New York

Would prefer ladies greet me in casual attire anyway
GreyGoose2000 73 Reviews 2828 reads
1 / 15

Ladies, why is it that when you open the door you stand behind it so we walk into an empty room? It's a really weird feeling to walk in and have someone standing behind you. While I know its not going to happen I almost feel like I am going to get jumped or robbed. I prefer to be greeted by a smiling face and a hug.

Can I make a suggestion? Open the door and face the client and give him a kiss or a hug and invite him into the room. When I am greeted this way I feel more comfortable and it makes my time with you more enjoyable. It makes me feel like you want to be there with me. What do you think? Ladies after you read this, greet your guys with open arms and make us feel welcome!

E.R.Designs 3618 reads
2 / 15

I think they do this for 1st time clients just to be on the safe side.

yippeeyahoo 2939 reads
3 / 15

I believe many ladies hide behind the door because they may be rather scantily clad and don't want to draw attention to themselves in a hotel or if they are in a private apartment letting their neighbors see them.

I don't believe it's a matter of not wanting to make you's more of matter of discretion and privacy.


idlhnds 4 Reviews 2162 reads
4 / 15

yes - I think this is probably the case.  Based on my experiece that seems to be the reason for the hidding.

Ana.Morgan See my TER Reviews 3692 reads
5 / 15

I will poke my head out slightly, but I always hide behind the door. Discretion is such an essential part of allowing us all to continue to keep playing in the game!


Dallasrhody See my TER Reviews 2864 reads
6 / 15

I agree... I wish it could be the other way around.. but to make things more safe and discreet I peek around and hide

tozer 72 Reviews 1356 reads
7 / 15

... a bit of clandestine peek-a-boo that's both charming and titllating.

-- Modified on 1/28/2007 12:17:30 PM

OctaviaNyc_NJ See my TER Reviews 3317 reads
8 / 15

I just wanted to be in the middle of Dallas and Ana.  

smootchs .....

self- deleted 3996 reads
9 / 15

-- Modified on 1/28/2007 5:18:24 PM

-- Modified on 1/29/2007 8:52:16 AM

Ana.Morgan See my TER Reviews 3023 reads
10 / 15

I've seen scream and jason movies one too many times!  I'm still scared of the boogie man.  LOL!  :)

self- deleted 3674 reads
11 / 15

-- Modified on 1/29/2007 8:53:05 AM

CindySpice See my TER Reviews 2960 reads
12 / 15

This week while in NYC I had no choice but to hide behind the door.

Yes I would have loved to greet the gentleman face to face with a big smile and give him a big hug and kiss ................Unfortunately the housekeepers at the hotel seem to always be in the hallway by their carts.

They were more standing around in the hall then cleaning the rooms. ( The rooms are kept VERY clean I don’t know how they have so much time to be in the hallway)
Not to talk about other guest who are coming and going.

So for discretion reasons it was better to hide behind the door.

Don’t take it personally understand it isn’t a good thing being seen everyday hugging and kissing different guys.

After the door closes I was sure to make the guys feel very welcomed!! *wink wink*

BoffyBoffington 3633 reads
13 / 15

Mama would never`approve...

mrfisher 108 Reviews 2939 reads
14 / 15

many years ago, after being buzzed into her apartment building, I climbed the stairs and as I approached her door, she opened it standing there stark naked and doing a belly dance.

She was nuts but a lot of fun, but I don't think I could put up with that in today's repressive climate.

ShakingtheSheets 189 Reviews 2161 reads
15 / 15

I agree, it's is a strange feeling to have a door open and no one visible in front of you. I would much prefer to have the lady open the door in a nice top and jeans and just motion for me to come in (there doesnt have to be any dialogue until the door is closed)than stand behind the door in a negligee. Besides if you are staying in a hotel, and the person in the next room is going to an SOB and report suspicious activity to the front desk, they will do so based on the number of knocks to your door, not whether you are standing in front of it (which they couldnt see anyway) as you open it.

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