New York City Buzz

Spicy and Spellbindingteeth_smile
Nikky_sb 466 reads

“I remembered letting a cozy little blonde talk me into another champagne cocktail. I remembered the blonde but not the cocktail.”  
― Arthur Wallace, Million Dollar Body – 4 Spicy Tales! [Illustrated]

No need for the cocktail, just enjoy the woman! We guarantee you will remember her. Are you in the mood for a spicy beauty today that fires up your blood and passionately drives you crazy? Or do you feel more like a sweet cozy afternoon with a beautiful girl in your arms to chase away the chill? Whichever it is, you can find it at Spellbound. Why let the President’s have all the fun? Come by and enjoy your day too ;) Give us a call and we will connect you with the girl of your dreams.

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