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A right and proper a$$f@cking is not for the squeamish....teeth_smile
MarkusKetterman 150 Reviews 1866 reads

I've had even the occasional properly prepared lady make a bit of a mess in response to enthusiastic sodomy...... and if there are hemmoroids - you sometimes get technicolor.....

-- Modified on 1/1/2009 5:51:24 PM

-- Modified on 1/1/2009 6:04:02 PM

Before I meet ladies, I always take a shower, wear a perfume and brush my teeth for having a fun. I think that it is a sort of etiquette.

In spite of my preparations, I encounter unpleasant situations.
When I try to do DATY, sometimes I can smell distasteful from some ladies' bodies or their 'small ladies.'

If I ask her to take a quick shower, is it disrespectful to her?
Are there any hobbists experiencing this situation?
Before meeting a lady or getting a business in a bedroom, do hobbist request her to take a shower by herself or together?

I am still a newbie in this world.....

Good providers always clean up just before a date anyways.

Did this come up in any of her reviews?

If not, it may be a temporary condition.  In any case, a gal's got enough toys to keep me busy without that.

In my experience, such things are pretty rare.

kokopuff1555 reads

I hope you are talking about some real smell, not the subtle p*ssy taste and smell that makes a p*ssy what it is.

If the former, I think you can ask her to freshen up; it's a service after all. If the latter, I suggest you develop a taste for it cause ....think of the alternative! :)

Ask her to take a shower with you together this way you won't have to worry about offending her and you can enjoying this activity together.

LadiLuver2685 reads

As soon as I see that I move on to the next provider option.  That's such a turn off.

anon76588492082 reads

If so, WHERE are you finding these skanks???  Are they CL?  Trailer Park?  Ghetto?

Bro, this is NOT the norm. I hope you're NOT eating dank skank? GET TER VIP (if you don't have it), and get a top reviewed gal!!!

LadiLuver1751 reads

I was referring to comments I read in reviews, not things I experienced myself.

yahooPersonalsGuy1971 reads

My very first experience I meet a provider off yahoo personals. When she came to my place I could tell right away that she need to shower. We took a shower together. I had to make her brush her teeth. We had fun and did some greek. I had to stop because she had not cleaned herself for greek. I grossed me out so much that I quit the hobby. Now I check on this site and read thew reviews before seeing a provider.

yahooPersonalsGuy1452 reads

That was round 3, she cleaned up. Then she asks me for a round 4, lol. I had to tell her I was too tired. I guess that is what you get when you pay $300 for 3 hours.

I've had even the occasional properly prepared lady make a bit of a mess in response to enthusiastic sodomy...... and if there are hemmoroids - you sometimes get technicolor.....

-- Modified on 1/1/2009 5:51:24 PM

-- Modified on 1/1/2009 6:04:02 PM

yahooPersonalsGuy1504 reads

There is one I know that was clean/reviewed. Too much lube then bingo a large fart and shit all over the place. I got up and cleaned up and finished with regular full service.

Another one told me "I have to go to the bathroom, but some guys like it nasty like that". I told her to go to the bathroom.

I would not DATY women I meet on the first date in my private life, heaven forbid I would do it in the hobby for a first time encounter.  So, a hobby who takes appointments back to back, u know you see them leave, u do not.  You can douche but so much. But I learned that VIP's take fewer volume, so they can do what it takes to be ready for a good eating out (can I say that)

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