New York

You are noit busting my balls, that thats story is very old!!!..eom
buddym 45 Reviews 2673 reads


I will apoligize in advance for starting another thread about this topic, but I was impressed by a post made by Betty_SNJ.

This is the post.

I don't think there has ever been anything written on TER that I agreed with more. Guys, please be careful with what you put in reviews. If a provider does not offer a specefic acronymn to every client and she offers it to you, it should not be included in your review. As a client you may have had a special bond with the provider and this is why it may have been offered to you. When you include it in a review then every guy who walks through the door expects to get the same thing you did. This reminds me of my first Amp expirence. The girl asks me to flip over. Being the brain surgeon that I am I try to communicate with her that I want a BJ. She understood almost no English, so the task was a rather difficult one. When I was finally able to get her to understand and I was working on the tip she said " I only do for you". I felt really special because she only did this for me. Later on I found out that when these girls come to the States and agree to work at the AMPS that they are put through a vigirious training program and this is one of the lines that they are taught. :) Getting back to my topic at hand, this is not the case with escorts. I can tell you from first hand expierence that I have had a few providers offer to do things with me that they might not offer to do with every client. Take what I'm saying with a grain of salt because the provider may be offering these services to more clients then I know of( I just don't think that they are). Out of respect for the provider I would never include this in a review. I recently saw a review of a provider where the client said that the provider offered him greek lessons because as he put it they had "chemistry". In the entire review he states that YMMV with the greek lessons. This is fine and dandy, but what happens when the next TER guy walks in the room to see her and asks for greek and she says that she doesn't offer it. Now he has wasted his hard earned money to see a girl and he will not even get what he is looking for. I always believe in being honest when writting my reviews, but I think in certain situations some parts of the session should be left out.  

This has been discussed at great length back channel and I have made my opinion on the topic well known. I am curious to hear what the rest of the gallery thinks about this.

As Betty and Bunny say, there are times when a bond develops between a client and a provider.  In doing a review, one should be hesitant about revealing things that are personal.   I try my best to do that, while giving the reader the impression of what it was like.   Of course, the review should be honest (I fear that many are not, especially when the client is proclaiming his own prowess), but sometimes a little should be left to the imagination

-- Modified on 10/31/2005 6:33:04 PM

SmellySmegma2888 reads

because you have "clicked or bonded" with a provider, a dose of descretion is warranted in the review. Every session is YMMV to some small degree. Providers have told me flat out they will "go above and beyond" for guys they like, are clean, witty, and respectful.

It certainly makes sense that if you are offered something special by a provider because the chemistry was right it is something private and should be kept that way.  The problem is how to distinguish between the AMP situation and the one described by Betty_SNJ.  On one end of the spectrum is the situation where none of the other reviews suggest the particular service offered to you under these special circumstances.  But in other cases, it might not be so clear cut, maybe only a few reviews include a particular type of service.  I would think that a provider might develop that special chemistry with more than on reviewer.  Then you have a dilema because you want to write an honest review.

I have read many profiles that include the services offered to the first reviewer.  A trip to Greece is a good example.  Either the profile says yes or no.  You see it listed as an offered service but then you read the reviews and only one reviewer said he took a trip to Greece but none of the others do.  Then it goes the other way.  So you now have to decide what to include and that is not always so easy.

I will usually let the provider know that I intend to write a review and look for a reaction.  That would allow the provider to object entirely or ask that it not be explicit in certain respects.  That way there is no misunderstanding.  Of course if the provider says not to include a certain service in a review or indicates it was a special circumstance and all of the other reviews do not mention this service, I would not include it.

Keep in mind though that when you use TER you cannot just rely on the profile, you must read the reviews.  If you are looking for something in particular see if the reviews are consistent in that regard.  I would hate to show up expecting a BBBJ and later learn that it was not available and 90% of the reviews for a provider made it clear that BBBJ was not available.

There are providers where we have hit it off.  I'm talking a close friendship and relationship that has developed.  To the point we talk on a regular bases.  And I know there are things that I will not put into a review.  Out of respect to the lady and the friendship.

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