New York

vintagepink/availablepink is an agency.
CCCP Kosmonuts 4082 reads

All the providers I am talking about work there.  The owner is Hungarian, but it is an agency.

CCCP Kosmonuts2357 reads

Here in New York, vintagepink and availablepink grace our trick pads with some extremely accomodating and very reasonably-priced providers.  Sometimes, I get the feeling they have their hooks into all the horniest chicks in Budapest, and that Hungary is the Korea of Europe, with more providers per capita than other regional nations.

However, TER just gives us the Russian and Baltic categories, and Hungarian is neither.  Should we just default to the White category for Hungarians?  It just seems a bit unfair given their consistent presence in the business here.

-- Modified on 5/27/2007 9:10:42 AM

-- Modified on 5/27/2007 9:11:06 AM

Whaat I've noticed is that Russian women seem tobe in the employ of some sort of organization (mafia can be used but is not really appropriate) while the Hungarian ladies seem to be independent.  I've visited with a very nice Hungarian lady, blonde, etc who is very indenpendently going forward.  So, maybe that catorization needs to remain to depict the difference in organizational, thus pleasing sensuality.


CCCP Kosmonuts4083 reads

All the providers I am talking about work there.  The owner is Hungarian, but it is an agency.

jridgedale2980 reads

"White" is not an ethnicity, it is a race.  Caucasoid, Mongoloid and Negroid are the primary races.  A Negroid may be ethnically Irish if that's where they have their only cultural exposure.

StandupLou1809 reads

They have the white look.  If they have
heavy accent call them Baltic?
 Hungarians are gorgeous and hot, maybe
even above Koreans? PM me I'll tell you
some hot but expensive high end
Hungarians based NYC or visit.


Yes, because they are white!  It's self-explanatory, unless you also want to send this to Suggestions & Policy and request that they give you a specific choice for "Hungarian."  

If she's multiracial, multiethnic, I can see where you might have a dilemma trying to categorize her accurately.

If this is that important to you, somewhere in the body of your review make mention of the provider's specific ethnicity : "Magda was a traffic-stopping MILF from Hungary..." ; or "Natasha was a petitte but busty treat from Budapest..." or "Katya was a leggy Hungarian beauty..." It's as simple as that.

Within the last 2 weeks we had a similar question re propely categorizing Spanish/Hispanic/latina providers.

I think he probably wants Hungarian listed separately so he can use it as a filter criteria when he does a search...

Al Hrabowski3603 reads

Sissy's was the best and she has big ...

(  .  ;) (  .  ;)

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