New York

Vanessa is my friend
mikithemilf See my TER Reviews 1956 reads

She is beautiful,honest,real and sincere...girls like that inspire the support of the community...I am proud to count her among my confidantes and i am proud to be part of a community that sees the truth through the bullshit...stay the way you are I love you...

I have had so much support from women and men I have never even met!!

Please keep in mind these replies are all new to me because I was away for two days. But I felt I had to tell those that supported me "thank you" without it being moved to the next page, because I really need those who were so kind to me to see this.

I am not trying to start up drama or steal anyones spotlight. I just need say this, and then we move on.

I truly did not think it would reach this level or that so many would be so kind.

Thank you from the bottom of my lil heart.

It takes guts, and a real provider to support,and risk her reputation, step forward and support a fellow provider so openly when shes being attacked by the the very men who may even hire her, or whom she calls friends.

I like girls with guts! Girls that dont just look out for themselves. Girls that stick together, and dont bad mouth others in order to make themselves look better.

Instead they are right by them, even if they have never heard of them, like in my case, they bravely step forward, publicly.  

You and all the other wonderful providers who have posted on TER and emailed me directly have been great.

I thought I would be ripped apart because I am not a regular here, and no one knows me, but you all have shown me you are wonderful people at TER.

Thank you Kindly.


-- Modified on 11/22/2005 8:08:21 PM

She is beautiful,honest,real and sincere...girls like that inspire the support of the community...I am proud to count her among my confidantes and i am proud to be part of a community that sees the truth through the bullshit...stay the way you are I love you...

Mama la pinga2643 reads

About 6 months ago you posted on UG about how you hated TER because it was filled with white knights and shills. I see the double standard here. When the white knights and shills are in your favor you have no problem with it. When they support other girls like Miki then you have a problem with it.

I dont give a rats ass who shills for whom anywhere.

I am not some pmb obsessed girl that needs to be in the spotlight.....well not anymore.

I use to be, but then I learned the hard way,
the higher up you are, the bigger the splatter!

I love UG to death, its where I got my start.

Yes its a HARD place for a girl to be. And most can not handle it there, but thats just what makes it so good. The men on UG dont put up with BS and can see a shill before he or she, hits submit!

I was genuinely surprised when Miki called while I was away to tell me I had started something with my post, and that all these people came to my defense and how some smelly guy was acting like an asshole and how they all bashed his butt.

I was floored because I am not an active part of TER. Or anywhere else anymore for that matter.

And after this crazy post by some made up name who says I, of all the peole in the world, would care if people shilled for another girl or get upset by it... Honey all I can can say is you dont know me at all.

I am so glad this post came up today because it helps me remember why I left the PMB world and became a loner.  

All things happen for a reason.

I wanted to thank those who were kind enough to me, and if I cant do that because I once or twice or maybe three times( or more) said TER is full of shills, and white knights, then excuse me. Too f'ing bad.

I am NOT thanking the fakes.

I am thanking the people( women and men) who posted and emailed me directly)  What they did was out of support and kindness. You know, genuine caring? Something not done because they wanted something back?

I will say this one last time:

I am a whore. Whores care about making money, not friends.

Enuff said.

-- Modified on 11/23/2005 8:32:38 AM

-- Modified on 11/23/2005 8:41:28 AM

-- Modified on 11/23/2005 4:24:54 PM

ritchie3718 reads

She only posts when she needs sympathy or a pat on the back. Its a very common thing that a lot of people do. They need others to tell them how good of a person they are and how mean others are so they can feel better about themselves.

people from the ones who are not...I've learned valuable lessons from this business and you are the only one I trust with my heart.
You KNOW that I didn't post on your original thread to "promote" myself.
At this point and time of my "career", everybody knows who I am and I don't think I need to keep posting to stay in the first page of the boards or add my comments to other peoples post just to, in a subtle move, add my link to it so I'm in the spotlight.
I leave that for the ones who, well, look into every angle for an opportunity to say "hey, look at me!!! I'm here!!!"
You know who these people are...and I do too.
I did post and came to your defense because I think there is a thin line between being truthful about your experience and the intent of hurt someones feelings on purpose.
I know you were not concerned about the review being bad...but for the fact the guy "settle" for you. It is a hurtful thing to say, to any person and he should be ashmed that he even wrote that. It shows a lack of respect to a human being.
We all have good & bad reviews, is just normal, we cannot please everybody in the same way. It's impossible.
Girl, you know I'm your friend and always will be.
We know each other for a long time and I am who I, no bullshit kind of person.
I don't talk behind anyones back, if I have to say something I will say.
No matter what people say to you about me...I don't care... they have issues, I don't.

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