New York

U can't put price on good C U M but I am a cheap bastard!!!!!(eom)
butt-one 3020 reads


I have debated with myself many times about how much to spend to see a Provider.  At one point I made a decision that I would not consider anything higher than $400.  That price seemed to encompass a large majority of the Provider population (and it always kept me away from NY Confidential!).  

Of course personal finances will come into play for some but what if that is not an issue?  I ask this question because I have now twice violated my principle and spent $500.  One time I was desparate while in South Florida (it was an OK experience but not worth the coin).  The other time I saw Nicole Moore, a Canadian Provider on tour here in NY (she was great and beautiful and I had a fabulous time but still not sure about the rate I paid).  

I also see so inquiries on this board about Providers that charge $600 or more, some unreviewed, and others that charge $500 or more and require a 2 hour minimum.  To me, that seems to be quite an investment when you have no way to know whether you will hit it off with that Provider.

I imagine many of these higher priced Providers are beautiful women.  But so much more beautiful that it is worth hundreds of dollars to spend time with them?  I can go to Scores or other high end topless clubs and stare at beautiful women and have them dance nearly naked infront of me for lots less money.  And once they have their clothes off and you are engaged in the dirty deed, how much better can it be or how much different can it make if one woman is somewhat prettier or has a somewhat better body than another?  It's not as if you will only find Dogs available for $400 and under.  Look at the BDJ Girls and those of French Courtesans.  How much better does it get?

I will exempt porn stars here because that is a different fantasy and if you can afford it I say go for it regardless of the price differential.  But how about at other levels?  I saw an add for a beautiful Provider with great pictures and a seemingly fabulous body.  She has one old TER review that was quite good so I called her.  $600.  Could it be that much better than Ashley Taylor or Gina Robbins or Samantha of Julie's?  Do they give guys a better orgasm?  How about a well reviewed Provider at $500 with a minimum of 2 hours?  How do you know that you will have the ability to fill 2 hours the first time you see someone?  What if you don't hit it off?  That's a big investment to find out.  The one I love most is a Provider with a South Florida agency that charges $800 in New York, her home turf even though she is with a Florida agency, and only $350 while on tour.  What gives with that?

Just some ramblings by a lawyer with too much time on his hands today.  Your opinions would be appreciated.

I don't pay much attention to the price that a provider charges. I'm not saying that I would spend $1500 an hour for an escort, but when the price ranges from $300-$500 I don't pay much attention to it. I pay more attention to her appearance and the quality of her reviews. I wouldn't put a limit on what you want to spend because you may end up missing out on some of the better providers in the hobby. If a girl catches your eye and she has good reviews - then go for it! Good Luck!

Thanks Bunny.  But you seem to imply that you have a range as well with $500 on the top end.  If someone catches your eye and wants $600 - $800 and hour or $500 - $600 with a 2 hour minimum do you go for it if the reviews are good?  If so, what has your experience been?  I usually feel you get what you pay for in life.  Is that the case with this hobby? If so, the $600 - $800 Provider may seem more attractive (not in the literal sense) as an option.

-- Modified on 3/7/2005 3:39:43 PM

I dont know if you get what you pay for? At one point I has a 300 max. But then with BDJ and some of the others populating the board moved to 4. Then I went to 5 for Jill and it was well worth it. But for the most part there is plenty at 4. After that just get yourself a mistress

Incognito2u3339 reads

just my .02 but being a provider myself I personally think anything more than 3 beans an hour is def robbery and I do not want to do that to my new friends, I do want them to come back ya know.
and they do :)

lovely_one4859 reads

disagree. will say the excess over the standard market "price point" often goes to:


the booker / p**** / handler / agency  pocket

things that often don't affect the quality of a session.

and if not...

often a girl is at the point where she advertises a certain pirce because she has paid her dues so to speak over the years and has regulars she sees at or below the "price point" and can only see so many new clients anway..

point. there are legit reasons for more than $$$.  but they often don't effect the experience..  

350 is pushing it.  I try to stay in 300-350 range.   Service and looks BOTH have to be 9 for me to repeat at $400.

When I first began to hobby, there was no possible way that I could regularly hobby if I were to spend $400 or more on a provider.  At first it became a price point of necessity.  After discovering TER and learning how to use it, I realized that I was not really missing out by keeping my wallet in check.  My reasoning:

I used to scroll through Eros and see the ads for the Sloan Club Ladies and NYC Confidential all the time and WOW, did those ladies look hot.  However, with the exception of Natalia of NYCC, their reviews were no better, nor did they provide more service options than say Victoria and Andi of BDJ or Lolita and Bianka of French Courtesans.

My point is that while there may be an exceptional beauty at the higher price points, or a porn star (the aforementioned fantasy factor), I have not felt that I have missed out by keeping my wallet in check.  For the most part, I have seen some great ladies and it allowed me to hobby more often.  Additionally, while this may not be true of those with seemingly limitless disposable incomes, once you start spending "a lot" on a provider, your expectations go up and it becomes harder for the ladies to meet those expectations.

Final Thought - Stay in the price range that you remain comfortable with and you will probabgly be happier with your experiences in general and the (hopefully) rare times that you have a bad session, you won't be in quite the foul mood :)

As has been written, "just my .02"

having a brilliant sense of rapport can make the money feel well spent. She doesn't have to be a post doctoral candidate, she does have to have excellent conversational skills, mental stability, and emotional presence. Ask the old fogies about Lara Nicols... now that girl was worth $400, mind and body. I've spent about the same on a physically attrative woman and asked myself WTF am I doing here ? No connection, no interest level a-tall... the much sought after, ever elusive GFE is a God given talent....cannot be faked, synthesized, or plasticised.

Megatha Christie2461 reads

Pedal, I agree...

For some men it is all about the quality of the date and the connection that he feels. The men I've met appreciate a complete package of brains, looks, sensuality, warmth and I think normalcy too.  To make a man feel as comfortable as an old, dear friend and as erotically charged as he's ever felt comes naturally for me.

But that being said, all these varying opinions show that every man here is looking for something different: for some it is just about the "O" and for others it is beyond that.

One man's $300 is another man's $1,000.

I want the very best and I am willing to pay for it.  But...I do have my limits.

What constitutes "the best."  Do you have a better O, is she a better GFE?  How do you distinguish to the point where you say, "This Provider is worth $800, even though I could see ______, for $400"?

What I mean by "best" is looks, body, and brains.  Performance is something that can vary between consumers so I don't get too hung up on that part of the review.

I used to spend $500 per hour for top girls years ago, but now that i have TER to look at reviews and compare, I would say that generally $400 is the top unless it is for someone extraordinary like Jill.   I know that some of you think that I am unduly profligate, at best, but I think that if you look at the reviews of Ashley Taylor, $400 is at about the right price.   There are others that I would pay that much for, but I doubt that I would come back if they were not as sexy and good as Ashley.  I have said that Jill is worth $500 for the last couple of years, and the fact that she can get it indicates that I was right.

The crack above about the mistress could not be more wrong.   I had a mistress--beautiful, young and built--and she has cost me a small fortune.

I used to charge 500/hr but now its much less. I was getting that while touring nationally as well. I also had a two hour minimum at one point. I used to do overnights, but don't now except for a couple of extremely lucky clients.

I wasn't happy with the type of clients I was getting and so I switched stuff around more to my liking and this gave me more flexibility, and I kept having fun. That is what this is all about. Fun! (See ya next week.)

I have yet to be with a provider at the higher end of the price point continuum who provided something so extraordinary as to justify more than $$$$$ for the hour.  For the best "bang" for the buck, Tiffany Champagne in LA is still my ATF.  Check out her reviews.  Although in the interest of fairness, I have yet to be thrilled by Elizabeth Love, Taylor James or the Legendary Jill -- all of whom are on my must see list.  As I live and breathe -- heavily.

My experience with very expensive providers has not been satisfying or worth the extra expenditure.  The worst occurred about thirteen years ago.  I spent $$$$$ on a former Miss Hawaiian Tropic who advertised in NY Mag (I think).  Given inflation and the hobby market, today that would easily be a cool grand.  She treated me as if I should be so grateful to be in her presence that little else mattered -- like turning off the TV, cleaning up her apartment, or being even half heartedly into the session.  

Obviously, it is not appropriate to generalize from this extreme pre- TER experience, but aside from the Porn fantasy, I think there are many wonderful women in the $$ - $$$$ price range to keep me satisfied for a very long time.

However, I do have one concern about the agencies, including BDJ.  Often the only time I have for this hobby is in the evening.  It seems that many of the agencies who bring traveling providers into NYC book far too many appointments per day for a provider.  By the evening, these poor women are not at their best -- nor could they be expected to be.  I suspected that was the problem when I saw Ashley when she was with BDJ.  See my somewhat mediocre review of her and compare to the raves she gets now.  I wonder if a slightly higher fee paid to providers would enable them to take fewer appointments and be more fresh for each of us.  From some of the websites I have visited, taking fewer appointments appears to be one of the reasons given by indies for charging somewhat higher rates or requiring a two hour minimum.

Swinging Johnson3580 reads

guilty.  There's a lot of well reviewed hot ladies at $300-$350 and I'd MUCH rather have 2 $350 girls than 1 @ $700.

I've been at it off and on for about 16 yrs. and spent anywhere fromm $120 to $1300 (Vegas after winning big-touring Porn star), and I really have to admit that I really don't see a big difference between some providers in the $300 range -$800 range. Grant it u do seem to get more model material at hi range, but the GFE just drops tremendously. Last year I saw a current model ( so she said) for $800/hr then saw C for $250 3 weeks later, and I enjoyed C much more ( see review). I felt silly spending all that money prior, it resulted in my not spending more than $400/hr. Will that change, can that change? More than likely. But this is a two way street, anyone who's hobby for a long period of time knows that if the chemistry is off so is the session no matter how well reviewed the provider is. We're only human and are bound to have off days. With that in mind it becomes difficult to take a $$$$$ to $$$$$$$$ hit for a session. Just my $.02

$$$$ providers are so overated.  Generally, they have this sense of entitlement that u should be so lucky to be with them, and can sometimes be less than coorperative.  been with a couple of $ providers who have earned their pay and more, (in addition to my return business.)  they're just hard to find.

My experience3615 reads

have never stayed in a Holiday Inn or gone to a flea bag apartment, preferring the best hotels.  I also go to the best doctors in the country.  Private schools.  Frequent highly acclaimed restaurants.  Travel first class....  Sure, they're 2-3-10x the money, but that's how I want to spend it.  If a woman has the brains, charm, looks, sophistication, and personality I desire, I'll see her regardless of price.

i usually spend about 500 - 1000.
i have spent more and less, of course.
i THINK i am a little different in that i LOVE to spend a few HOURS at a time. not 2 or 3, but more like 5 - 7 hours.
there ARE providers who are HAPPY to see me for that length of time, for that much money.
i trust my instinct in many ways to make my choice, usually picking a provider i believe will like to take her time, relax, enjoy our time together.
wine, tease, O, food, lick, O, tease, wine, O, tease, taunt, etc ...near endlessly.
my 'luck' and insticnt have held true at near 100%
obviously i am not for every provider.
vice versa.
i am NOT about bambambambam at all.
just a different dynamic.

Do you spend that amount (500 - 1000) for each hour?  If so, you have a lot more expendable cash than I do by a large factor.

I am on the low end of the spectrum.  I started out between 200 to 250 and found many great GFE providers. They were not stunning but great in bed and we had great chemistry. My first provider above that price range was a dud.  She was infatuated with herself and the hour appt went about 45 minutes. Julies was great for the money and I truly miss the place. Any shape, size and color combo.  Now I spend up to $300 and once again, I stick to a few favorites where I am a return client. The joy of remembering something that happened between the two of you and laughing about it at another session. I am not rich, so maybe I would feel differently if I were, but there is a terrifc number of providers (and I would prefer GFE to plain looks) in my reasonable price range. To all you providers out there. Be well.

Reading this thread makes me think about this so called "inflation" of the hobby.
What I see is:
Girls that start off as UTR (like me, yet the following is NOT ME). For a very low rate.
Realization: "I am worth so much more, more bang for the buck!" (let the inflation begain).
Hobbiest reviews: "Gee I am on TER I made the big time." (raise my rates.)
Hobby board, expenses, work for an agency (it costs them to advertise too), ads, all of that.

I am just trying to put out a thought process that I have seen and heard by many women and agencies.

I like to have a great time. In fact, if I do not I am rather saddened. This has happened 2 times when I was UTR on CLES. Yet, since my short time around, I really haven't changed the rate or the love of sex and connections. I have a standard. I want to have as much fun as the person in the room. I want to know you, even if that is more than 60 minutes (shit it isn't the show!). Otherwise what is the point. Girls win Oscars for their "performance" and isn't that it? It is performed. Sad but true, many times from what I hear.
I am really not goating any agnecy or anyone for that matter. All I am thinking is:
Do you want Barbie or do you want a human being?
(PS: Barbie's head is detachable..just something to think about.)


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