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a customer found me from this website and shorted me
siennabri 3010 reads

Is there anyway I can post a review about him also or is this just for escorts? or is there another place for that because i want other providers to let them know this guy lies and doesn't give you the correct amount

GaGambler301 reads

Just how did your chiseling client find you from "this website" as you state in your OP?

This is your very first post here and you don't appear to have any reviews here. So how did he find you from "this website" as you claim. If you have reviews under another name it might add a bit of credibility if you were to direct us towards them.

Of course this is the Newbie board and we are here to help so the short answer to your question is NO, this is a site dedicated to clients to review escorts not the other way around. I will be more than happy to give you the "long" answer which will include some things you might be able to do once we have some kind of an idea who you are.

Providers on TER have discussed being cheated or shorted in the room. There are many methods.  
1. Guy puts down envelope on table. Everyone has a great time, not even thinking about the envelope. Guy sneaks back the envelope just before he leaves.  
2. Guy packs envelope with one real bill on top and the rest plain paper or play money.
3. Counterfeit money in envelope.
The few cases I can recall did not involve naming names but providing enough info that other other Providers in that locale knew who was being spoken of. "His email address is the name of a marsupial." "Oh! I know who you mean. He contacted me, too. Thanks for the warning." kind of stuff.  
If it isn't too painful to recount, how did you get taken?  It can ruin the mood, but closely examining (counting) the envelope at the start, in his presence, and putting it safely away (while he goes to shower) is one way to avoid getting shorted.  
(NOTE: Not everyone uses an envelope. "Envelope" is a euphemism for the money)

Posted By: siennabri

Is there anyway I can post a review about him also or is this just for escorts? or is there another place for that because i want other providers to let them know this guy lies and doesn't give you the correct amount

Black--Panther315 reads

You can become a member of TER and [ost I "[roviders only" forum. Go to Discussion Board tab at top, then "More" tab and then to providers only board.

A provider has to have at least 3 reviews and a posting history to join the Providers Only board. This OP has neither. At least not under the name she is using here.

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