New York

Wait..6 times?
sultriesam See my TER Reviews 134 reads

I am confused. You saw her 6 times so you're happy with her or unhappy?

Ladies, be honest.......

Recently came upon a girls ad that I've seen before. Had a good (6) time with her, but her new photos are a bit more flattering, and her ad is reflective of the NYC scene...... wish lists, favorite things..... all pomp and circumstance.  

    Do I warn others that you're getting a very skinny battle tested girl (indeed, she has many scars and false teeth), or just shut my mouth and look away. While my time with her was decent, it's light years away from the ad she posts. WTF is wrong with simple honesty!!

You saw her once and rated the experience. Why would you sabotage her further? That's just plain messed up.

If you posted a 6 you have already knocked her off the radar of most hobbyists.

Your literal interpretation of 6 (good)  is naive
6 really means the session was barely adequate.
aka why would I pay for that

I don't owe her anything.  

If she is not like what I am expecting. I have no problem saying no. It's my hard earned cash. I get asked daily how was this girl? Whats the story with this girl? If asked via PM for the truth I always give an honest assessment and expect the same in return. I would recommend 95% of the people I have seen. But had I never asked you for some honest feedback I would walk the second she looked nothing like her ads and knew it wasn't going to be a session that I would be happy with.

I agree with the last poster you screwed her once by the 6. No need to hurt her via sharing her name with the community. With that said I have no interest in seeing a 6.  


Posted By: drewcj
Ladies, be honest.......  
 Recently came upon a girls ad that I've seen before. Had a good (6) time with her, but her new photos are a bit more flattering, and her ad is reflective of the NYC scene...... wish lists, favorite things..... all pomp and circumstance.  
     Do I warn others that you're getting a very skinny battle tested girl (indeed, she has many scars and false teeth), or just shut my mouth and look away. While my time with her was decent, it's light years away from the ad she posts. WTF is wrong with simple honesty!!!  

If you want to say something different about her, you should take the time to see her again. If like let the rating speak for themselves.

If she is really as unattractive as you say the truth will come out in the reviews. Some clients tell me they wish I provided a list of gifts I would like to receive. She could be following the advice of clients. She might actually have a  list of regulars who enjoy her for her company, personality, and "skills". You already did your part with an honest review of how you feel no need to tear her down more.

If your experience warrants negative commentary, then write a review.  Otherwise, just move on!

I am confused. You saw her 6 times so you're happy with her or unhappy?

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