New York

They Say...
Morgan Taylor See my TER Reviews 1451 reads
1 / 17

Is EVERYONE still away celebrating the 4th?

What's everyone doing for fun this summer!

MidAgedCEO 14 Reviews 1064 reads
2 / 17

City is super busy, maybe not busy for you.....

Just because you're not busy, doesn't mean anyone is away or its quiet

It just means YOU'RE not busy or frankly no one is interested in booking you

Saw your site, pretty much know why :(

tozer 72 Reviews 803 reads
3 / 17

Your comments are crass, caddish and cruel. I know Morgan. She is a wonderful woman and lover with whom any man would be lucky to spend time. Shame on you.

newb12 559 reads
4 / 17
MelAllen 499 reads
5 / 17

middle aged JO strikes again beating up on a middle aged woman!

this guy is a looooooser!
he wants you to think he is a CEO

MelAllen 666 reads
6 / 17

he is a total shill and he writes like a 3rd grader!  
definitely not someone that can afford this hobby!

If you go and read his reviews he is either totally selling some unknown quantity  
or ripping to pieces some poor defenseless girl.  
what a pos you are! go back to where you came from

MillionDollarSugarBaby 631 reads
7 / 17

Just read any of his reviews and you'll see why no one pays him any mind. :p

NY tends to be dead one week and then insanely busy the next, so it's not just you. In the meantime, just enjoy the free time you have.

MidAgedCEO 14 Reviews 710 reads
8 / 17

Feel free to post without a alias :)

Truth hurts I know it sucks...  

I don't need to be afraid of writing actual reviews unlike some guys who fear getting BL or blackmailed by some ladies.

MidAgedCEO 14 Reviews 696 reads
9 / 17

Must make the guy who would actual wanna pay even more pathetic huh?  :D

If that's the best insult you can hurl,  I don't know if you are trying to insult me or every guy here that use this site to PAY to get laid..

If you are a "lady" hiding behind a alias, maybe all the "hobbyists" here might see how them ladies feel actually feel about you guys.

Yes we pay OMG ... shocking, but are you paying for a MODEL or Jocelyn Wildenstein  :)

if you are paying or need to pay for the latter, oh well you are a sorry loser yourself  

Talk about diminishing returns for your dollar


-- Modified on 7/10/2014 10:25:06 AM

Morgan Taylor See my TER Reviews 710 reads
10 / 17

Wow! I was just wondering where people were vacationing,partying, etc.

CEO, it's obvious to me that you are not a CEO because rude people never make it to the top.

TheOFace 475 reads
11 / 17

I mean, managing to get a 3 performance from a 9 provider and so on. Makes me wonder how you do it. Not really.

But hey, at least I believe your reviews are truthful and accurate accounts of YOUR unique experiences. Were you really surprised that a provider asked for more money to spend time with you than with others?  

Keep on posting....     bro

tozer 72 Reviews 533 reads
12 / 17

... My suggestion would be to suspend or better yet, eject MidAged CEO from these boards; the other messages from members seem to indicate that he has a long track record of egregious behavior and ad hominem attacks.

And note, "CEO," I use no alias but my regular TER handle. Also, it's "an" alias not "a" alias. Just saying...

Thanks to everyone else for defending the honor of our friends and lovers.

MillionDollarSugarBaby 530 reads
13 / 17

MidAgedCeo, have you ever thought that the problem isn't the providers you're seeing, but (surprise surprise) YOU? Since you come off as rude via your posts and as a huge mysoginist via your reviews, I can only imagine what kind of torture it must be to encounter you in person. :(

MidAgedCEO 14 Reviews 511 reads
14 / 17

Maybe she can't fake being nice just like me.

But don't worry lots of neutered "hobbyists" to find these day

If only some of you guys knew what girls says behind your back...  Guess its cool for women to bash men but talk bad about some lady who deserved the hard truth all of a sudden you're a women hater...

That's as weak as rebutting anyone who disagree with Obama a racist, some of you ladies are pathetic for playing that card.  
P.S not even a republican

Some of you guys should post on ter as well consider some are even more pussier then a actual woman

ClaireGFE See my TER Reviews 473 reads
15 / 17

They say 4th of July Weekend is one of the slowest holiday weekends. Yes, for NYC too. And not just in our industry. I think it's because Summer has just begun and everyone's scheming a Summer to remember. Watch out for them when they've finalized their games plans!  


Crazy Diamond 12 Reviews 584 reads
16 / 17

I'm sitting in an apartment on the North Side of Chicago, and there is a gorgeous provider doing yoga totally in the buff ten feet to my right.   Not shitting Joe Walsh intoned in one of my favorite's been good to me so least today.

Sometimes you just have to leave town in order to have some fun...

MistressCyber 412 reads
17 / 17
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