New York

You guys are nuts!!! I make six figures and am not cheap, but I think it's crazy...
SmellySmegma 4335 reads

to piss money away or encourage someone to charge you more.  Would you say to your mechanic "you know pal, that $1200 car service bill was too LOW last time. Next time why don't you charge me $1500??  Do you say to your Dr. "Hey Doc, you're quite the professional,that $2000 ER bill you sent me really should have been $2500."  You are either crazy or have way more dollars than sense.

I am big believer in you get what you pay for but more money doesn't always = better quality. I see Jill from BDJ rates are up to $500 per hour and $325 for a half. Now we all know how wonderfully reviewed this lady is but it's like every 3 months, a rate increase. Just this past summer it was $400 a hour and $300 for a 1/2 - Then it went to $450 an hour and now $500, All this year - That's just insane

Some of you may know Amanda Manhattan - Who is legend I feel [would have placed a review but saw her so long ago] and in the last 5 years her rate went from 400-450. Now this is someone living in Manhattan - where the cost of living is much higher then most places, except maybe Hawaii...

Then you have providers [too many to name but Toni or Taylor James come to mind both who I would like to meet]who are constantly rated very well who have a consisted rate that rarely changes and usually previous clients are grandfathered. Even more interesting - The increase is usually somewhat propotional -Like $50 more or something.

No meathod to the madness from my perspective

Sigh.....Happy new year

It would appear the providers charge what they believe the market (us hobbyists) will bear! There's always a plethora of providers out there with an entire range of prices....
It's up to you to choose where you spend your time and money....
Even with those who you mentioned who have raised their rates; you can STILL find providers who charge EVEN MORE than that!

To each his own.
It's business, free enterprise and the selection, as always, is up to you!
Go out there and enjoy!!

Happy New Year!!

Blame Alan Greenspan - at least in part!  A number of tp providers are Europeans who travel here to the US for a period of time.  A provider who got $400 a year and half ago has to get over $500 to get the same Euro equivalent fee.

WizardofOz3079 reads

Some providers and some agencies (you know who they are) are very greedy and they work on the premise that they should take you for everything you have. As you can imagine they have no values, and no sense of fair play. It is called PRICE GAUGING. In any other business that is regualted this would be illegal and they would be heavily fined.
Toni, TJ, and some others, enjoy what they do, are grateful for the nice living that they make and have some sense of fairness and respect for their clients. The others do not. They would take the shirt off your back if they could.
If hobbyists would stop seeing the overpriced providers and hit them and the agencies where it hurts the most you would see how quickly the prices would drop.
Yes, it is up to us to choose where we spend our time and choose wisely.  Some providers and agencies are laughing all the way to the bank.

DingleBerry4434 reads

As long as guys are willing to pay $500 rates (and up), we will undoubtedly see rates rise. Boycotting high priced providers would help the situation.

Hey guys. Still do not have my laptop but thought I would psot to this one.
Slight rate increases are inevitable I hate to say.
I mean when I was UTR my rate was lower. Now I have some overhead that I have for advertising and hotel rooms ect...
Although my rate is only a tiny bit more it is a raise.
I however agree, raising prices to a horrifying extent is just unfair especially to TER memebers. If your a regular of a person you should always get a better rate.
This is a business but everyone should be happy in the end.
If the means to the end is less hobbyiest to see but more money (for the greedy) then the fun is lost.
Too bad
Promise I won't raise my rates for you guys. In fact you know after the first meeting there is always a discount ;).
That is just my personal humble opinion.

  I'm a relative Newbie, but I have been on this board as a premium member for some time. I'd just like to say that I agree with what you stated. Naturally, being a new hobbyist, I was caught up in the excitement. Being the ultimate hedonist, I thought that I should start out with Jill. I figured that since she was percieved as the current "Gold Standard" at her price, it would give me a good basis for future providers. Fortunately, some regulars pointed out, that while Jill was definitely top shelf, there were many other providers out there who offered the same experience and the same package vis-a-vis looks and performance.

 That being said, getting back to the original topic, I guess it may be a case of whatever the market will bear? Perhaps it's a case of making hay while the sun shines. Jill is gorgeous, and worth the donation. All her reviews indicate that she is totally into what she does, and loves every minute of it, so $$$$$ doesn't seem outrageous, but a year from now she may be yesterday's news in regard to her popularity. I still want to see her, and she is a bargain compared to most of the woman at NY Confy. IMHO It remains to be seen if she will continue to one of the top providers vis-avis Sexy Toni, Allana Allure, NetMichelle, etc.

 Bottom line, you get what you pay for. I still think BDJ has the most beautiful woman for the price, and there are many Indy's out there who are as good or better. NY Confy is a great site, but out of reach for most guys who make under a six figure salary. Maybe once a year, and Jason probably isn't trying to cater to that clientele. Congrats to Mr. Novatny and I refuse to get involved in that flame war. It was pretty pathetic. My two cents!

. . . they've had a role in this, too.  By pushing up prices (and minimums) as much as they can and by approaching as many agency providers as they can, they've forced other agencies to raise rates in order to keep their workforce from defecting.  Further, by attempting to lure as many quality independents as they can into their agency, they've diminished the pool of independent providers.  When some of those independents leave the agency (having established a customer base) they feel emboldened to charge a higher rate as idependents.

I don't mean for a moment to lay all the blame at the feet of NYC.  But, they've made an obvious effort to push rates as high as possible and to grab as much market share as possible.  Doing so is simply free enterprise.  But as long as we hobbyists go along for the ride and make a mad dash to extol NYC's virtues on this board, we are complicit in increasing market rates.

My observations come from direct conversations with both agencies and independents.  Judging by comments on this board there are generally two kinds of hobbyists:  Those who refuse to use a higher-priced agency such as NYC and those for whom price is no object if the quality is there.  Unfortunately, the former hobbyists are affected by the actions of the latter.  Unless and until those for whom price is no object insist on lower prices, prices will continue to rise across the board.  Given that such an occurrence is unlikely, prices will likely continue to rise as long as NYC perceives that the market will bear more.  Once NYC crashes -- as I believe is likely sooner or later given their penchant for self-promotion -- the market will be thrown into disarray at which time prices may be corrected as providers scramble to re-affiliate or establish their own clientele as independents.  In the meantime, hold on for the ride!

Your point is well-taken, dude!
But I am seeing a petite, cute 22-year old brunette Asian on Monday in DC, at $$1/2, and I believe she is Visiting NYC early in 2005, as I recall?
Please feel free to TER e-mail me, or direct e-mail me at [email protected] , for any details from my Monday session with her?
And Happy New Year! :)


That is part of living in a free society.  Can the same people who think hobbying should be legal (we should be free to do what we want) have provider's rates set artificially (by the government?).

Keep in mind, we are not talking about food, shelter, medicine or anything else that is basic to life.  Hobbying is a luxury. Not everyone will be able to afford this hobby (I would love to see Jill, but she is just WAY TO EXPENSIVE for me --- but that is her choice).   Why should my limited income set boundaires on what she can do with regards to CHARGING FOR A LUXURY ITEM??

Really, you guys.  I sometimes think some hobbyists are greedy themselves!!

IM PAYING HERE!3950 reads

If you're on a tight budget, you can take your chances at

I disagree with you and the others who believe that costs are going out of sight.   When a provider is building her business, she should charge less to get things going.  But once a provider has proved her worth, she has every right to charge what the reviews bear out.

I hate to say this to the cheapies out there, but I urged Jill to raise her rate to $500 more than a year ago.   The rate was raised more slowly, however.   I have urged other providers to raise their rates to reflect the service they are giving.

Those who don't want to pay the rate should look elsewhere, and they may find what they are looking for.  But I truly believe that the best of the providers should charge what they can get. This is capitalism, the best economic system ever devised by man.

SmellySmegma3519 reads

green earth are you ENCOURAGING rate inflation??? Did you have too much New Years Vodka???  I don't know another soul on this board that appreciates that kind of behavior on your part. Why would you say to a provider "hey Babe why don't you charge me MORE money??  I think you've lost it pal. No sympathy from this guy.

Bushhog_Max2438 reads

And he is damned right and on target. I always encourage new girls that I meet to look at higher rates and multi-hour minimums if I think that they are charging too little for great service. The ladies are offering a precious, perishable service and when they can no longer offer it, none of us are going to help them, we would have moved on to the next hot ones. The women that do service well should charge what they think they are worth and save and invest as much as possible, because only they are looking out for their own best interests. Hobbyists that want a bargin can always find one if they look around, so those people should not spend time criticizing women that charge higher rates.

SmellySmegma4336 reads

to piss money away or encourage someone to charge you more.  Would you say to your mechanic "you know pal, that $1200 car service bill was too LOW last time. Next time why don't you charge me $1500??  Do you say to your Dr. "Hey Doc, you're quite the professional,that $2000 ER bill you sent me really should have been $2500."  You are either crazy or have way more dollars than sense.

That doctor or car mechanic is not going to have the same limited career that some young hottie has.  Once she has aged, she will never be the same dewy girl.  She may have wonderful knowledge about making love, but she can never again charge for her youth.

Compare that to a doctor.  A doctor with experiences is more prized than a newly-minted grad.

Compare that to a mechanic.  A well-regarded mechanic with his own shop is more highly valued than some rookie out of tech school.  

A young girl has her youth drained out of her by time.  She should charge as much as she can while she can.  Once her youth is over, there is no going back.

I am just back from vacation, and saw your posts.   I don't agree with you for a different reason than has been mentioned.  This is a hobby with very intimate aspects.   I get to know a number of the providers, and consider them friends, not just business associates.   I want to help them with the best advice I can give as a friend.   If my mechanic were my friend, and I thought he was undercharging, frankly, I would do the same.

If you indulge in this hobby, you can afford it.   if you can't, do something else or find someone else.  These young women need the advice, the money, and the support from us.

-- Modified on 1/2/2005 2:42:12 PM

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