Newbie - FAQ

+1 Agreed -e-regular_smile
Cheetara 658 reads


many of the providers reviewed herein require verification of identity and often much additional info. Not one of them is ever required to disclose their true identity, but rather allowed to get by with obviously fictitious names. As a result, providers can readily conceal their criminal history, which could otherwise be revealed by searching them  
The rap sheets in some cases extend from prostitution to assault to drug convictions and anything else you care to name. When are we going to demand equal honesty form the providers for the safety of TER users? am I. I give my first name, my references, and my TER handle. (Some guys don't give their handle.) Haven't been turned down yet. If the lady insists on full name and personal info I say no thank you. No hurt feelings, no big deal she won't miss me and I'll see someone else.

She has the right to do it her way. I have the right to do it mine.  

If you don't want to give that info then don't.

I'll leave it to a provider that requires that info to make the case for her point of view.

If you're a newbie do some reading here to see how to avoid this situation. If you're not a newbie then this Really belongs on your regional board or the General Discussion Board.

I've always accepted a first name and references in lieu of a traditional screening.  I'm not so sure I'll be doing that again.

There are many ladies who have had issues with clients who have had references, which is one of the reasons I don't take just any references.  Clients spoofed other clients, shared their verification service accounts, and simply just turned bad over time.  Too many predators have managed to be on their best behavior for a couple hours to get those references, before causing problems.  References usually have to be from ladies that I trust, from a lady who does do a full screen, or in such a number that I can put aside any doubts.  BUT, in the interest of being "reasonable and fair", I always offered the either/or with screening and references.

However, just last week I think I almost had a date with my neighbor.  Fortunately due to the unusual name and his age range, a few simple questions clued me in... however, if his name had been Mike?  it would have been extremely uncomfortable for all concerned, and I would have felt compelled to move my incall location.

It left me wondering...

I think if a hobbyists is required to provide personal information,  the same should be expected of the provider.   We all know that providers don't give their real name.

...If she insists say no thank you and see someone else. Don't give her grief about it just move on. It's really very simple. It isn't worth spending time pondering or arguing. Just don't give it and see one of the hundreds, thousands, etc that don't require it.

We can walk away at any time but this is how providers eat and pay rent. Your points are valid but as it happens irrelevant, any girl that gets into this knows it can't be forever and the exit strategy will generally not contemplate thousands of guys knowing her real name. Easy enough to avoid the double standard, just don't hobby ;-)

a professionally maintained website, nude photos (all able to be viewed by the general public), then we can talk about equal disclosure.

-- Modified on 2/2/2015 2:51:37 AM

This is a great thread and both sides of the argument make valid points.  

However, the provider's physical safety is a greater concern than her client's identity. Sure, a guy's life and career can be wrecked by hobbing, but TER is set up to allow the guys to fully screen an unknown lady through her reviews.  

Guys, the risk of an established, well-reviewed provider kicking your ass, blackmailing you, drugging you and stealing your wallet, or willfully participating in an LE sting is effectively zero.  If that shit happens, it means you're not taking advantage of what TER has to offer.  Do your homework on a gal before you meet her, then relax and enjoy the fun.  

If you're so worried about falling victim to the worst-case scenario, you probably shouldn't even get out of your bed today.  You might have a car wreck or choke on a chicken bone at lunch.

...whereas I'd surmise that they are the rare/exceptional occurrence for clients. In the internet age, if a stalker knows her real identity then he'll basically always be able to find and harass her.  

Just see providers who don't require real info in the meantime. After a while, you'll come to learn how to screen out any potential crazies from the ladies who are trustworthy. If outed, a client generally has way more plausible deniability than the provider.

Senator.Blutarsky850 reads can choose to abstain from this illegal activity if you feel the risk is too great. I don't like to demand anything from anyone and I sure as hell don't put up with anyone demanding that I do something. I take the steps I feel necessary to minimize my risk and the ladies do the same. Neither of us is compelled to comply. We choose to.  

When both sides are comfortable, it's a beautiful thing. When they're not, just move on. It's that simple. As xyz123 stated, there are plenty of ladies with whom you also can remain anonymous. It's not like there are a limited number of ladies either. There are more than I could ever see in my remaining years.

Posted By: Senator.Blutarsky can choose to abstain from this illegal activity if you feel the risk is too great. I don't like to demand anything from anyone and I sure as hell don't put up with anyone demanding that I do something. I take the steps I feel necessary to minimize my risk and the ladies do the same. Neither of us is compelled to comply. We choose to.  
 When both sides are comfortable, it's a beautiful thing. When they're not, just move on. It's that simple. As xyz123 stated, there are plenty of ladies with whom you also can remain anonymous. It's not like there are a limited number of ladies either. There are more than I could ever see in my remaining years.  

the lady doth protest too much, methinks

Pictures are being matched with experiences, so it is the same person.  

Not sure what you would be protecting against by knowing a provider has been a prostitute (Seriously?).  A drug user would probably be apparent in the first review or two, plus she would at least need to be functional to maintain a website, etc.  If she's literally a fugitive for a real crime, she'd probably be pretty good at faking the ID check...

As for the site you mentioned, it looks totally useless.  It would appear that would only be remotely useful in one of the major markets anyway (in CA), and then not if she was running away from her past in any New England state, New York (is that New England?), Illinois, Nevada, DC.  Good thing not many escorts have ever lived in those places... *head scratch*

Well, using that reasoning, if he's literally a fugitive for a real crime, he'd probably be pretty good at faking the ID check, right?    

FWIW, discussing this issue is pointless, it is a lady's body, her safety and her prerogative to screen in the manner she sees fit.    This is an issue on which I have changed my mind, if there is a lady I want to see and she requires ID, I will do it if she is reputable and has a long track record.

a few parting thoughts on this subject - the activity is illegal and thus both parties are committing a crime (notwithstanding any bullsh**t disclaimers such as "all monies exchanged are for companionship only etc etc"") and everyone knows it including the authorities. Virtually ANYWHERE you drive your car will be recorded on surveillance cameras forever and can and will come back to haunt you if EVER there is any trouble surrounding that provider or that locale. If anything happens to you at that locale you will never report it to the police because it of course compromises you as well and you will not want the publicity. There are literally tens of thousands of providers advertising their services throughout this country and you can bet that the stories that you would hear if the truth were told would be give you serious pause before engaging.
Enjoy the hobby and take pains to not become one of those stories

It is simple supply and demand, like she said.  The rest is just detail.

If ladies can still get enough demand while having very strict screening, then many will.
And if guys can partake in this hobby without the need to give over info to individual ladies, then many will opt for this route, like me (wouldn't be here otherwise actually).

Somehow I don't forsee this hobby changing to one in which ladies give out their real name to each guy.  You can talk about theroreticals all you want ("they should have to give their name if they wan't it from me"), but it just doesn't mean anything, nor does the merit of the justifications about WHY ladies ask for info really matter, to be honest.

Supply and demand is king.  And for better or worse, the market has set the prices, AND the policies that can thrive at the various price points.

Now if you want to change things.  Start a new service.  Something like P411 on steroids.  You can require a hefty entry fee for ladies and gents - and make them ALL go through a thorough professional background check.  But here is the thing, it will only survive if it's what the market truly demands.  Perhaps you'll be a big success and get rich, who knows.  Or, you might be a complete flop

You are looking for a woman to deliver an illegal service, that's right illegal, and you want to be able to search her rap sheet to see if she has broken any laws?

Yup, she has, and if you see her, she will do it again, as will you. Ooh, and she might have broken other laws, too, scary!!!!

Once you find the provider who never breaks a law, then start looking for the Tooth Fairy and Santa Claus, because you can find them, too.  

Vito, baby, get a clue - you ain't dealing with innocent virgins here. As for you being screened, if you look at how it works around the world, there are two business models - in one, the lady screens you to make sure you are safe to meet and play with; in the other, the lady does not screen you, but she has muscle nearby to assure that if you turn out to be an asshole she will be okay, and you will not. You tell me which model works best for you, because those are the only choices you get.

OTOH, you may feel free to ask any lady to disclose as much of her personal information as you think you require. The response, and this is what it should be, too, will either be a bunch of lies (because really you neither need or want an honest response) or a simple fuck you, unless you live in some parallel reality.

But tell me - how do you feel about that damned sun coming up in the east? Why always the east? Doesn't that suck, too?


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