's the route you should go. As an indie you keep all the cash and you become a much smaller target for LE than an agency.

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