Newbie - FAQ

+1 on both suggestions. However...
NoGreenBorderedEnvelope 144 reads

... I want to clarify something you said about date/time stamps on posts, since we were talking about doing searches on posts.  When you search for posts, the date/time stamps ARE on the search results.  (Which means the info is available to put on posts in the discussion threads also!).  

I'm seeking some advice and suggestions for screening potential clients? Your help is much appreciated.

JakeFromStateFarm184 reads

She's come to the right place, so perhaps some experienced providers will step up.

It is highly doubtful Scarlet is a member of the PO board. She has the requisite 3 reviews but she doesn't have enough of a posting history. Admin requires a posting history on the boards to grant providers access to the PO board.

GaGambler172 reads

Doesn't have a prayer of getting access.

It's just like the bank, If you want a loan the first thing you need to do is PROVE that you don't need it.

I am not new to TER, but I am just from a part of the world where TER has little to no exposure. I recently relocated to the US and EVERYTHING here is completely different.  

I was denied access to the PO board, and I understand why. So I looked at every post I could find that I felt was important to the many questions I had. I sent PM to a few guys who posted in a meaningful manner and seemed knowledgable. I sent messages to a few providers with questions as well.

Here is what I found out.....the guys and girls here are very helpful. Some wanted a bit more personal interaction to provide some answers that they felt were sensitive. But all in all, the membership here is not only helpful and knowledgeable, but simply the best. I even asked TER a few questions and they responded quickly.

A simple but heart felt thank you to everyone on the Newbi and General boards. I look forward at some point to even get unmoderated. I feel sure if I simply follow the suggestions I will one day get a chance to learn even more on the PO board.

Search for "screening" set the day at 365. This top is discussed often, so you'll get plenty of results of your search. Btw, many providers are reluctant to discuss screening techniques on a public board.

Very inconvenient. Sometimes you know what you're looking for and want to drill down to a specific date range ("spring of 2010, around the time my friend graduated").  
EVEN WORSE: you get a big long list of hits and you can't zero in a specific range by specifying a page.  E.g., I did a search and got 45 pages of hits. (Not 45 hits; 45 PAGES of hits.) Do you know how long it takes to navigate to page 23? Neither do I, because I gave up after a couple of clicks doing 2 pages at a time.  
AND EVEN WORSE: there are no dates, just "x years ago" on the posts. I have no idea if I am in June of 2009 or May of 2010 and I'd have to keep clicking and trying to figure out how to find the post I'm looking for.  
(1) Bring back bracketed date searching.
(2) Bring back CALENDAR dates (and times) on the posts, not the insufficient "days ago", "months ago", "years ago" dating.

Also bring back "exact phrase" as a search option. However, the newbie board is not the proper place to discuss this. Impposter, please repost this as a new thread on the S&P board, and xyz and I can reply to your post there.

... I want to clarify something you said about date/time stamps on posts, since we were talking about doing searches on posts.  When you search for posts, the date/time stamps ARE on the search results.  (Which means the info is available to put on posts in the discussion threads also!).  

Many providers don't like to discuss screening methods on a public board, as mentioned earlier. This is why one reply told you to ask on the PO board. There may be providers willing to give you info by PM or email. There is good reason for this as you don't want all the secret screening methods to be publicized.  

However, there are still a lot of very basic screening methods that everyone knows about. If you are not already using them, you can adopt some or all into your screening methods, and add to it when you find more backchannel ways.

1) provider references: Ask for references from 2 providers the client has seen before. Most providers ask for recent references (the definition of "recent " varies. It's up to you how recent you want. Within 3 months? 6 months? You don't want a reference from someone a guy saw once 5 years ago.) Check that these references are reputable ladies themselves. Do they have a web presense? Do they have reviews? Contact them and ask about the client. Some ladies will give all kinds of info. Some will say, "he came, he paid, he left. I would see him again."

2) Join P411 if you are not already on it, then use it for screening. You can choose to see any p411 member or members with a certain amount of plays. (Plus 2, plus 3, etc.) You can go off the plays or you can try contacting some of his plays to ask about him. Some ladies are fine with just seeing someone from p411. Others ask for additional info.  

3) TER: This site is not a screening site. It is a review site. However some ladies do use it for screening. You can look at a potential client's reviews and even contact providers that he or she (yes there are female clients) has reviewed. You can look at whitelists. Some providers put more faith in whitelists than others.  

4) Real info: This is something a lot of clients don't want to give up, but it is useful if there are no other ways to verify the client. Some providers require real info even when the client can be verified in other ways. You have to do what makes you comfortable and the client can give up as much info as he is comfortable giving up. Not every client is a fit for every provider. Real info means real name, phone number, and job info. With this info, you can calm the job (pretending to be a dentist, doctor, bank, etc. to verify that the person is who he says he is and does indeed work there. You can also google names, phone numbers etc. and find out a lot about some people.  

5) client blacklist sites. Some of these are totally worthless, but some are reputable. Hopefully a provider can backchannel you and give you somevlinks to the better blacklist sites. You can check these sites to see if the client is listed on there.  

6) public meetings: donevproviders do screening by meeting in public before proceeding to private meeting.  

Most ladies do some combination of the above.  

Good luck. Screening is probably the most important thing every provider needs to jknoe how to do. Stay safe.

Sorry, I just noticed the typos and stupid autocorrects in my post but it is too late to do an edit.

Under #2 (join p411) "plays" should be "okays." That's an autocorrect error (twice).

Under #4 (real info), you can "call" the job, not "calm" the job.  

Under #6 (public meetings)  
"donevproviders" = "some providers."

There are probably a few more that I missed.

sinfin155 reads

There are cops in p411. Always, always screen with real info no matter what.

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