New York

Wrong, guys! The webmaster fucked up. I spoke with Kim and Jill an hour ago.........
GooeyFacial 3337 reads

and they were in the process of updating her pics. Somehow her pics got lost, but it's the webmaster's fault. New pics of Jill will be up by early next week I am told (some of them finally topless). Her face will still be blurred/obliterated.

  I just decided to check out BDJ'S website to see if there were any new photos posted. I was shocked to see that Jill is no longer listed with the available ladies. I'm on this board every day. Did I miss something here? I can't believe I'm the first one to notice this. Can anyone enlighten me?

  Thanks lawyer. Duh! What was I thinking? Guess that half $ she added gets her the added perk! Lol.

 Agreed buddym.And old military axiom that still holds true. I guess that's why the officers never bunked with the noncoms! Lol.

GooeyFacial3338 reads

and they were in the process of updating her pics. Somehow her pics got lost, but it's the webmaster's fault. New pics of Jill will be up by early next week I am told (some of them finally topless). Her face will still be blurred/obliterated.

GooeyFacial3484 reads

to be helpful with this post!!!  This is NOT a slam, just an updated piece of information. Cum on peace!  And Frankie, why am I a low blow???  I don't Blow.  Only receive blow and sometimes snort blow.  LOL

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